Add closure report to Android Auto
There does not appear to be a way to report a temporary closure of a road due to an accident, etc. from within the Waze Android Auto interface. Please consider adding this feature.
Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
CB commented
This HAS to be implemented. There are countless URs in for 'turn not allowed' that actually should be RTCs.
Soraya Signorina commented
Good to know Waze is keeping up on issues. Cmon guys, this was reported in 2018 and you haven't addressed it yet.
Wendy commented
This is so important! Yet I can't vote or submit a score. With hands free laws, there is no way to report a closure.
Hector Jerezano (Neo) commented
Maciej Fiutakiewicz commented
Please add road closures to Android auto
Kevin Moss commented
Please add. Should have been done years ago
Heather commented
Voting for this is broken (can't submit score). I've been a Waze user for a long time but it's falling behind competition in features. This idea is 5 years old and I can't believe it hasn't been implemented.
Ryan DeShone commented
Agree with the below, cannot vote for this issue at the moment but it is really needed. As Nicholas said, especially during construction season in Michigan.
Nicholas Kielhorn commented
The fact that I cannot add exit ramp closures from the aa ap in my car on the highway in Michigan during construction season is a combination of foolish and unsafe
Malavida commented
Can't vote on it ("We Couldn't Submit Your Score At This Time.") but definitely a 'must have' IMHO
Catherine Apdua Amano commented
This will be a great feature to be added especially now most vehicles have android auto or apple play. Thank you
Bob McCormick commented
Currently working on a major flood impacted area. The lack of the closure capability negatively impacts the ability for Wazers to efficiently communicate to us where local issues are.
Lonnie Sorrells commented
As my voice to those who want the ability to report Street closures from the aa/cp screen.
bruce liepe commented
The ability to report a closure is what the basis of Waze is built on to help others.
Bram Mertens commented
Not having this poses additional burden on the volunteers reacting to the 'generic map issues' which is the only way to report this on Android Auto.
Peyo commented
Road Closed report function is missing on Waze in Android Auto. From my opinion this is one of the most important functions in order to keep the traffic moving. If I connected to Waze via Android Auto I can not report Road closure, hence navigation keeps on trying to put me back on the the closed road. Also, everyone else are being sent via this road which is closed. Please implement the function of reporting closed road to Android Auto
Crystal commented
Please add this feature!
Rick Helhowski Jr commented
This is needed - please add
EvoG commented
This is critical as it is the most impactful report that Wazers can provide. I have not reported any of the many closures I have experienced since I began using Android Auto as it is presently impractical, and unsafe. The workaround is unsafe as I must fumble around to disconnect Android Auto, close and restart Waze and then confirm that I am resuming my current drive, just to begin reporting the closure which also requires precise finger inputs on my smaller phone screen... All at a time when I must prioritise solving an unexpected route problem, often with a paying customer depending on me.
This feature is even more necessary considering that we cannot even make the report once we finish our drive.
EvoG commented
This is critical as it is the most impactful report that Wazers can provide. It is unsafe for me to mess around disconnecting Android Auto and restarting waze only to begin reporting this. This feature is even more necessary considering that we cannot even make the report once we finish our drive.