Add Support for On Board Diagnostics OBD II + Display stats on user profile
You should add support for On Board Diagnostics OBD II from elm327 bluetooth as Torque app does and the stats to Waze user profile.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
ageoio commented
If you have OBD2 information, I think it will accurately notify you of your location when driving underground, in tunnels, or in forests.
I would like you to implement it. -
Anonymous commented
Important thing - navigation in tunnels could be vastly improved by this, when GPS signal is not available, as OBD II contains information about vehicle speed = current position in tunnel can be calculated.
BS commented
Do it. I'll help.
Dominik Michalczuk commented
Great idea. Fuel consumption, alarms, engine conditions etc.
Anthael commented
May be possible to add a new feature to connect waze with an ODBII dongle ( 5 euros ) ?
First it could be increase precision position on network disconnected (tunnel, during phone call) and keep a constant position when the gps is lost ( in relation / complement with the tunnel bluetooth you add recently )
The second part of this project could help the driver to report the car's alerts ( disfonctionnal , alarms, alerts ) and will make an hudge different with the competitors :)
Let's me know if you want a demonstration or more information :)
Alessandro commented
Yes, adding OBDII support would be great.
The simplest but still useful addon would be coarse tracking of the veichle in tunnels and such when there is no GPS coverage.
Then fuel consumption, battery voltage alarms...
Pascal Six commented
The OBD dongle 'TomTom LINK 100' records every car uses even without phone and makes them available to Waze via API, notifies a phone it's in the correct car so Waze can wake-up, notifies Waze in case of car crash + does the same as ELM327.
Rezty Felty commented
Even an interface from waze to torque or vice versa that would allow Torques dials to overlay waze would be great, I use torque to monitor my mpg in realtime.
Aimak Rokalno commented
I agree. As Waze is all about collecting info while driving, OBD2 provides interesting informtaion that Waze could use to know whar route+avg speed leads to lowest fuel consumption. If OBD2 can provide the estimate driving distance until fuel tank is empty, Waze could offer stopping at the nearest fuel station.
Andrea Borgia commented
Since I have yet to find a way to log OBD data in the background while using Waze in the foreground, I wholeheartedly second this proposal!
Reynaldo Gonzalez commented
This is great idea!
Marco Amorim commented
Excellent Idea. I had the same thought
Roman Priesol commented
This is a very good idea and it could be useful for "a green challenge" - based on fuel consumption, average consumption, acceleration changes, it could calculate green score.
Another funny idea could be "a good driver challenge" - points will be collected only during drive within speed limit :)
Jefferson commented
Would love this too
Tim commented
Would love this too