Eliminate country lanes
Eliminate country lanes as an option for routing would be great in the UK as these roads are often single lane and dangerous to drive. All to save a minute from the main roads!
Great thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!
Philip Westlake commented
if this is available - how is it enabled? If it isnt - why say it is?
Julyan Wallis commented
No it hasn’t. And it’s ow 2024.
Jonathan Shaw commented
Please could @waze admin explain how this feature is enabled. Many thanks.
Ben commented
I am afraid I could not see how to change it in setting, can you please tell us how to avoid those nightmare routes? Thanks.
prhoban commented
I looked and could not see where to use the avoid country lanes feature ? I have the latest Waze version from the apple app store as of today 16.10.23
Is there another update coming soon where the avoid country lane option will appear? -
Hannah Clark commented
How do we use it?!?
jimnju commented
The last few times we took our motorhome out we went down 6 miles of single track roads. An absolute nightmare
Nigel Minton commented
As an Waze account holder/userI find the app really very useful and helpful
As my job is moving and delivering cars, Vans, TrucksOne thing I’ve noticed is that the app has
Avoid Motorway's
Avoid Difficult JunctionsBut sometimes it sends me down
Without warning
Country roads, single track roads (not un paved roads) just very tight country roads that in a large box van is very difficult to use
(sometimes my door mirrors a touching both hedges either side of the road)What would be very useful for me and I’m sure 1000’s of other users ?
An option to switch off the smaller roads/single track county roads (the type that don’t have a lane going in each direction) and you need to reverse and or find a designated passing place
and just stick with (even though it might take longer)
Motorways, A roads, B roads that have two lanes one in each direction
Robert Kuczma commented
So many single track roads near me and the area is full of farms so always meet tractors on single track roads and there are few passing places
Teresa McHugh commented
We are new to Delaware Sussex County - many side country roads that are not lit at night and treacherous - many accidents and fatalities on these roads - people who know these roads are speeding 80 to 100 miles per hour. Please take into consideration this kind of road when giving directions - people new to area don't know how treacherous these roads are. My son has been in 2 almost fatal accidents on 2 of these roads in less than 1 year. There should be some kind of rating for safety of a road. Please look into this!
Bart Baas commented
rit van hoogkerk naar veenhuizen. De makkelijkste weg is de N373 (Roden) of N372 (Peize). Waze stuurt me over boerenlaantjes en klinkerwegen. Vele malen langzamer vanwege landbouwverkeer en wegomstandigheden en minder comfortabel.
Laurence Davis commented
Having recently moved to the countryside, I find Waze almost unusable now. It will divert me off a perfectly fine A road onto tiny single track roads that are very difficult and often just dangerous, just because it thinks it's the quickest route. It almost always takes much longer than if I'd taken a slightly longer but much faster route.
Anonymous commented
I agree. This afternoon was sent down a windy single track lane with no passing places! Scary. Can we have an additional box to tick to avoid them. I already have ticked avoid dirt tracks.
peter webster commented
in an attempt to get the shortest route, waze often takes me down single track country lanes, that are difficult to drive, and are very slow and dangerous, as you often have to reverse a long way to allow oncoming trafic to pass. A feature to avoid these types of road, in favour of a longer route (but faster), would be apriciated.
I also find waze will favour going through litle villages, insted of staying on a bigger faster road. again avoid villages feature would be apriciated.
many thanks for a fantastic app
Ricard Gomis commented
Al planificar una ruta puedo seleccionar:
Evitar vías con peaje
Evitar autopistas / autovías.
Pero estas Opciones son simples, si o no, y encuentro a faltar una planificación de ruta mas proactiva, mas inteligente.
NO evitar peaje, me planifica por autopistas.
SI evitar peaje, me planifica por cualquier carretera que no tenga peaje.Propongo:
EVITAR CARRETERAS DE UN SOLO CARRIL DE CIRCULACIÓN POR SENTIDO.para mi una prioridad, es intentar evitar circular por carreteras de un solo carril por sentido de marcha.
Me encuentro con muchas rutas, que si aplicamos solo las opciones actuales, no puedo seleccionar la ruta optima.
lo mas útil seria que la planificación, siempre que se pueda, nos guíe circulando por carreteras de mas de un carril por sentido.
De esa forma se utilizarían solo los tramos con peajes necesarios, para no tener que circular con carreteras que solo tienen un carril.
El resto de la ruta, se circularía por autovías, o por carreteras de mínimo 2 carriles por sentido.Para rutas de largo recorrido, puede ser muy útil.
Seria la forma mas adecuada de mantener el equilibrio entre pago de peaje y ahorro de tiempo. -
Bobbi commented
When driving long distances in winter, we need to be able to avoid small 2 lane country roads that won't be plowed and instead stick to major expressways.