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17365 results found

  1. road block reporting on car play

    In car play, reporting road block is not possible. To report a road block you will have to disconnect and report through your phone which is 1. Time consuming 2. Inconvenient and most importantly, very dangerous! I don’t understand why this crucial function is not available in car play mode. This is critical in reporting real time and safety!

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  2. Bring back "plan-a- drives " easy access!

    Please revert back to the icon for "plan-a- drive" beside the address. It has taken me now over 10 minutes looking for the dang feature!! I use it regularly and it's now difficult to use. Bring back the clock icon to schedule my morning drives please!!!

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  3. Radares velocidad

    Deberían permitir el aviso de radares independientemente de que se supere o no la velocidad de la vía.
    Y sino la posibilidad de configurar laa velocidades específicas del vehículo, por ejemplo un furgon q tiene velocidades diferentes a la de los turismos

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  4. Saving current location as a Place

    Add a Place currently requires you to enter an address. It should also allow you to add your current location (often you don't know the address) directly.

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  5. Add Go Later option for saved destinations

    If I search for a new destination I then get the option to Go Later so I can know the best time to leave. However if I click on a favourite or saved location the Go Later option does not appear - the only option is to Start.

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  6. Indicate passing lanes

    Indicating areas where passing is legal would be a great addition

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  7. Prevent Constant Navigation pop-up while using other CarPlay apps.

    I drive a Mazda CX-5 and whilst the car is in motion the CarPlay touchscreen is disabled and I interact with the interface using a wheel and buttons to move the focus and activate controls.

    When using Waze to navigate and switching to music or Spotify or another app Waze will pop up notifications for alerts or upcoming navigation events.

    When forced to use the wheel to control the interface this pop up is extremely annoying and interferes with controlling the CarPlay interface. It is so intrusive that I will be navigating songs etc and when I click to activate…

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  8. je suis français agé ,j'aimerais que vos documents soient traduis en Français,tous le monde ne comprend pas les langues étrangéres

    nous sommes en France, je suis un Français agé ,qui utillise votre logiciel,et vos dernieres infos et nouvelles réglementations soient obligatoirement traduits en Français ,c'est une obligation,il existe une loi pour cela,c'est la loi Sarkosy,tous logiciels utiliser en france doivent étres obligatoiement en Français.

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  9. Need to add a button to detail which side of the road that a disabled vehicle is. So that drivers can change lanes. Hopefully to help with g

    Add button for disabled vehicle locations ( left or right ) side of lane. So traffic can change lanes before getting to the disabled vehicle. To help with gridlock

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  10. Add a Pickup Truck Icon.

    Here is Texas, there are as many, if not more pickup trucks than cars. :)

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  11. FNAF Security Breach Sun and Moon voices by Kellen Goff

    I would love to have the enthusiastic voice of Sun and the mellower croon of Moon to guide me as I travel! Sun's excitement to get you where you need to go on your way to a party or some other event would be so fun and Moon's calmer in control voice and charming laugh would be lovely when you're not feeling high energy.

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  12. Checking if the one who declared a radar false alarm is moving or not, because if not he's a cop

    If I just passed a radar and declared it, the cop can just mark it as false, but the cop (in most countries) has static location, so why not checking if the one who declared it as false is moving or not.

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  13. Liking reports in Apple Carplay

    I noticed that i cant Like/comment on the reports while on Apple Carplay.

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  14. Waze has the framework to potentially help avoid chain reaction vehicle accidents

    I have been studying chain reaction vehicle accidents for years and I belive that Waze may have most of the architecture already in place to alert drivers not yet at the accident scene to slow or stop, which would minimize or eliminate the wreckage, injuries and deaths that occur when low-visability causes vehicles to continue running into a crash site, creating a chain reaction accident. My request is to communicate with one of your engineers to discuss the concept.

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  15. Saving friends on the app

    I want to offer to users the option to save friends or relatives for example if I want to drive to a friend I could save the friend's address and then I will click on the friend's name and I could drive to him or i could save favorit places

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  16. Potholes are removed by bad actors

    I drive rideshare and diligently mark devastating potholes just for them to be removed moments later. There may be bad actors in high clearance vehicles with big tires removing these, or just people that don't see them from a different lane. It's likely many just want the notification off screen and mindlessly downvote. It needs to be more difficult to get rid of pothole reports, or allow us a setting to make recent reports more persistent regardless of downvotes.

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  17. Possibilità di inserire la propria targa in Waze per ottenere suggerimenti di navigazione in base a questa

    Sono sempre più i divieti con restrizioni in base al numero di targa, vedo molti cartelli che consentono il transito in determinati giorni (pari/dispari) subordinatamente ai numeri di targa (pari/dispari), Waze dovrebbe avere la possibilità di inserire la propria targa (o soltanto alcune sue parti o dettagli) nel client e di conseguenza aggiornare l’editor di mappe di Waze per consentire agli editor di applicare restrizioni in base alle targhe, questa funzione già esiste in alcuni paesi e andrebbe abilitata anche in Italia

    ~ di seguito lo stesso in inglese ~

    There are more and more bans with restrictions based on…

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  18. Bring back PickUp requests

    Bring back the option to send an SMS with a link to share the recivers location and make the Waze client navigate there..

    This was a very cool feature and it's missed. It could be done Uper style where the receiver can edit their preferred pick up location

    It should also auto share the drive with the receiver.

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  19. Remove red dot notification for ongoing campains like Headspace

    Possibility to remove the red dot notification for ongoing campaigns like Headspace.

    Please see this post for further info:

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  20. I wish all the street directions and street names would show in my native language (English).

    I wish all the street directions and street names would show in my native language (English). I prefer the features of Waze, but I often use Sygic instead because I can understand the interface. Waze keeps the street names and written driving instructions in Chinese while the voice speaks English. It's frustrating and distracting if I don't clearly hear the voice and then have to try to match the symbols on the phone with the Chinese characters on the signs while I drive. Taiwan is almost officially bilingual (2030) so all the street signs have their Roman equivalent. If the…

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