Display address you're navigating to when you get near your destination
Often times I get close to my destination and I don't remember the exact house number I'm looking for. It would be nice if when Waze prompts that you're nearing your destination, that it would display the address you put in to navigate to so you can look for the house number as you get close to your destination.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Nathan Phillips commented
I am actively not using waze because of this one missing feature. Bummer.
Jan Overvold commented
This is a very, very, very important option. A work-around is to put the destination address in the "name" field so the screen doesn't say "arriving at Joe's" but "arriving at 123 Main St." A hassle but until Waze "fits it on their roadmap" <rolls eyes> it could help. Thank you, Krishele, for your suggestion!!! -Jan
Stephen Weller commented
Ella from Waze team,
This is unbelievable! I feel like we're asking you guys to put wheels on a car!! The fact that the destination address CLEARLY appearing as you arrive was NOT programmed into the software from the beginning is extremely surprising to me. And then your response that "it doesn't fit on our roadmap" is laughable! Especially since a section of the arrive screen is now taken up with the option to add a picture. This is the ONLY GPS App I've used that does not show the destination address upon arrival. Google, Garmin, AppleMaps all do.
Please add this! I love using Waze! But if this basic thing is not fixed, I'll have to go back my other GPS.
DeeDeeSanchez commented
@threenorns Thanks, but I knew that...and I mentioned that I have to back out of the screen to find the address somewhere. I requested to specifically show the destination address on the Next Turns screen. That is how I view Waze while driving because I like to see the entire trip directions and not depend on Waze showing me each step as I go. If they can show the address there on the bottom menu bar after 2 extra clicks (while Im driving), then they should also be able to show the address on the Next Turns screen along with the destination name and the destination point balloon thingy that they already show. Its not user friendly to not have both the name AND address shown at the end of the directions.
threenorns commented
DeeDee Sanchez - it's not difficult: hit the bottom menu bar and it will show you your destination.
DeeDeeSanchez commented
Yes, please always show the name AND the destination address in Next Turns. This is the main page we are looking at while driving with Waze. It just makes sense to always know the address of where you're going. Think about when you are in unfamiliar territory looking for a building or house, whats the main thing want to keep confirming?...the address! Its frustrating that something that seems so simple and needed hasn't been made easier to see. Y'all can keep the different voices if I can just see the address. I often forget the street name and number, then I have to backup within Waze somewhere to finally find the address I searched for or find it saved elsewhere in my phone or car...all while I AM DRIVING. PLEASE, I love Waze, just not this. Is 450 upvotes enough?
Steve commented
Request that Waze show the name of the street I'm traveling on. This is a feature on my Ford Sync GPS and it is very useful, especially when I'm traveling in an unknown area.
Mike Rice commented
I noticed recently that on some routes (not sure what the criteria are), route numbers and exit numbers are represented pictorially as miniature road signs in the next-turn guidance at the top of the screen. DISLIKE! This makes the actual information on these miniature signs much smaller, and therefore much harder to read.
I'm all for placing these items in a predictable place on the screen (which the skeuomorphic treatment of exits accomplishes), but please, please, please don't use skeuomorphic signs for these reasons:
* The most important information becomes much smaller and much harder to read.
* The skeumorphs don't aid with recognition since the conventions used are not universally applied to road signs. As an example, my county doesn't use special signage for county roads - they have ordinary street signs that are the same for "Main Street" as for "CR 28". Similarly, exit numbering of the small, separate variety as represented in the skeumorph aren't used in my state (which I'm thankful for - my state puts the exit numbers on the sign itself in numbers as large as or larger than the letters for the name of the exit - a design cue you could apply here by reverting to plain text).
* It makes little to no difference to me as a driver whether a road is maintained by the state, the county, or by another locality, yet these distinctions without a difference are represented in the skeumorphs through different colors and shapes. These differences serve only to increase information overload, and do not help me with recognizing the correct turn or exit to take. -
Anonymous commented
Or display the current road name where it says what type of vehicle you are using. Once set the type of vehicle being displayed is pointless. Android user
Pat commented
Please add destination address like very other navigation
Anonymous commented
Agree add destination address
Tereza commented
I wish to know, where I am. Name of the actual city. Not only the name or number of the street.
Every time I go through a village or city, I don't know where I am. The name of the village is not visible. (It is written by small font in dark grey colour on light grey field and only, if there is no other terrain objects.) The name of the village/city all the time I drive through is missing.
Would it be possible to add an information in which municipality I am currently in? I need this.
I expect navigation to tell me where I am. The street name or number is not enough for me. -
Eric commented
YES PLEASE!! This needs to be done . Very busy areas when driving for work and having to fumble with phone is not safe but also very annoying . My work has Waze built into their salesforce when I’m on the road so it is making what could be a nice workflow into an inconvenient option
Anonymous commented
Yes showing the actual address of the final destination would be helpful. I drive for Uber and Lyft, so many times Waze will say I’ve arrived in middle of street or parking lot.
Anonymous commented
Yes pls I am a mobile dog groomer I need that
Anonymous commented
When looking at the maps during navigation or not the street name is always oriented horizontally. It would be so much more helpful (or at least have an option) to orientate the street name label the same as the street itself (like google maps). This will greatly declutter the map view and make it easier to see which street name belongs to which street.
Anonymous commented
Show above the navigation map the name of street currently driving on. And if available also show the city block number.
Tiffany Morrison commented
Thought it was user error...can’t believe the display of the actual address of the final destination is not available. PLEASE update to make this available!!!
Anonymous commented
In the box where it says 'Good Morning' please just display the road/street name you are currently travelling on.
If you could do that the app would be perfect for my needs. Thankyou.
Rebecca commented
Recently it does not include streets and names of exits, only saying turn left here or right here which is not helpful so please add it back as soon as you can.