Lane Guidance
While using Waze on highways lately, I have begun to think that having the ability to see what lane becomes the off ramp would be great, especially in complex city interchanges.
Portuguese: Estava usando o Waze em rodovias e comecei a pensar que seria ótimo ter a capacidade de ver qual pista pegar, especialmente em trevos complexos dentro das cidades.
Spanish: Últimamente me he dado cuenta que al utilizar waze en capitales se hace muy necesario que waze indique cual carril de una calle, avenida o autopista, llega a ser una rampa, especialmente en complejos intercambios.

Great news! The Lane Guidance feature is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Anonymous commented
When the upcoming turn is to be made from either of multiple lanes, it would be tremendously helpful to know which direction I am turning next, especially when the next turn is within a half mile. Many times if I get in the left lane to turn, I find out I have to get in the right lane to make the next turn in a few tenths of a mile. This becomes a risky change of lanes to be able to make the next turn. You could put an arrow on the screen or simply a dot in the top left or right corner of the current direction (top left of screen area). Even better would be to color code the dot to be red if the next turn is within a half mile and green if the next turn is more than a half mile.
Burny0077 commented
Can I go one further and say that since this only really affects those that need to give way at the intersection, that the instruction states that?
So, "At the intersection, give way, then continue/turn left/turn right"? -
Mat Mitchell commented
Titchy_ commented
In the UK, we get lots of URs from users who expect some kind of warning when they are about to approach a crossroads (intersection) where the route is to continue. Depending on which road has priority they may or may not have to give way (yield). This has been debated many a time on the forum and the opinion has been split between those who place full responsibility on the driver to read the road and those who agree to an extent.
This issue is mostly seen in the countryside where often you will get a 60mph road needing to give way. There are typically no traffic lights at these junctions and give way signage can be obscured by overgrown trees/hedges. Worst case, it could lead to an accident because someone has followed the purple line on the map and in the absence of any instruction, failed to give way.
The rules from a country level have always been to leave it as it is, unless it is a particularly dangerous crossroads where some editors will add a 'continue' TIO. We debated whether the 'continue' TIO would work but that also doesn't help if you need to give way, so it is not implemented often. In the end, we go back to the user and politely tell them that they should not rely on their sat nav to the point where it distracts from the job of driving.
What I am proposing is that a "at the crossroads/intersection, continue" TIO be added to the list. Or words to that effect. It is simple to implement and I believe would be effective in limiting the amount of URs we get, ultimately keeping the customer happy.
Mircea Popa commented
There are situations in which one of the lanes in your driving direction is ending, for example when you reach the top of a hill (a two lane road becomes a one lane road in your driving direction). it would be great to have it signalized the distance in which the number of lanes is reducing and which lane is ending, so you can switch the lane in time and safe, if your lane is ending soon.
Liam Gawthorpe commented
This is important and should be added ASAP!, it will reduce accidents in city centres and towns
uri ryce commented
This is very good idea, I had the same idea too, because multiple times I did a mistake on what lane I should be because this future is not in the app.
Waze please add this future it's not complax to add it at all -
William Lou commented
Highlight which lane to take whenever the exit is nearer. Sometimes when multiple lanes highlighted to go straight and afterward exit ahead only 100m, taking the most right lanes (in Asia) kinda impossible to make the correct exit.
Anonymous commented
I would vote for this feature. Indicating the correct lane, ahead of immediate multiple lanes would be more helpful.
Anonymous commented
I would vote for this feature. Indicating the correct lane, ahead of immediate multiple lanes would be more helpful.
YogiJB commented
In a recent meeting, there was mention of this being rolled out in the next months.
Scoota - Volunteer Waze Editor commented
Have upvoted for this as I have lost count how many UR's I respond to where the wazer is after this feature.
YogiJB commented
As a volunteer map editor, I get this request very often!
Predictive lane guidance would be highly appreciated in dense environments where intersections and exits are very close one after the other. -
Norbert Kocsis commented
If there are multiple lanes in the lane guidance (example: you are turning left and there are two lanes turning left), mark the ideal lane as green which is the optimal. So you will be in the the right lane if there is another turning section within a short distance.
This would be helpful to prevent late lane changes in a heavy traffic situation.
