Durant l’été j’ai souvent rencontré des personnes a pieds sur le bas côté des autoroutes ou routes rapides. Très dangereux, mais impossible à signaler. Dommage. Je pense que cela devrait être ajouté.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Chris Trout commented
I would like to see alerts added when you drive to a cross walk. This would be similar to what we see now with rail road crossing ahead
Mdk74 commented
Tra i pericoli inserire anche “pericolo per persone in mezzo alla strada”: su strade buie o dietro curve pericolose in procinto di attraversare mi è capitato di trovare pedoni, molto spesso non consapevoli del rischio di essere travolti dalle auto in arrivo.Troverei utile avvisare i veicoli in arrivo
Jyaire commented
@Michelle D. : I suggest to add an option to report pedestrians next road.
Michelle D commented
Can't read no option to translate
TheIncomparableMrFlannery commented
Please add an option to report pedestrians on the roadway. I see many in my weekly travels
Daniel Burg commented
Especially on the rural areas,
Alison commented
Alert drivers to crosswalks and lanes bike lanes so drivers can avoid routes with vulnerable road users or be alerted for extra attention. Winter months are dangerous for pedestrians and bikers when cars speed through residential and school areas to avoid larger congested streets.
Ian Walles commented
Often see things like fallen trees etc on the shoulder (but not the road) that are a serious hazard. Object on shoulder - similar to object on road - would be a beneficial addition to hazard reporting.
Dan-Alexandru Manolachi commented
I am writing to you because I have just returned from living in the UK for 11 years and noticed a big problem of the streets in Romania - road markings, more exactly pedestrian crossings, which are so important.
I am now working as an uber driver in Bucharest, which involves driving approximately 300 km a day. Driving here is very chaotic to horrible, so I kinda miss Uk for this aspect.
Anyway, its been in the news as well that there are loads of pedestrian crossings where the road marking has faded and the government doesn’t do anything about it. And here we are, we get more news with people dying on the streets for not being noticed by the drivers who think they are on race tracks.
My suggestion is have a mandatory (for Romania) option to highlight approaching crossings and this will save lives. It would be better to do something to differentiate the normal crossings from the ones controlled by traffic lights as here almost all people wait for the green light while standing on the roadside which causes the approaching driver even more stress as he/she has to look for the pedestrian’s traffic light as well as doing all the other things they’re doing.
I hope someone will look into this and will get ahead of the shit manahement of this country.
Harlena commented
More important to report pedestrians (e.g. litter crews) near highways than animals!!!
Fm commented
Il serait bien de pouvoir indiquer dans les dangers qu il y a un piétons qui marche sur la route pour avertir les utilisateurs afin qu il fasse attention. -
umopapisdn commented
"Hazard -> Shoulder -> Animals" sounds like a reasonable report type to me... ;)
Anonymous commented
This is really critical. Earlier this week, I was driving on I-5 in heavy fog and passed a person walking along the shoulder. Called 911, but there was no way to alert Wazers behind me. Really needs to be added!
pietro Alviti commented
sarebbe opportuno segnalare gli attraversamenti pedonali rialzati, magari con un pulsante per gli utenti waze. spesdo non si vedono e sono pericolosi, come pure i dissuasori di velocità, molto spesso invisibili
Anonymous commented
Yup, Pedestrians walking on the sides of the highway or people riding bicycles on the edge of the road is very dangerous. A lot of them are hit by drivers in my island. Please add on the Hazard reports.
Benoit commented
J'ai eu la surprise dernièrement de voir un piéton traverser le périphérique parisien. Heureusement le trafic était dense et ralenti mais je n'ai pas trouvé dans Waze de rubrique pour signaler cet inconscient sorti de nul part (pas de voiture en panne aux abords). -
Daniel Hursey commented
I am actually posting this suggestion that was created by the Robotics (FLL) team that I mentor. They are hoping to receive feedback or talk to someone about the feasibility of it. They are looking at a solution that utilizes Bluetooth Beacons at crosswalk locations that aren't at traffic lights. The beacon will broadcast a signal when a pedestrian pushes the button to cross the road at a designated crosswalk (button & beacon on post with crosswalk sign). They would like the app to be able to detect the beacon signal and provide a warning that there is a pedestrian at the crosswalk they are approaching. Utilizing the beacon would only alert those within the proximity of the crosswalk and only alert drivers when a pedestrian is actually present. The beacon allows the pedestrian to notify drivers rather than a driver needing to identify the pedestrian in the app for others.
Anonymous commented
it should be possible to report the presence of a pedestrian. A when we can report the presence of an animal 😂 -
Aaron W commented
People, (pedestrians,) walking around outside stalled cars on the highway are very common.
The closest option is animals on shoulder.
Pedestrians on shoulders and roads are more common than animals.
You could replace the animals icon with pedestrians.
Or add options for pedestrian on shoulder, and pedestrian on road.
FH Havinga commented
I would like to suggest you add a "danger - pedestrians crossing" to the Hazards section.
This is where pedestrians cross the road which might not be a legal or expected crossing