Waze Suggestion Box
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581 results found
There is a problem with the application on the Android system for car screens
The problem is that the search option covers part of the display and the area containing the map is unacceptable, so that the left half is useless while the right half only contains the car and navigation. The search should be minimized and the driving should be placed in the middle and not only in half of the screen
The second problem is that the zoom system is not practical. When I accelerate to a speed of 80 km or more, the automatic zoom is very, very far away, so that you can discover the whole city, but you will…
1 vote -
Fix Fundamental Flaws Please
It seems as though WAZE has a 3 fundamental flaws:
1) Sometimes, I open it simply to see if there is traffic congestion but don’t need directions. Even so, the lovely, very helpful lady doesn’t seem top realize I don’t want direction and speaks to me.
2) Even when I press the red ‘stop’ button the lady continues to talk to me. (Both of these situations are extremely frustrating, can be dangerous if I want to stop her talking while I’m driving!)
3) Please, pretty-pretty please, display a large STOP icon at all times so it’s easier to shut the…
1 vote -
Disable speed limit change banners
After last update every time when approaching speed speed limit change the bottom part goes red and there is a thermometer showing the speed limit.
It is impossible to turn it off!
It overrides all current information.
That red banner grabs attention what happened making driving very dangerous!
It is necessary to be able to disable this feature as well as speed limit signs on the map! We need less distraction on the map, more attention to the road!1 vote -
afsluiten Waze
Ik merk dat ik steeds moet zoeken wanneer ik tijdens een ingestelde route mijn app wil afsluiten omdat ik het vanaf dat moment wel weet. Ik kan de afsluit knop niet vinden en sluit de app dan af via mijn tabbladen in mijn telefoon.
1 vote -
Hands free reporting
I love Waze! However, I find that I am likely part of the majority that simply doesn't report events as often as I should. The main problem I have is with taking the time to mess with my phone often when I need to be MOST focused on the road. Examples:
Suddenly in a construction zone.... Yea probably shouldn't risk it.
Cop chilling in a well hidden spot... Yea I need to focus on not getting a ticket rather than playing with my phone infront of them.
Obstacle on road.... Literally focus on swerving rather than messing with the touchscreen.
1 vote -
by recc of Waze Customer Support, here's what I wrote to Ralph:
Hi Ralph …
I do have a few somethings else ….
1)I need the directions to reference something I see out the window. I don’t care if the locals call it “Webster-Basin-Springs RD” …. what’s on the road sign is State 333 off of US 60 South west of Irvington, **. You’ll need google maps/apple maps to find this reference. Waze only shows the name which cannot be seen on the road.
Waze CONSTANTLY uses a reference which is NOT on the roadway signs.
2) Nuther complaint:…
1 vote -
Aumentare le dimensioni della casella di testo per le risposte dei messaggi
Quando si riceve un messaggio, viene dato a disposizione una casella di testo, da una sola riga visibile, per rispondere.
Propongo come interfaccia, più user friendly, che questa casella sia "convertita" in una text area per una più facile risposta su più righe.1 vote -
It's some time that waze does not turn off automatically when i close it, leaving me with dead battery.
Please add the possibility to automatically kill waze as soon as the phone isn't connected to AppleCar, Android auto or a bluetooth audio device (that usually is a car stereo)
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State name on the map
I recently used Waze on my CarPlay on a multi state trip and at no time I knew which state I was in. It would be a good idea to indicate the state's names somewhere on the display as you travel through them
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VoiceOver support on Apple iPhone with Waze
There’s a lot of cited people who use Waze on android and Apple now there are a lot of non-cited people as well. It would be nice for support seamlessly within the Waze app on both android and Apple for seamless usability since Waze has multiple transport options this would be very popular. With blind and low vision people if the app could be made to support VoiceOver from Apple and talk back from android this would be amazing. I’m a non-cited person and I use Waze with very limited use since it does not have seamless compatibility with VoiceOver.
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Saving basic custom changes
I use the app for years. Last time I live in a region where the app out of service practically every morning. Every time I change a voice and car visualization, but if it is out of service my settings go back to initial settings. It’s not so difficult save my settings ones until I change it instead bring me Back Hebrew and blue arrow . By my opinion it is major bug. Pls pay attention and fix it asap. Tnx
1 vote -
Ability to lock screen while riding
Whilst riding (motorcycle) in the rain, the rain can oftentimes register as accidental touches, causing unintentional actions (panning, changing destination etc).
The option to lock the screen from accidental touches and perhaps a simple press and hold or unlock gesture to re-enable touches would help to prevent accidental/unintentional inputs and would reduce avoidable hassle whilst riding in (already) difficult circumstances
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Exit info too small
For people that have smaller screens, exit info is tiny and hard too see while driving. Any way of making it larger?
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App chưa tối ưu mượt mà
Ứng dụng chưa tối ưu cho tần số quét màn hình 120hz trên điện thoại android. Nhiều hoạt ảnh bị giật, 1 số rất giật. Thiết bị của tôi là samsung s22 plus
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Move alert icons on the left
Hello, I'd suggest to move the icon needed to send a new alert about any problem along the road on the left of the screen or, at least, to add a setting to decide where you prefer it. As a matter of fact, for the majority of cars, which are left-handed drive, it's more umcomfortable to reach, with your right arm, the icon on the farest side of the screen in Car Play screens!
Thanks for your attention and regards.1 vote -
Fix catout android
Good night, I recently changed my phone, I thought that this problem had already been solved. This is not even a problem, but a defect that is already more than 3 years old, that’s for sure. But the drawback is that the cutout in the application does not read and a black background is simply superimposed, and not like in Google maps, for example, everything is fine and calm. I propose to solve this problem already.
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Wybór kilku marek stacji paliw
Chciałbym zasugerować wprowadzenie drobnej aktualizacji w Państwa aplikacji, która byłaby bardzo pomocna dla użytkowników. Mianowicie ułatwieniem w korzystaniu z funkcji nawigacji aplikacji Waze byłoby wprowadzenie możliwości wyboru w ustawieniach aplikacji kilku marek stacji paliw, a nie jak jest to obecnie tylko jednej lub wszystkich. Z góry dziękuję za uwzględnienie sugestii.
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Distance between two places
Please add an option to view distance between two places like in google maps. Idk why this feature isn't there till now.
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Show route turns on landscape and portrait mode
The upcoming turn-by-turn directions would populate in landscape mode not too long ago. Now, it only shows a zoomed out version of the map. Why would anyone not want directions like they do in portrait mode? This was an awful update which caused me to nearly have three accidents in my vehicle without CarPlay. I have had to resort to Apple Maps and google maps because Waze appears to care more about voices and cool features instead of functionality!
1 vote -
Shortcut to switch car types in iOS
It would ve nice to have an shortcut on apple to change car type quickly. As someone who drives a taxi and private cars and switch a lot. Maybe integrate it to apple shortcuts app or make it bluetooth connection dependable so it switches automatically when connected to a designated bluetooth source
1 vote
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