Waze Suggestion Box
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17364 results found
Add Anghami music App to the list of others included
There is a music app the conquers the Middle East and Africa named Anghami. It would be awesome if you add it as well.
Thank you!
12 votes -
התראת אזעקת צבע אדום
ברגע שנוסעים בזמן צבע אדום בחלונות סגורים ועם מערכת שמע לא בהכרח שומעים את האזעקה, אני מאמין שעם היכולות הטכנולוגיות שלכם בחברה ליצור ממשק שמקשר בין פיקוד העורף לאפליקציה.
ובכך להתריע בזמן אמת לכך שיש צבע אדום ושהרכבים יוכלו להתכונן בהתאם12 votes -
Voltar o botão para reportar radar.
Voltar o botão para reportar radar.
12 votes -
Photo Radar Camera Alerts for Toronto (GTA)
Toronto, Canada will be implementing speed photo radar in many area in approx. one month. Please consider adding an Alert feature, just like the red light cameras, into the Waze app.
12 votes -
Por favor, les ruego vuelvan a poner la función reporte de camaras de velocidad y radares
Vuelvan a poner el reporte de Radares y Cámaras de velocidad
12 votes -
Slow Down Move Over
Do to a large amount of public safety vehicles being hit while on major roads is it possible to add to the police alert "Slow Down Move Over"?
12 votes -
Hi friends, I have a suggestion It is possible to report to the police and camera instead of 600 meters 2 km earlier than the intercity roa
Hi friends, I have a suggestion
It is possible to report to the police and camera instead of 600 meters 2 km earlier than the intercity roads12 votes -
Tap the speed circle to switch miles to km
I'm traveling between Canada and the US, and I believe tapping the speed circle to switch miles to km we'll improve the user experience
12 votes -
Automatically & immediately loading the route (instead of waiting 5 seconds)
Currently after entering a destination the "go now" counter will wait 5 seconds before automatically showing the route. I would like a setting to make this zero seconds. Essentially, automatically showing the route immediately after it has been calculated.
This is handy when driving for ride share. We don't get the rider's info until they enter the car. Knowing which way to go as soon as possible is important in many situations. Over the course of a day of driving ride share I will press "go now" around a hundred times - never needing to change anything on that initial…
12 votes -
Opening Waze on Apple Carplay cuts off radio - doesn't with other map apps
When I open Waze on Apple Carplay in my car my music/radio will stop playing (switches from Radio/Sirius to iPod on my Pioneer Nex). I have to manually go back and turn the music back on. This doesn't happen when I open Google Maps or Apple Maps.
12 votesThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Liam Neeson voice over
Simple as that. Imagine driving and your navigation makes you feel like you're diving in an action movie....but undercover so you gotta obey traffic laws. Anyway, Liam Neeson' s voice is a must!
12 votes -
navigation bar color
Android navigation bar color change with day or night mode
12 votes -
"xx min ago" on alert popup
add age of the report to the popup when alerting the driver about police/speed trap, hazard, accident etc.
it does not take much space, but will be very informative and useful for Wazers - to know, when does the report was commited12 votes -
Add Hal from 2001 Space Odyssey voice
Add Hal's voice to Waze as an option.
The important part is it must call everyone "Dave". For example, if you take a wrong turn you hear "Where are you going Dave?"
12 votes -
add tts voices in voice direction
You can add new option in voice direction.
now there are 2options.
recorded voice direction that can't include street name, and waze voices that only some of them are include street name.
If you add this option, with espeak tts, it can read street name in 79 languages without recorde any voice.
In espeak voices, best voice is NVDA Max.12 votes -
Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman) voice for waze
GAl Gadot voice for waze map navigation
12 votes -
Android Auto - Allow Waze destination "history" to be displayed as part of Android Auto.
"Native" Waze on my android phone shows past historical destinations when I initiate a new destination search. When using Waze as part of Android Auto - only destination favorites are shown. Please allow Waze to show historical destination list when used in Android Auto.
12 votes -
Rettungsgasse / Rescue Lane - Reminder while traffic jams
In Germany and most European countries, you are supposed to form a rescue lane whilst being in a traffic jam on a highway/Autobahn.
This emergency corridor is always between the very left lane and the one next to her, so all cars need to move to the very left / very right on those lanes, making enough space to let emergency vehicles through.
After several incidents where people died after emergency services being stuck in the traffic jam, the German government wants to increase the sentence on ppl not making space for the rescue lane.My Suggestion:
In case of…12 votes -
Pedestrian, Hitchhiker, Bicyclist hazards
What I would really like to see on the hazard page is a couple of different choices for people.
I realize you can't have an icon for everything, but I do think a couple of choices for people would be an excellent addition. My recommendation would be three different people icons:
Bicyclist12 votes -
Police warning
Hi. I think it will be good if the warning for police can be set to higher volume or other kind of warning that can take our attention better. And maybe have an option so that the screen of your phone turns red when there is police nearby.
12 votes
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