Please, give us an option for caravan, camping-car and big véhicule, to have large and cool road !!!!
I have a big old caravan, ad sometimes, road are not ridding easy with it.
It's possible to have an option like motorway or not, for ridding cool and secure with big and large truck, caravan or camping-car?
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
A adapter à la conduite Poids lourds
Freja karlsson commented
Det borde finnas en kategori för Lastbilar och lastbilschaufförer.
Då skulle många mer chafförer använda Wase!
T.ex lägga in begränsade höjder, bredd osv och vägar som lastbilar får åka på. Det skulle underlätta både för oss chaufförer och det ökar användningen på eran app -
Bruno Cordeiro commented
Faz muita falta
Dcal commented
I need to be able to navigate to avoid parkways!
I going to get a ticket and or lost without this feature. -
Tyra McGovern commented
If you add reliable commercial vehicle options such as height, weight and width and oversize vehicles. Throw in the truck stops and their features, scales and such... charge less than 10 dollars a month with easy pauses in payment for intermittent drivers and you will have your self a VERY competitive commercial GPS. Given the vast numbers of commercial vehicles on the road you have been missing a huge swath of revenue. I know that the first time I took my bus down a road that I could not make a turn at the end because of the size of the roundabout I departed from WAZE. You can get the commercial drivers (and RV owners) back if we can be assured we aren't going to end up on a single lane road that we have to back out of and lose 45 minutes, a huge safety risk and a lot of lost reputation/pride.
Anonymous commented
Ajouter une fonction camion ou véhicules long afin d'éviter les ponts et les virages étroit ?
Anonymous commented
Please add to Waze a Camper / RV / MotorHome / ReiseMobil
Mohammad Javad commented
Some freeways in Iran have traffic bans for vans, trucks and pickup trucks
Please add routing options for these types of vehicles, such as motorcycles, taxis and private cars -
Mohammad Javad commented
Some freeways in Iran have traffic bans for trucks and pickup trucks
Please add routing options for these types of vehicles, such as motorcycles, taxis and private cars -
CatDom commented
Une excellente idée qui participe à la sécurité.
CatDom commented
I agree
Kauê Fhelipe commented
bom dia, meu nome é Kauê, meu pai é caminhoneiro autônomo e tem muitas dificuldades com a utilização do waze, porque manda para caminhos muito estreitos e o mesmo tem dificuldades para retorno, então peço encarecidamente que atualizem o app, visando somente para veículos pesados, sendo assim menos dificultoso para meu pai e outros motoristas. agradeço desde já, isso aumentará o download do waze e a confiança dos motoristas de veículos pesados.
Tom commented
By allowing trailer information I would in sure that my travel trailer will be good on the route. The information needed would be "heigth, length, weight, and type.
Monux commented
Je roule tous les jours avec Waze dans un véhicule utilitaires de 2.8m.
Il serait pratique d’avoir le tarif des péages en catégorie 2. Également si possible, d’éviter les itinéraires avec des passages sous des ponts de moins de 2m80. Vous pourriez faire une sélection de gabarit dans la rubrique “mon véhicule”
Simon -
Manuel Salas commented
Tengo 3 camiones, cuando tienen que viajar en ciudades como CDMX, GDL, Monterrey, tienen errores y circulan en por calles o avenidas prohibidas para camiones
Anonymous commented
Motorhomes are taller. 14’ clearance needed in most RV’s. Can you create an avoid low clearance or low bridge feature?
Dani commented
Commercial vehicles should be an option as they can only drive certain routes. It should also be possible to mark roads that you can’t drive down but may use for access
Leighton kane commented
To be able to set what vehicle you’re in so you can avoid bridges that you can’t fit under
Impresse commented
Always takes me to this tunnel -
Sir Asbjorn commented
Buy up or integrate with abetterroutplanner. Will significantly improve BEV driving and plotting the route.