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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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538 results found

  1. Issue Tracker: within the Areas I Manage list, add an "All my areas" option

    An All my areas option will give me a high-level view of all the areas I manage without selecting each area.

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  2. Why did you get rid of the 'animals' on the side of the road?

    Why did you get rid of the 'animals' on the side of the road? I now have to alert people about deer, etc by clicking on the general 'hazard'

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  3. For WME kindly have an option to be able to draw the same Road Type over and over, without having to draw each segment as STREET and then se

    Drawing new road always as STREET, please have an option to draw new road as another road type other than STREET. it saves a lot of time in editing

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  4. See Editable Areas and Area Managers when zoomed out

    The layers "Editable Areas" and "Area Managers" are only visible at zoom layers 12 and above.

    It would be helpful to see these layers at larger zoom levels to better understand what areas you can edit, and who the relevant Area Managers are.

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  5. Add "New EVCS" to the PUR Types in "Filter Map Issues"

    I would like to be able to filter out all the "New EVCS" PUR types.

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  6. Expand original category of a new place

    Today, when adding a new place, we cannot assign to it a specific sub-category at once (except sub-categories of Car Services). We have to assign a generic category, then remove it and either enter the sub-category directly, or add again the proper category, expand it, and select the sub-category from the list. I suggest enabling expanding of the originally assigned category similar to categories added later.

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  7. In Greenville, WI, most of our address start with a letter in front of the number.

    In Greenville, WI, most of our addresses start with a letter in front of the number (e.g., W6000 Greenville Dr). Can you allow letters in the street number to ensure accuracy?

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  8. Recategorizing UR's when solving

    Add a feature to WME to recategorize the Solved UR's when closing those. This would give Waze a true insight of what reports are really needed and vice versa, what are rare and could actually just be within General Error category etc. Based on my research of all Solved UR's in Finland for last 3 months only about 50% were in right category.

    In my opinion this would help to reduce and refocus UR categories to better match with reality which in turn helps users when they are reporting meaning less UR's with wrong category -> Better data and better…

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  9. Pentecostal Bible Mission Church

    5237 Helmick Avenue
    Fort Worth, TX 76107

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  10. Swap between main name of a place and alternative name

    Add a control to properties of a place to switch between the main name and an alternative name

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  11. New Permanent hazard: Check-point

    In many countries, fixed check-points are installed on the road. It could be done by Police, Customs, Tax services, Weight check... and even borders.

    It would be great to have those marqued on the map as permanent Hazard " Check point". It has basically the same effect of a toll booth: You often need to stop there, or a least drive through at a very reduced speed.

    This would be a great safety enhancement for both drivers and those manning those check points.

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  12. Show only active closures

    In the layers menu, under closures, there should be an "Only active" option. When this is enabled, only active closures will be shown in the WME. This would make the WME look "cleaner" and uncluttered.

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  13. Show HN stop points for all levels

    When viewing a road that is locked to a higher level, it is not possible to view the HN stop points. This makes it impossible to troubleshoot the issue without requesting an unlock that might not be required if nothing needs to be edited. Being able to view the stop point even when I can't edit would let me know if the HN needs to be changed before I request an unlock.

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  14. Invert PUR Filter by type

    With the latest release of WME, we can now filter place update requests (PURs) by type. There should be an option to invert the filter. By doing this, I can select one type of PUR and show everything except that type.

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  15. flooding

    A tool to leave flooding points saved as if they were the user's favorites so that they can be activated and deactivated when necessary.

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  16. Add km and miles distance to the navigation screen

    Please, update the app to show the distance with both km and miles at the same time.
    On the bottom of the navigation screen (after setting the destination) there is plenty of space, I grew up on a country that uses km, now I live in the US that uses miles, but it will take a long time to get used to it, therefore showing both simultaneously (e.g 10 mi / 16 km) would be perfect!

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  17. Editor visibility default state should be Visible (not invisible)

    Problem Description:
    I frequently see my status as invisible when logging into WME, even after I have previously explicitly set it to visible. The visibility appears to reset back to invisible after some time has elapsed, maybe a day or more, or perhaps it resets after session expiry. I am not certain exactly what criteria causes the visibility to reset back to invisible. I would much prefer to remain visible in WME without having to repeatedly check and manually set myself back to visible each time I authenticate or access WME.

    Requested Solution:
    Please adjust the default value or default…

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  18. Enable closure duplication on expired closures

    It would be very convenient if you could duplicate an expired closure as you currently can with an active or planned one.

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  19. Re-add the City/State to the Issue Tracker tiles

    Unlike the previous Issue tracker, the new Issue Tracker no longer displays the general City/State a User Report has been raised. Please re-add this.

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  20. elevation on map all time

    to show elevation on map all time like speed

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