Waze Suggestion Box
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17364 results found
מתן התראה על תחנת דלק קרובה ,
לאחר שנהגים נוסעים זמן רב, הם עייפים ואכן צריכים לנוח, מצב זה מאלץ אותם להתחיל לחפש תחנות דלק באזור,שלעיתים אינה נראת קרוב והמצב שנוצר הינו שהנהג צריך להתחיל לחפש ואף מגיע למצב שהוא עוצר בצד,
נוסף לכך כשאר הנהג רואה את תחנת הדלק לעיתים הדבר מאוחר מידי ואינו מספיק לעבור לנתיב הימני בכדי לצאת לתחנת דלק
במידה והייתה קיימת התראה מוקדמת שלדוגמא הוויז היה מעדכן שבעוד כ2 או 3 קמ בדרך בה אני נוסע ישנה תחנת דלק, הדבר היה מאפשר מעבר מוקדם לנתיב
הימני ומונע את פספוס התחנה עקב הנסיעה המהירה או לעיתים גודש התנועה העמוס המקשה את הפנייה הפתאומית…1 vote -
Car Parking location
There is a open car park besides Tg Katong.complex but it is not shown in the waze map
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Trains blocking roads
I think it would be great if there could be a feature added for trains! We have trains in this area that will stop on the tracks for hours, and they end up blocking over 20 different roads and you end up having to drive about 15 roads down until you find an opening where the train ends. Currently there's no way to indicate a stopped train. I've tried using the blocked road feature but it doesn't work for this.
1 vote -
Stop the app from opening itself, its becoming sentient
Waze keeps opening itself and draining my battery by running in the background
This also happens while I sleep.1 vote -
Can no longer save any location to favourites for the last 18 months please advise
Can no longer save any location to favourites for the last 18 months please advise
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1. Enhanced Gas Station Listing: It would greatly benefit users if the app could accurately list nearby gas stations along the route. Often,
- Enhanced Gas Station Listing: It would greatly benefit users if the app could accurately list nearby gas stations along the route. Often, the suggested stations are either behind or significantly off the intended path. Providing closer and more convenient options would improve the overall navigation experience.
- Diverse Route Options: While the app excels in offering optimal routes based on live data, having access to additional route options beyond the closest or best ones would be fantastic. Users would appreciate the ability to explore and select from a range of potential routes to suit their preferences.
- Accessible Route Customization: Implementing a…
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In Car App
We need an I-phone App to use for in-car navigation
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Добрый день. С приложением происходит нечто странное. Приложение установлено на официальный Самсунг S-23. Телефон ещё на гарантии. Всё работ
Добрый день. С приложением происходит нечто странное.
Приложение установлено на официальный Самсунг S-23. Телефон ещё на гарантии. Всё работает корректно. Подключён по проводной соединения к VW Tuareg 2023. Авто так же официальное и на гарантии. Ехал из Киева в Одессу и обратно. В итоге 2 штрафа за превышение скорости. И я чётко помню эти места. Приложение выдаёт какую-то странную информацию, что это "место/участок снижения скорости". До какого значения снижать? Зачем? На карте не обозначены камеры. Приложение устно так же в этих местах не оповещает о наличии стационарных камер фотофиксации. И потом в одном месте камера на мгновение появилась на карте…1 vote -
Modo Ahorro de Batería y velocidad máxima permitida
Sería estupendo que con el modo de Ahorro de Batería activado, se encienda la pantalla cuando se rebase la velocidad máxima permitida
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More user friendly
I absolutely love this app with everything it can tell me while i am on the road but why make it more complicated than it has to be.
There are just too many instructions! When i put what i am looking for into the search bar i can’t find an answer just another long list of options to go through. Nobody wants to spend a long time figuring out the most basic things like how to edit, save and delete for example. That should be a standard somewhere on the top of every page. My brain is cramped full of…1 vote -
A driver in the express lane without a transponder configured receives a notification that a transponder is required
If Waze detects that a driver is in the express lane but the driver does not have a transponder configured in the app, provide an alert telling the driver a transponder is required.
Alternatively, let a driver know at the start of a drive that a given route could be faster if they had an ezpass transponder configured.1 vote -
Trailer Speed and Seatbelt/Phone Cameras operating in Queensland
Firstly I know there are posts regarding this including mine but I think this needs to be addressed with fresh eyes and open minds.
I understand there is a resistance to showing the Seatbelt/Phone Cameras and I can see the thinking behind it but would like to suggest that a General Warning would be better than none.
Now on to the main part of my idea which is only applicable if Waze have no intentions of giving Wazers three options to report these Trailer Cameras (Unidirectional QPS Speed Cameras, Bidirectional Acusenus DTMR Speed Cameras and the Acusensus Seatbelt/Phone Cameras).
Instead…1 vote -
1 vote
Cant sign in after correctly changingpassword
Change password,can't sign in to waze. In ENGLISH
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avoid streets with poor road surface (loopholes, etc.)
assign a score to each street (ask the drivers), calculate the average score for each route and include it in the choice. + an option to chose the best quality road.
but currently the choice of three routes does not work at all: just yesterday the service have permanently ignored my choice instead trying to drive me over the route it considered shorter, despite my other choice. No option to complaine to this on the site.
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Merci d'indiquer plus clairement et avec rappel, lorsqu'on se rapproche d'une Zône Police. Très important pour les motards en mode son. Merc
Merci d'indiquer plus clairement et avec rappel sonore, lorsqu'on se rapproche d'une Zône Police. Très important pour les motards en mode son. Merci.
E. PENEL1 vote -
retirar o alerta de " policia reportada a frente"
retirada definitiva do alerta de policia reportada a frente. isso tem no Brasil colaborado para quem esta fugitivos da policia , fujam de bloqueios ou entao tem ajudados criminosos a fugirem de blits feita pela policia ou simplesmente de ponto de controle. retirar tambem o emoji de policia que mostra onde elas estao. o waze tem colaborado com esses report apenas para ajudar criminosos ou pessoas irregulares. o alerta de policia reportada a frente nao é interessante , apenas para pessoas com ma fe , e ma indole. report de policia so serve para que a historia do homem aranha…
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Favoris avec la voix
Lorsque j'utilise le microphone, je ne peux pas dire le nom que j'ai attribué à mon favori, par exemple: Tante Lorraine
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Improve traffic in nyc!!
Improve rerouting to avoid traffic. Waze does a bad job of this in NYC area.
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Proposta de Aprimoramento: Alerta Sonoro de Velocidade Excedida
Atualmente, o Waze emite um único alerta sonoro ao ultrapassar a velocidade permitida em uma via. No entanto, sugiro a implementação de um sistema mais eficaz, onde um alerta sonoro seja emitido a cada vez que o usuário exceder a velocidade permitida, independentemente da via. Além disso, proponho a inclusão de uma opção para ativar ou desativar essa função, bem como a adoção de um som de alerta mais reconhecível, como uma sirene, para garantir uma percepção imediata do alerta pelo usuário.Detalhes do Aprimoramento:Alerta Sonoro Contínuo:Em vez de emitir apenas um alerta por via, o Waze deveria emitir um alerta…
1 vote
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