Waze Suggestion Box
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17364 results found
Car play improvement
Car play if you search for location Ie Sams club
Display shows name and distance—- why not show name - address - distance like the iOS app does?1 vote -
waze travel
I guess all road travelers would like the following idea.
It won't be a bad idea if Waze adds an option or button called Waze Travel where the app suggests hotels Airbnb or camping areas for users when they have to travel for more than 8 hours so the distance can be cut in half.
for example if I am traveling from a country to another and I have more than 8h hours on the road it takes me time to divide the distance locate the road I am tacking and then find hotels around the area.
so that would…1 vote -
alerte Brouillard
il est inutile de signaler le brouillard. quand on reçois l'alerte, nous sommes déjà dans le brouillard. dans les parcours sous le brouillard, nous sommes déconcentrés par un nombre trop important de signalement de brouillard, alors que la visibilité est réduite. cela déconcentre. c'est, selon moi, dangereux et inutile. animaux sur la route, etc... ça c'est utile. Merci à vos équipes pour ce formidable travail.
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Old style reporting
Can we please go back to main screen options set up for reporting things in or on the road, this new side menu is awful, hard to navigate and also sits on the wrong side of the screen for me when driving. I really do not like the newer set up and find myself not making reports because it's a pain to navigate
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Reporting issues
After recent update, I can no longer update map while driving ( construction, road hazard, police, etc.) nor can I select a destination from existing items, resecrnts, saved, etc. I have not tried to add a stop recently while moving since. I can add a destination while stopped. When I try to update I can only get it to sort of work by clicking quick and multiple times, which causes a safety pause for like 15 seconds or so and then it moves forward, but since many of these reporting items require multiple clicks to fully select, this takes too…
1 vote -
motorbike safety
"Motorbike approaching" alert.
I and many others are put off having a motorbike because of the risks associated with other drivers not seeing riders approaching. Which is a shame because bikes are incredibly efficient for a solo commute to and from work. Wouldn't it be great if a rider could select 'motorbike mode' and then when riding, other Waze users are alerted to their approach direction and speed. In todays world, with todays technology, the risk of other road users not seeing riders can and should be reduced. If I got a message telling me that "There is a motorbike…1 vote -
Banner notification and dynamic island
I really miss the banner notification and the dynamic island Compatibility
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1 vote
Update feature request unlimited alert comments
Please read and vote and share!!
Unlimited comments on alerts, get rid of the maximum number of 5 comments per alert so important information is not blocked from being shared. Like what happened to me when I was trying to share a traffic update on a alert that had 5 comments on it and I was unable to share the update with others.
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First, sending someone a verification email, and taking the steps to do so, only to click the link and say there isn't a linked account, could NOT be a bigger waste of time. Get some coding that notices a foreign email address immediately. Second, I am logging into a MAP APP, why are you so set on ID verification like I can be hacked or hacking someones account and spending $1,000000...... you can't buy anything on waze. Why is your authentication so unnecessarily thorough. This is why I continue to try, then delete waze. Apple maps and google maps are…
1 vote -
suggestion signalement piéton sur la route
à quand le signalement de piéton sur l'application? En effet il n'est pas rare des fois de voir des piétons longer le bord d'une Nationale
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salt chime in wimauma is private gated road
salt chime in Wimauma Florida is private gated road gate has been damaged too many times use lagoon shore blvd off 674 manned 24 hours
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Indications constante de vitesse maximum autorisée
Bonjour, à l'heure actuelle la limite de vitesse s'affiche en rouge une fois la vitesse dépassé. Serait-il possible de mettre constamment la vitesse maximum autorisée en gris derrière notre allure et afficher en plus gros et rouge une fois dépassé ?
Sur les routes les panneaux change constamment de vitesse. Il est possible de loupé un panneau d'indication de vitesse. Avec le suivie waze ça nous indiquerai la bonne vitesse tout en précisant que waze n'est en aucun cas responsable de la vitesse du conducteur ou de la mauvaise indication de vitesse.1 vote -
lugares de trabajo
Hola, trabajo en varios sitios. Solo tiene una opción. Por favor añadir opciones de trabajo
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Why can’t I save my own private POI? Not updating the map. But I can’t do I’ll go back to using my GPS navigation App instead
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Additional stop for refueling
While travelling with Waze, in a trip that's over X km/mi, there could be a button on the screen next to the reporting button, that automatically adds a gas station as a stop with the least detour from your original trip. So for example it would help out while driving and noticing you are low on fuel, you would push the button, and a stop for the nearest gas station in the next X km/mi would be inserted into your trip.
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Autópálya matrica
Szuper a Waze, de fogalmam sincs, hogyan tudom az országos éves autópálya matricámat beleírni, hogy ne navigáljon folyton el az autópályáról. erre kellene egy működő felület, mert hiába próbálok bármit is beleírni, nem megy.
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דיווחים אודות משטרה
שלום, זה בדיוק הזמן שכדאי לא לאפשר סימון ניידות בכבישים, נכון לתקופה הזו יהיו הרבה מחסומים יזומים לתפיסת מחבלים חופשיים והדיווחים ממש מפריעים לכוחות הבטחון במשימה
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waze auto opening
When I open spotify, waze alwasy opens on top of it. How can I get this to stop? I have tries resetting both apps, etc. When i open spotify waze opens full screen and I have ro close it.
Operating System: android 131 vote -
route updante
When I am driving for long periods, Waze in some periods, updates the route. Unfortunately, it first finishes the old navigation information from screen. This is the problem, because if there is no internet connection available, the route is not calculated and the screen shows no navigation information.
As Sometimes I drive for 100km with no internet connection, with no orientation. It would be very useful if Waze, before finish the old information, check if internet connection is available. If not, the old navigation screen is much better than nothing.1 vote
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