Waze Suggestion Box
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17364 results found
Share location with mates or family always or sometimes just give us option to choose so show when u stopped driving so we know ur safe
So if u have kids or hubby or something you can show ur at location safe an didn’t crash or your there now or u just left ect so u don’t have to text to call all time even handy when u waiting for mates to arrive somewhere so no need to text if u don’t want or u forget but not show all time just if u choose to show them or set always show for who u want to let know
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Show what each camera is for an where they are an how far it can detect you speeding or how long ur in speed i force ment zone an when u out
Can u please show what each camera is for an have options to say it an report it an when it can still fine u or when it can see u on other side of road too an fine u still please 🙏 an say when u almost at a place u need to slow down an change speeds for different zone speeds cos we need warnings soemtiemes an can we choose a tone for alert 🔔 that we need for each different thing an not show what we don’t need to know like eg car on side of rd…
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Bigger st names an roads the writing to small sometimes when ur tierd or busy or rushing to get somewhere befor they close ect
For us who need glasses have option to choose size of words an speed zones an have how long u will be in speed zone like eg five mins 80ks 3min 60ks an say when it’s changed back to normal speed instead of just show speed say the words please cos sometimes we talking or something an don’t notice
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Set timer aswell as arrival time so when asked how far away you can just look an it’s simple instead of try add up mins away
Show how long to get to places an if ur going at that speed at this time of day like eg traffic moving fast or slow u can be there at this time or if u turn of u will be there faster ect an have avoid road works and traffic an have more things to avoid please aswell please
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Improve routes in Sonoma County CA
I have been in Sonoma County for 3 months using Waze. Its route planner seems to only used time to determine routes, and sends me over roads with no signal lights at the next turn, blind corners at the turn, and rough roads with active repair work, roads in desperate need of repaving, etc, that save less than 5 minutes on my trip. It should chose routes with signals for left hand turns across highways, turns with no signal at blind corners, and avoid active roadwork. Saving 2 or 3 minutes isn't worth the risk of unprotected turns and potholed…
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Fix "Construction" text
Please fix the issue with the word "Construction" taking up two lines of text. It shows up on the iphone app like this:
nIt's been that way on my iphone 13 and now on my iphone 15.
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idée à 100 millions
J ai une idee à 100 millions d euros contactez moi je vous partegerai une idée qui vous fera gagnez des centaines millions d euros … si vous jugez mon idee pertinente je vous demanderai seulement 10 millions d euros … mon avocat rédigera une clause de confidentialité qu en pensez vous ?
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Waze for AAOS on GMC Sierra
Since waze has been available for AAOS on GMS. My 2022 Sierra has issues displaying the app. It cuts off both the right and left side of the display as it is not formatted properly. Anyone else seen this?
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בחירת סוג הרכב בתחילת כל ניווט
לתת אפשרות לבחירת סוג הרכב בתחילת כל ניווט.
לדוגמא האם זה רכב פרטי או רכב מעל 4 טון.1 vote -
Reinstate how many minutes off route
Until recently, I could enter my destination and then enter Starbucks (or any other business) as a secondary destination on the way. Waze would then show all the Starbucks on the way and how many minutes off route each Starbucks stop was. I don't know why you would take away such a helpful and important feature. Please reinstate this feature
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Criar icones tela principal
Criar ícones rápidos na tela de navegacao para alertar sobre acidentes graves, via interditada, obras na pista, veículo parado e objeto na pista. Atualmente temos que clicar em 3 ou mais ícones para criar um alerta, e estando dirigindo, torna-se perigoso ou inviável informar.
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Regarding reports after passing from a smartphone
Even if you pass the Orbis report from your smartphone, you can't press the report button at the scene where there was an Orbis, so I would like you to be able to park nearby and return to the original location on the app to report the Orbis.
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Decreased Max Volume: Apple Music Connected to Waze Playing through Bluetooth
If I’m playing music through Apple Music connected with Waze playing through the car’s Bluetooth: Before beginning navigation, volume for the song begins at 100% of what the phone volume is set to, spoken navigation directions decreases volume of song to give 50/50 blend of music and directions at 100% total volume, and then PROBLEM - music volume increases after directions to ~85% total volume.
My car speakers don’t get loud so I need the phone and car volume at max, and with Waze I cannot get the best experience.
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Ability to synchronize a phone with a tablet,
Allow the app to synchronize a tablet with a phone running the app at the same time so those that have a tablet without a cellular plan can simply open the app on the tablet (while mounted on the dash) and run maps without worrying about any hitching or data catch-up the app must do, due to having to use the phone as a hotspot currently.
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Esta porquería nunca marca las calles que están en reparación.
Favor de actualizar la aplicación para que pueda mencionar cuando están las calles en reparación
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travar a centralização e a interação na chuva quando se está de moto
a chuva interaje com a tela durante a navegação, isso é muito perigoso, por favor, criem uma forma de travar a tela durante a viagem e que só libere com um gesto específico (de preferência que não seja na tela)
eu por diversas vezes tive esse problema e é muito perigoso (incluindo que você pode errar o caminho com a tela se movendo com ação da água)
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More time
Is it possible to have more time to validate the presence of for example cops or a car on the side of the road?? The time is too short.
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Stop recenter
I set the phone up and want my screen not to "recenter" I want to be able to look farther down the intended route.
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Alerts when approaching the entrance of a London Low Traffic Neightbourhood restriction, not just a lack of visible route but at actual warn
Alerts when approaching the entrance of a London Low Traffic Neightbourhood restriction; not just a lack of a visible route but at actual warning to prevent drivers from falling foul of a non-physical change to the road layout, only to receive penalty charge notice in the days to come. In case I am so used to using a road that I do not see the new signs they put up telling me I can no longer drive through it.
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Android Auto slow response
Since the latest UI update, any warning I submit takes a long time to be accepted. E.g. reporting police or object on road, when I select the final option, Waze hangs for about 20 seconds. In that time I can't cancel it, So I can't see the map and can miss a turn
1 vote
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