Waze Suggestion Box
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17364 results found
App Supplemental Data Collection Enhancement
Who do I contact to discuss an idea that would be profitable to Waze as well as beneficial to State Gov't agencies for statistical data collection?
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Google stop killing Waze. Invest more resources into Waze
Google stop killing Waze. Invest more resources into Waze what it deserves.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Google stop killing Waze. Invest more resources into Waze
Google reduce resources for Waze. Shame on you. User's count drops. Get Waze attention and resources that it deserves
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Audio pop up
Have a small box (preferably in a corner) with prev, next, and pause along with album art and song name with preferred audio app when using full screen map on CarPlay/Auto rather than using just the half screen
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preferred path
sometimes we are taking a path that wis preferred for some reasons and not doing what waze suggests. waze should add a feature to be able to keep the preferred path so next time waze will navigate with this way that actually used although it is not the shortest
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Implement Navigation for AM License vehicles (45kph)
It would be Great to have 45kph limited vehicles implemented...
that would need major changes tho...
we are allowed to drive all roads but: Autobahn, Autostraße (roads marked with a Car sign) cause these require a minimum topspeed of 60kph. https://www.wissenswertes.at/zeichen-autostrasse with an option to select a 45 top speed vehicle and the option on the editor to add Autostraße so u can just set the navigation to not take them like with autobahn/mautstraße^^ also adding a 45kph vehicle option could mean that other drivers could be warned like : Slow Vehicle Ahead^^
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מבקש להסיר את הכתובת שלי. אני מאויים
יש איומים עלי ורציתי שהכתובת שלי לא תופיע בוויז
הוראות נסיעה לתמיר בלנק משרד עורכי דין, קרן היסוד, 29ב, ירושלים
https://www.waze.com › מחוז-ירושלים
הוראות ניווט בזמן אמת לתמיר בלנק משרד עורכי דין, קרן היסוד, 29ב, ירושלים, מבוססות על עדכוני תנועה1 voteAdminElla (Waze Team) (Admin, Waze) responded
Customized Price/Time rate for routes calculation
Now Waze always propose an option of routes without toll which is good, but not enough for me
Indeed, very often there is a compromise between full toll and no toll being relevant and worthy (cheaper than full toll, faster than no toll)To improce the relevency of the routes proposal an adjustable ratio price/time should be considered
For exemple, for a ratio 1€/min, a toll road at 16€ for 20 min gain will be proposed but not another at 12€ for 10min gain compared to no toll option
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Desktop version the route is covering all streetnames.
The blue line showing the route has no opacity value. No streetnames visible "under" it.
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Parking Space Locater Assist
Create a feature for locating a recent or soon to be available Parking space, name of the feature could be " Parking Space Locator Assist". This option would best serve users in a city or metropolitan area. You ever find yourself driving in a congested area, driving around for 20+ minutes just to find a parking space. Or when you are driving trying to find a place to park and noticed that someone else is leaving but you are still too late, someone else is now waiting to pull in! Wouldn’t it be great to have a feature where users…
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Incluir el aviso de vehículo especial en la vía
Incluir el aviso de la existencia de un vehículo especial en la vía. Paradio o en tránsito. Eso haría que los conductores redujesen la velocidad y tuviesen cuidado al pasar junto a él o saber si se tienen que cambiar de carril o dejar mayor espacio a su paso.
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Poner la voz de Zoro Ronoroa en español, personaje de One piece.
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Doug Plagens
We need the play by play announcer for the NHL Eastern conference champions the Florida Panthers providing a play by play navigation experience!!
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Need the ability to turn off a nag screen about being subrogated to an audio app.
I like to listen to NPR's newsbrief in the background while driving.
Please allow the user to turn off the nag screen where Waze asks if you want to allow it to run at the top of NPR (and who knows what other apps pull this stunt). It's quite distracting when I have NPR on a one-touch launch button and I then have to keep my attention focused on the screen while I tell Waze to NOT link itself to NPR. An option needs to be added to disable this nagging because it is highly distracting and dangerous because this…
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Flood Zone Car Wash Selinsgrove PA has the wrong phone number listed. That number belongs to Button Energy
Flood Zone Car Wash Selinsgrove PA has the wrong phone number listed. That number belongs to Button Energy/Button Oil & Propane Northumberland office. Go ahead and call, I'll answer. Thanks!
1 voteAdminElla (Waze Team) (Admin, Waze) responded
Regarding alternate traffic on one side
I would like to see a mark added indicating that construction work is being carried out at a specified time on roads with alternate traffic on one side.Currently, this can only be displayed from the app.The city's road management staff should inform drivers that there is a time, date, and repetition setting from a PC. I think you can
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נווט מניסיון
היה עוזר מאוד אם היתה אפשרות להקליט את מסלול הנסיעה, כך שאם יזדמן לי להגיע לאותה נקודה, וזה קורה לעיתים קרובות, תהיה לי האפשרות לשחזר את הנסיעה כפי שהראה לי מי שגר במקום, מנוסה ויודע את הדרך הפחות משובשת עם קיצורים שרק בן המקום יודע.
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Please can add an avoid ULEX tab where possible.
Self explanatory.
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Mute Red Light Camera Alert
Offer an option to turn off or mute the red light camera alert. I don’t speed or go through red lights and the loud alert is distracting. It also wakes up a sleeping child ! I know drivers rely on it but I don’t like it. Offer an option!!!
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Valorar los lugares que waze sugiere
Que los usuarios podamos valorar los lugares que waze sugiere como por ejemplo los estacionamientos.
1 vote
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