Waze Suggestion Box
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17343 results found
Boa tarde, creio que a minha sugestão e algo bastante fácil de se resolver: Quando insiro um endereço no Waze, imediatamente ele dá a rota e
Aviso de ocorrências novas e instantâneas na tela tipo pop-up
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
You need a way to edit contacts
I need to edit my contacts in Waze. Some have moved. I would also like to add several contact/addresses. It would be great if I could simply click on the contacts I want to add in my Contacts list.
1 vote -
Feature positioning on Map
We should be able to customize the layout of feature access or information displayed on screen. For my phone position it would be helpful to have the Speed Limit information in the bottom right. I also don't use the carpool feature. It would be nice if I could assign that spot to "settings". Or have the Google assistant button there instead. Or be able to move the information display to the top right when in horizontal mode.
Overall allow customization of information display. This will improve safety and enjoyment of the app.
P.s. bring back cookie monster
1 vote -
Option to reduce lengthy street names
In urban areas in the US, it has become common for street and highways to have 3-6 names on them for various reasons. At highway speeds, this causes Waze to talk continuously for up to nearly 3 minutes leading up to and through the turn. It would be nice to have a way to keep the street name function, but dial it back in a way that it isn’t reading a whole paragraph of names for a simple “take the exit for I-77 East.”
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Lumpkin Campround Rd S is closed at 2451 Lumpkin Campground Rd S.
Waze does not acknowledge that Lumpkin Campground Rd S is closed at 2451 Lumpkin Campground Rd S, Dawsonville GA 30534. It has been closed for two months due to construction. It is not expected to be open soon. Google shows the closure but Waze does not.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
נטרול התראות לפני פנייה
הצעה: פיצ'ר שמנטרל שיחות טלפון/הודעות כשיש 100 מטר לפני פנייה. עשרות טעויות בדרך יימנעו ככה
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Warning max speed 2 km above
I can now choose from 5 km over speed limit or more. Could you please add 2 kms above speed limit as well?
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o waze deve ter mais opçoes de alertas
A. לא לשנות מסלול בקרבת צומת וכמובן בזמן עמידה ברמזור. B. "להוסיף בהגדרות פרמטר: "חיסכון מינימלי (בדקות) לשינוי מסלול
מניעת "קופצניות" בשינויי מסלול
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It would be good if it were possible to see how many users there are in a given region, so that it is possible to know when I will reach a higher level (warrior, knight and royalty)
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Is there a way to contact Waze and ask for a road to be removed as a shortcut option?
My road is a one-way, one-block street that is home to many kids and is bordered on one side by a park that draws many pedestrians. It used to be a quiet street. Recently, Waze started directing drivers to use our street as a shortcut to a busier street. Drivers unfamiliar with our road race down it, despite many signs asking them to slow down. We have had drivers narrowly miss kids, and break tree branches as they swerve too close to the sidewalk. It is also increasing pollution on a rare city street that is next to an incredible…
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
1 vote
Waze prompts dissected to AirPods and unlocking car Bluetooth for music
Waze installed in a mobile can reproduce the indications in Airpods and the music of the mobile is reproduced in the car's speakers. So that the sounds are not interrupted. It would serve for application drivers.
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Waze camsam mode
Hello. i would like a simple cardless mode like camsam. a mode for what uses waze to go to work and which does not launch navigation. a mode where we would see the number of scouts and the distance of the next alert on the marked road
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צליל קצר
לתת אפשרות לשנות כל הצלילים ל1 קצר כדי רק למשוך צומת לב למסך. זה גם פחות ישתיק מוזיקה מאפליקציה ברקע.
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Distance in searches for car view
When using car view and using the search function it doesn’t show you the distance - whereas if you just use it on your phone it does
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Premium user / tipping users for correctly placed speed traps
It would be nice to give some incentive to users to actually use correctly this app.
What do i mean by that?
- The first and most dangerous obviously it is a speed trap. I would give immediately my half of speeding ticket to users that saved me from that.
- More users would be drawn to the Waze and we could have more information, because there is a reward for being useful
- We could have hotspots, that means, zones where is frequently reported some police activity, even if it isn't reported today, beware it might be something.
I would happily pay…
1 vote -
Greater User Customization
I love using Waze and have for years. Traffic congestion alerts and auto reroute around such congestion is awesome. Alerting police presence is also great. When I first stated using Waze I was simply commute a short distance. Today I’m clocking over 40,000 miles a year and as a road warrior I now listen to a lot of podcasts and audiobooks and Waze is constantly interrupting what I’m listening to. The alerts are endless and I’m prompted 4 times for every turn. My podcast is even interrupted to alert me to train tracks. This is unnecessary - all I need…
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שלום. אתם הוגים לא נכון את השם יצחק (רבין) נא לשנות את ההגייה של השם יצחק
אתם הוגים לא נכון את השם יצחק (רבין) נא לשנות את הגיית השם
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Adding drive to contact’s address in iPhones shortcuts
I'm using an iPhone, and I would like to make a shortcut that drives with waze to a contact's address. Is there a way to do it?
If not, there should be one.1 vote
- Don't see your idea?