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3998 results found

  1. הגעת הכי קרוב שאפשר עם לרכב ליעד


    לאחרונה השתמשתי בוויז באיטליה ונתקלתי פעמיים בתופעה דומה.
    הייתי צריך להגיע למלון בעיר מסטרה באיטליה, וקיבלתי הודעה "הגעת ליעד". הסתכלתי מהחלון ולא היה שם שום מלון, וגם שם הרחוב לא התאים. יצאתי מהרכב ושאלתי עוברים ושבים היכן המלון והיכן הרחוב שבו המלון נמצא ואמרו לי שהוא במרחק כמה רחובות מהמקום שבו קבלתי הודעה "הגעת ליעד". המשכתי בנסיעה לפי הנחיות האנשים ששאלתי והגעתי למקום אחר לגמרי, גם הוא שגוי, וגם לגביו קבלתי הודעה "הגעת ליעד".
    מסתבר שהמלון נמצא בתוך שטח של מספר רחובות המיועדים רק להולכי רגל ושאיננו מותר כלל לכניסת רכב! החניתי את הרכב במקום מרוחק יותר והלכתי רגלית…

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  2. Free handset and waze

    I use a free handset Jabra Freeway and Waze. Unfortunately, for a few months, following a Waze update, the GPS indications, via my Jabra Freeway, all end with the words "End of communication"
    I had hoped that the next updates would fix the problem, but that is not the case. My Jabra Freway has been reset, it does not change either.
    You will understand that it is very unpleasant to hear this repeating itself after each indication. "Turn right, end of communication" ... "Turn left, end of communication" ... "At the next roundabout, take the first exit, end of the…

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  3. Waze et Kit main libre


    J’utilise un kit main libre Jabra Freeway et Waze. Malheureusement, depuis quelques mois, suite à une mise à jour de Waze, les indications du GPS, via mon Jabra Freeway, se terminent toutes par ces mots : « Fin de la communication »
    J’avais espéré que les mises à jours suivantes corrigeraient le problème, mais ce n’est pas le cas. Mon Jabra Freway a été réinitialisé, cela ne change rien non plus.
    Vous comprendrez qu’il est très désagréable d’entendre cela se répéter après chaque indication. « Tournez à droite, fin de la communication »… « Tournez à gauche, fin de…

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  4. Take Rowena Ave. in Los Angeles off your suggested routes.

    This street was never intended to be a major thoroughfare. The traffic is non-stop on this residential street and there are no lights to control the amount of traffic that has accumulated.

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  5. Really great app! Thank you guys for doing such good job!

    But nevertheless there are some features that could be done better:
    1. App freezes sometimes after start then there is no connection with GSM network.
    2. Then there are numerous alerts on the same spot, only nearest is announced. E.g. among "police", "accident on the road" and "vehicle on the shoulder" happend in the same area, only "vehicle on the shoulder" will be announced, meanwhile "police" is more important, because it is also used for mobile radars. It would be great, if "police" alert had priority over others alerts.
    3. Mobile radars or LIDARs. Then I see one on the…

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  6. Entrance to GWB from Riverside Dr South in NYC, dangerous directions.

    This entrance puts you in the left lanes of 6 lanes of ferocious traffic. Waze always recommends the Lower Level, which is the rightmost 2 lanes, and would require crossing several lanes of traffic in a very short distance - very dangerous. Waze should recommend the Upper Level which is directly ahead and requires no lane change. People not familiar with the area may attempt to follow the Lower Level directions which would lead to hazardous driving.

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  7. a seta que aponta para o norte, poderia ter uma apontando para o destino final e assim decidirmos para nao deixar a rota mais longa.

    a seta que aponta para o norte, poderia ter uma apontando para o destino final e assim decidirmos para nao deixar a rota mais longa.

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  8. Enter favorite locations using site/app (more than 1.000 miles away)

    Next month my family and I are going to Cancun for vacation and I wanted to be prepared and start entering destination points as favorites into my app to be ready for my trip. I realized I cannot do this through my app because I am more than 1000 miles away and this option is not available on the website that could make things way easier for planners like me.