O_wenn1 commented
I know Lane guidance has been add but I think it needs to be updated. On most roads it doesn't tell me which lanes to be in and I think it should tell me on every road and it should stay on your screen at the top. I'm a new driver and it's really hard when I come to bigger roads and it doesn't tell me. Please vote people
Guzzzzler commented
There are many inconsistancies in my tri-state area, NY, NJ, & CT (in New England) USA, in the lane guidance at different intersections of different highways/parkways/interstates. I am guessing this is worse in the older cities/towns that were created with older road standards, and more in congested areas. Sometimes the lanes correctly indicate the lanes that come up to the intersection, say even half mile before the split/exit. This would allow plenty of time to get into the correct lane, or plan to get into the correct lane. But other times, Waze wrongly indicates the lanes immidately AT or AFTER the intersection or lane split, which is at the very least very confusing, and the worst case, very dangerous if people try to get to the correct lane at the last second.
For example, Waze's 2 left arrow and 2 right arrow lanes on a 3 lane highway is very confusing. Which lane is being split? The right, the middle, or even the left? I would like to determine this on Waze even a half mile before.
In the NY (tri-state) area, I see the I-684 S/I-287 lane split (coordinates 41.03491, -73.72290), so Waze should indicate a middle lane split from 3 lanes a half mile before the lane split instead of Waze's current 2 arrows to the right and 2 arrows to the left. The lanes are split into 4 for quite a few feet here, so a driver does have time to not as dangerously, but illegally drive over the solid white line to get to the correct lane before the actual roadway split.
At the I-287 N/I-87 lane split (41.11522, -74.16132), Waze should indicate 3 lanes with the left 2 lanes towards I-87 N and the right 1 lane as towards I-287, not as Waze currently has 2 left arrows and 2 arrows toward I-287. Note that at the split, the right 1 lane splits into 2 which is not helpful (or confusing) information when determining which lane to use before the split. If someone see the 2 right arrows in Waze, and gets in the second to rightmost lane, it could be very dangerous if they must switch to the rightmost lane at the last moment to take the exit.
Other such highway lanes splits in the region have been fixed, but should have been defined to be consistently created in the first place.
To improve and standardize the overall UI/UX for all regions, I would therefore suggest updating the Waze definition of Lanes ( maybe in section "1.1 What counts as a lane?" to indicate that the lanes for Lane Guidance purpose just BEFORE the intersection (say even up to 5 or 10 seconds just before) should be used to determine the number of lanes to SAFELY allow ample time to switch to one of the correct lanes, and to be displayed say half mile before. If there are other documents used by Waze admin for the purpose of lanes and lane guidance, update and clarify those also. The lane markings on the road/ground should be used as data for Waze more than the signs in the area, since I noticed many signs are either old or just not clear enough.Maybe Waze code must be updated also to use the WME (Waze Map Editor) segment before the gore point, not at (WME node) or after. I don't have access to see the WME lanes for a segment to check if this is an issue, so I would also suggest opening this and actually everything in the WME to at least readable (read-only) to everyone.
Jshh commented
south korea too
A friendly user commented
Sygic implements this quite nicely with a popup lane overview so it would be an idea
Marcilio commented
Boa noite, sou usuario (Taxista) deste App a um bom tempo, e assim como eu outros Motorista tem a mesma dificuldade, quando acessamos vias com Rotatoria o app poderia indicar alem do numero da via (2 ou 3 saida), o app poderia posicionar uma cor escolhida pelo motorista identificando qual saida devera pegar. Com relaçao as vias com cotovelos, bifurcações, acessos a viadutos pista central ou lateral, poderia se usar o mesmo sistema de cor. com relação as viradas de rua, existe uma demora de alguns segundos que colocam o motorista em situações complicadas, (vire a direita em seguida vire a esquerda) é um exemplo, as vezes não ha tempo de executar tal manobra, pois o fluxo do transito e muito rapido para a via. E as vezes o app informa uma sequencia de manobras, sendo que o usuario ainda esta parado ou na primeira virada. Agradeço a Atenção, e espero contribuir com essas Observações.
José Luis Fernández commented
Al momento de dirigirse a un destino generalmente no indica la cantidad de carriles qué hay y en cual hay que mantenerse para no pasarse camino a su destino