Mobile speed camera
You should add the capabilities to report Mobile speed camera and in Waze editor, to add the zone length and be alerted when entering this zone from any street.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Theeby commented
Quick option to add mobile speed cam placed at the sides of the road by the traffic police
Guy MacDonald commented
Good idea!
I also suggested to Waze that once a Mobile Trailer Speed Camera Site that we have in QLD had been identified that a grey circle remained on the map as a reminder of a potential mobile speed zone but Waze are very slow on the uptake I feel. -
Chriftian Wolsten-croft commented
Mobile speed camera van notifications people.. we need them! Lobby Waze!!
Chriftian Wolsten-croft commented
I always use Waze but I've just had reason to use Google maps and to my horror discovered that they have provision to report mobile speed camera vans/traps.
I've been suggesting this for YEARS, and have never once had a valid reason why it's not being done.. I've just been fobbed off with the usual "yeah it's been suggested but they've just decided not to do it".
You need to wake up and pull your head out your *** and keep up with the competition.. The reason we use Waze is because it's so good and you need to be forward looking!
PLEASE get it together, and add provision in the report section to report MOBILE TEMPORARY SPEED GUNS/VANS/TRAPS.
Thank you -
Peter commented
Mobile speed cameras are a highly requested feature. I do hope waze puts it on the roadmap soon.
Also fixed mobile phone detection cameras.
kade commented
make an option for mobile speed cameras, since they are usually just marked as police
Rob commented
Waze would be a lot more better and easier to use with mobile speed camera widgets added into the app instead of people marking them as police
Kristin K commented
Add MOBILE SPEED CAMERA to the list of reports! Not every speed camera is permanent.
Also, your user forum for suggestions is a passive way to make your application better. Please add an actual feedback option on the help menu makes users actually feel like you are listening!
Kristin K commented
Add MOBILE SPEED CAMERA to the list of reports! Not every speed camera is permanent.
Also, your user forum for suggestions is a passive way to make your application better. Please add an actual feedback option on the help menu makes users actually feel like you are listening!
Constance and Edward Sullivan commented
I previously posted about the need for an icon for mobile speed cameras in New York State. The volunteers suggested using the “POLICE” icon. I have tried it over the past few days and the community is not understanding it is warning of the presence of the speed cameras. Instead, they are marking “not there” referring to the Police. To demonstrate the need for the icon, I looked it up and during a test period of the system, in 45 minutes, the camera would have caught motorists to the tune of $360,000.00. Yes! Three hundred and sixty thousand dollars. Please reconsider.
Anthony Pandolfo commented
The victorian government provides a list of locations for approved mobille speed cameras every month. it would be good if we could get alert at these locations across victoria. Such as "you are in a potential mobile speed camera zone" or even just say this road is approved for a mobile speed camera zone" just like entering an average speed zone check.
Nick Williamson commented
When using Waze on a motorbike and without Bluetooth - in other words, getting no audio - it is easy to miss alerts for police, speed cameras etc. I simply can't afford to spend much time looking down at the phone on the handlebars otherwise I'm going to hit something. Therefore the alerts for these things need to grab my attention even when the phone is only in my peripheral vision. Giving a range of "alert styles" including - say - a full-screen flash that repeats a user-controlled number of times - would be much more useful in this scenario than a small circle quietly pulsing on and off.
Mark Doyle commented
As abone
Brenton commented
Currently whenever there is a mobile speed camera everyone just selects the police alert. This is incorrect here most the time in NSW, Australia, as the mobile speed cameras are run by a different organisation. The alert should show that it is a mobile temporary speed camera and should make the speed limit clearly visible.
This would stop people having to spam the police alert, making it more useful to be able to trust that the police icon is actually likely a police car.
Markus Antson commented
Since there are portable speed cameras today, it should be possible to add them to the map yourself.
Joe Marma commented
Please also warn drivers heading past these in any direction of their presence, as they can (at least in Australia) target drivers on both sides of the road.
Simon Jones commented
Right now, Waze DOES NOT OFFER PROTECTION AGAINST SPEED CAMS. This is because it does not map MOBILE speed cams. There is no logic to this. PLEASE put a new category under reports of "Mobile Speed Cams", so if a user does not want it, it can be turned off - just like fixed speed cams currently.
Legend ! commented
Yes, great idea Mobile speed camera Detections. 🙌
Legend ! commented
Yes, indeed Good idea.
senor31 commented
-il serait bien de pouvoir différencier les radars fixes, des radars mobiles, ainsi que des contrôles de police.
-et il serait très pratique des pouvoir rajouter des étapes et choisir ces propres route sur un itinéraire donné