Waze Suggestion Box
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17364 results found
notify of road construction concrete barriers that block shoulder
I would like a feature that shows the temporary concrete barriers that block shoulder access. I would like the option to be be rerouted around those portions of the highway.
2 votes -
Waze and car speed meter has different 10km/hour
Waze speed meter is 10km/hour less then car speed meter where I got traffic fines twice
2 votes -
Helicopter Icon
I would like to suggest you to put back the helicopter icon available again.
As I, I think that are so many Waze users that are helicopters pilots and liked to use the helicopter as their car icon.
Additionally, children like different things, and the helicopter icon gave him the sensation of flying.2 votes -
You're having software issues. My recent drives are being renamed with my saved addresses multiple times.
My recent drives are being renamed with my saved addresses multiple times.
2 votes -
Mudar de lugar a caixa de alertas
Meu carro tem uma multimídia de 12,3 polegadas. Durante o percurso a caixa de alertas constantemente encobre o local de informações de tempo, distância e horário estimado de chegada. Sugiro mudar de lugar a caixa de alertas para não ocultar essas informações importantes.
1 vote -
Commercial Suggestion
Dear Waze Community,
I’m a freshly Energy Engineer from Madrid that have been using Waze since years ago.
This app si awesome and I’m thinking always about how to improve the commercial side of the Waze community.
Currently, it is me all times who is talking others about Waze and people don’t know the app, or what is worst, don’t use it because they are not familiarized with it.
What I want to get to, is that it could be a great idea use cars stylized with Waze Logo and maybe some commercial message like: “It is not the car…
1 vote -
When traveling on the highway, how about providing an indication of the distance and time of arrival to each service area?
Highway information
1 vote -
Fix catout android
Good night, I recently changed my phone, I thought that this problem had already been solved. This is not even a problem, but a defect that is already more than 3 years old, that’s for sure. But the drawback is that the cutout in the application does not read and a black background is simply superimposed, and not like in Google maps, for example, everything is fine and calm. I propose to solve this problem already.
1 vote -
Acceso reporte frecuente
Hacer disponible un icono para reportar problemas frecuentes e innediatos. Ejemplo, baches y accidentes
1 vote -
Preferred Route
Allow user to setup a preferred route to a destination and only change it when time would exceed a set time increase.
For example, I never take any of the suggested route's to and from work. I have a set route that is always within 5 minutes of your suggested routes but has 50% less traffic and includes many back roads etc. But if travel time would increase by 10 minutes then I might take a suggested alternative route
4 votes -
Variable speed for different vehicle classes
The speed limit for diffent commercial vehicles is different.
Small vans, lorries, trailers etc.My proposal is to be able to choose your vehicle class so the speed limit warning and display is accurate to the vehicle you are driving.
Cheers, Paul.
5 votes -
Partner with Zillow etc to show houses for sale on routes
Partner with Zillow etc to show houses for sale on routes
1 vote -
Creating a Metro/Subway version to the app. The subways apps tend to be out of date or not in active real time for delays. You guys add the human element of “station a has 10 confirmed delays” and this line will be impacted.
You can also tag police locations and allow people to know where they are for safety.1 vote -
Informar los resaltos de la vía. Y si hay un evento en la vía informar si a la derecha o izquierda
Report road bumps. And if there is an event on the road, report whether to the right or left.
1 vote -
2 votes
state and US highway avoidance
Will Waze include State and US Highway avoidance some day? When I want to go somewhere on the bike I want to take all back roads.
2 votes -
Eingeben von Straßensperrungen vor der Abfahrt
Wenn man im Vorfeld weiß, dass eine bestimmte Straße gesperrt ist und dies von Waze nicht angezeigt wird, sollte es die Möglichkeit geben, dies direkt zu melden und nicht erst direkt vor Ort. Das bedeutet oftmals einen großen Umweg, nur damit man das Problem melden kann.
1 vote -
Android Auto Feature Parity
Android Auto is lacking a lot of features as opposed to the mobile phone app.
Many of them are already requested here, but I just see Ella (Waze team) marking them all as "NOT RIGHT NOW", without much extra info as to why not. ("Great thinking! We’ll share with the team; they’re always interested in new feature ideas.")
@Ella please take the time to think them over a bit more critically, some are just absurd why they are not going to be implemented.
For example one critical missing feature is reporting is road closures, triggering a reroute without that road.…1 vote -
Whatever happened to the points and running totals? Like to see it appear and where i rank by state, nationwode
1 vote -
organiser un road trip avec étapes soit en moto ou en voiture
Envisagez vous d’améliorer votre application en proposant la capacité à projeter un trajet avec de multiples étape à l’avance et l’enregistrer
1 vote
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