Waze Suggestion Box
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584 results found
Ability to fully collapse the "where to" box
On my Android head unit in landscape mode the "where to" destination input box takes up a large space on the bottom left.
The box already has a bar to swipe down and collapse saved and suggestions, but always leaves the search box visible.
The ability to swipe down a second time to collapse fully to a magnifying glass icon or thin bar would provide more screen space.
1 vote -
Ability to swap sides for navigation and information
My Android Head unit in landscape mode has the navigation on the right side of the screen, and where to, menu and directions on the left.
In the UK with right hand drive and screen on the left I find this works for me. However, I'm sure that those in left hand drive countries may benefit from this being swapped around.
An option to "switch navigation position" or "driver seat position", would be ideal.
1 vote -
Display two next crossroad turns
App should display second next turn, not just first. In my area there are multiple crossroads within 10-15 m next to another, and app do not have time to display or spoke next one, which result in going wrong way.
In UI, it would be smaller slightly above "first" next turn.
1 vote -
Display/speak every next crossroad direction
Display/speak every next crossroad direction, even if it means showing forward. Now app could show turn after few km, while there are 20 crossroads between and road having curved path.
There should be an option to display EVERY next crossroad direction.1 vote -
choose to default to devices page, not favorites page
Favorites is usually not my first choice. Make it a parameter.
1 vote -
Improving Live Incident Communication
Subject: Suggestion for Improving Live Incident Communication on Waze
Dear Waze Team,
I’d like to suggest an improvement to enhance real-time communication between users when facing accidents, traffic jams, or road hazards. Currently, the comment section for reports is not very practical—it can be confusing, doesn’t receive much visibility, and isn’t as useful as it could be.
A possible solution could be a feature that gathers and highlights comments from users in the affected area, making it easier for drivers ahead to both inform and respond to those approaching the traffic incident. This could create a real-time “news feed” where…
1 vote -
Bring back the batman x waze combo, it was amazing
1 vote -
Postos de combustível favoritos
Os postos de combustível favoritos podiam ser de múltipla escolha e não somente 1 ou todos.
1 vote -
Change to Saved destinations
Show saved routes on the dashboard as an icon.
Also, make it easier to create a saved address from the dashboard.1 vote -
Verhogen Veiligheid tijdens gebruik WAZE Navigatie
Na toch al een hele tijd WAZE te hebben gebruikt op mijn Android smartphone (in een houder),
in plaats van de ingebouwde GPS navigatie, wil ik het wagen om 2 voorstellen te doen.
De bedoeling van mijn voorstellen is om de veiligheid van de weggebruiker aanzienlijk te verhogen!!
Een belangrijke factor tijdens een autorit is de Maximum Toegelaten Snelheid of kort MTS.
Deze MTS veranderd dan ook nog eens voortdurend tijdens een autorit:
1) van 70 naar 50, dan naar 90, terug naar 70, 30, 70, 100, 90, 120 etc etc.
2) het zijn ook niet altijd dezelfde type verkeersborden…1 vote -
100 saved
I have more than 100 saved locations. Now any new locations I save do not show in my Saved list because it caps at 100 displayed. Can this be expanded? or at least show recent saved at the top?
1 vote -
Create easier ways to save an address
It took me a long time to figure out how to save an address. It’s too clunky. In other map apps it’s easy to save my current location or a search result. They tend to have an icon by results or a menu item. In Waze I have to:
- Know the address (inconvenient)
- Start a search (unintuitive)
- Tap “saved”
- Tap “Add new”
- Type the address
For comparison, in Google Maps I:
- Long-press my location
- Tap "Save"
- Tap a search result
- Tap "save"
It's so much easier in every other app. It feels like it used to be easier in…
1 vote -
My birthday won’t save the system changes it on its own when it’s saved
When in my profile I save my birthday it changing it on its own after I save it
1 vote -
Vana menüü tagastus
Kasutan võimalust ja lisan tagasiside - menüü on tehtud väga ebamugavaks!!! Praegu kirjutades näen ühte rida, ei näe teksti tervikuna. Kui auto on peatanud keset teed, seda ei saa märkida kuna sellist valikut enam üldse ei ole. Ei näe eriti ka pööramise keeldu (mis praegu oleks väga kasulik). Menüü on muutunud väga vaeseks. Pigem tagastage need paljud nupud mis on kadunud 🙏
1 vote -
Revert to old waze
Not a fan of the new saved routes display. Harder to find what I want a clusters up the screen. Would love to go back to the drop down list instead of this scrolling.
1 vote -
input from screen
when a screen for choice pops up, your choices are in boxes that are up and down from each other. when you go to make a selection and you’re traveling a bump can make you select the wrong choice. My suggestion is to make the choices with boxes on the left or right that way a bump won’t give you the wrong answer.
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Driving Police
I've got a feature idea I'm sure everyone appreciates. An addition to the cop reporting that includes ones driving on the road. You know how there's no "report ahead" as you speed a little, then the car you pass up you see the cop car features better and slam the brakes? Add a reporting feature that says something like -"Caution police driving ahead" Still there? -And have it set to ask every 5 miles on the highway Does that make sense?
1 vote -
Keep things the same
Keep the interface the same changing the user interface should not change the only thing that should change is the map updating not the interface if someone wants to see a quick overview the button should already be visible and easy to tap on most likely the person using the app is the driver having to stair at their phone and find buttons or click more than one button just to see the route as a whole quickly instead if of having to search and look for things you should also put up a notification pop up when you first…
1 vote -
Mistake in the app implementation
Mistake in the app implementation for users in Cyprus as now a user cannot add any icons on the map.
This change was implemented to deter users from pointing where police radars were on the map but now no icons at all can be placed which beats the purpose of the app.
1 vote -
Bug in UI
I have android box in my car connected via usb.
In waze ui, the sound icon in bottom bar is covering the KMs left to destination.
The fonts are so bold in your app. Change it to normal font and transparent background.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?