    Hiram Jimenez

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  9. Show upcoming canteens on the road you're moving

    An added feature, which I think could be useful, would be the ability to show the nearest canteen or burger van on the road we're moving. If the community could be allowed to add the info it would slowly populate and could have it on the screen as a reminder to grab something to eat.

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  10. הגבלת אזור

    מתן אפשרות למשתמש לשרטט "אזור הגבלה".
    כיום ניתן להימנע משטחי הרשות, מכבישי אגרה, וכיוצא בזה.
    אבל מה עם כביש מסוים שאני לא רוצה שאשלח לשם.
    כפר מסויים שאני לא רוצה למצוא את עצמי שם.
    אזור כלשהו שאני רוצה להגביל.
    המשתמש משרטט אזור על ידי שרטוט קו קטן. הגבלת כביש.

    המשתמש משרטט "גבול" סביב לאזור מסוים, הניווט לא ישלח אותי דרך שם.

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  11. Navigation "Training" mode.

    I use it just about every day for going to work on the 405 in Los Angeles and back home. I would like it to indicate how much time the suggested route is saving versus the regular drive I would normally take. I think you would have to add a "training" mode. This way I can decide if it really is worth it to take the suggested route.

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  12. Split the long road into segments

    There is only one option so far to see if there is a jam. The whole segment of the road between the junctions is marked as one piece.

    It is probably fine with very short roads and many junctions, but when the road is long and there is only a relatively small problem - Waze is misleading.

    Besides if I see the last metres before the junction to be red, I understand that there is a traffic light. When the whole street is red - there is a jam.

    There are too many long roads which have a problem in…

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  13. 1 vote

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  14. I have a really genius idea that will use data that Wazeasy already has, to make the experience not only better for the end user

    Instead of describing it here I would really like to talk to someone I. Regards to it because I want to. Even part of it from start to finish and beyond.

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  15. Crash

    Don't call them "accidents"! Call them crashes. Accidents imply lack of agency, lack of responsibility, "act of god". A crash is neutral and factual, pending investigation and determination of cause.

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  16. Work address flips route based on who last use it.

    My work location (a University admin building) has couple entrances with same address via two different streets (Main entrance, and 1st floor ramp back street). Apparently, based on what Waze user last entered the building the route flips to the front entrance without warning which results in route via the north or side south of the city (a waste of time in rush hours.) Is there a way to tie the regular destination to a specific Waze users?

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  17. Lors d un dépassement de la vitesse autorisé l écran du téléphone deviendrait noir et dé que on respect la vitesse le guidage revient

    Lors d un dépassement de la vitesse autorisé l écran du téléphone deviendrait noir et dé que on respect la vitesse le guidage revient
    C est un bon moyen de persuadé les conducteurs

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  18. Map Ideas

    I enjoy Waze and have saved time on commutes that could other wise be hectic, living in and traveling around the Chicago area. However what I would like to see 1-how to eliminate Waze's directing me through Allies, not safe especially in some of the chicago area I hit, 2-Wazes letting me know my destination is coming up on the left or right instead of you arrived, being in a major city "you arrived" could be a huge challenge.

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  19. New front screen warning

    Hi all. I think we need a new front screen, just after you type your destination. This new screen will give you traffic info and route options like Google Maps does and more. Like and advanced warning before your drive starts. Otherwise you can just think, why has this diverted me? Then not bother and carry on ignoring the re route.

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  20. A smartphone app that looks for free Parking spots

    The app is a paid app. The user pays 120 tokens per year. For this, he receives information about the locations of free Parking.
    The use of the information about free Parking you have to pay 1 token. The token is debited from the account automatically when the user is declared by the application location. When the user leaves the location, then the location is considered to be free. The information that the user has left the place, can be read with the help of geolocation.
    Every time the user finds somewhere free Parking, ihe can inform the app. If…

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