Waze Suggestion Box
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599 results found
Driver Avatars/Icons
Gamification in apps like this can incentivize consumers to increase usage of your app. More frequent users ultimately increases your revenue from advertising and other potential sources. My idea is that you should incorporate a point/coin system that rewards users for driving miles using Waze. These points can then be used to buy avatars and icons in place of the boring arrow that represents the driver. The more points you save up, the cooler avatars you can buy. Potentially, the points can be used for gift cards and other rewards that you may come up with. In the end, this…
7 votesGreat thinking! We’ll share with the team; they’re always interested in new feature ideas.
Offset turn instruction
Oftentimes at standard, perpendicular intersections, streets dead-end on one side and pick up again on the other side, offset by just a few dozen feet. For simplicity's sake and for routing, we map a lot of these as plain four-way intersections (like an italicized + sign, you could say).
But this can be confusing for drivers, who arrive at the intersection with no special instruction and yet are forced to almost fully turn right or left. The simple four-way mapping style is appropriate when the offset would still allow a car's width to pass through without turning, but when there…
7 votes -
Recent Locations (Local Device Data) - Bulk Remove Option
Waze offers the ability to remove Recent Drive History in Bulk, however it leaves Recent Locations on the Local Device.
I do not wish to keep these recent locations as they are of no relevance to my future trips.
Waze only offers the ability to individually delete these records which can be an extremely repetitive task.
Three Dots > Remove > Yes for each Recent Location
I would love to be able to Bulk Remove Recent Locations from the My Waze GUI.
I believe the following options would be a significant improvement:
- Remove All Recent Locations
- Swipe Left…7 votes -
Have an easy to use "manual start/pause" button
It would be helpful to have a "Start now" button. I'll often set my destination while still parked, so the part about navigating out of the parking lot is the app getting confused over and over while I navigate out to the street.
7 votes -
Pouvoir ajouter des étapes à un itinéraire
Pouvoir ajouter des étapes à un itinéraire. Personnaliser un itinéraire en ajoutant les villes ou routes par lesquelles on souhaite passer.
6 votes -
More fuel types to Waze
Currently Waze only allows four different fuel types for fuel stations. I believe that number is not enough. For example in Finland we currently have 95E10, 98E5, Diesel and E85 as options in Waze. In reality many fuel stations offer renewable/green diesel, natural or bio-gas and some even have AdBlue (DEF) from a pump. Currently around half of my countries fuel types can not have prices set for in Waze.
So, my suggestion is that community members should be able to add a price to any fuel type available at a given station, wich would require an increase to the…
6 votes -
Poweramp soporte
Me gustaría que waze incluyera soporte para poweramp
6 votes -
customize Shortcut buttons on map screen
I think its better let users to add 3 shortcut buttons(floating or fix) to map screen like ( vehicle stoped, police or anything which user decide) then user can report by one click ,its fast and safe
It help to make fast reports , current situation is user have to make 2/ 3 steps to make report, on busy roads its very useful.6 votes -
Show the sleep button on all screens.
It’s too hard to scroll back to sleep- map stays on unless it’s disabled and will drain data and power. Make it easier to turn off.
6 votes -
Please bring back closing the app simplicity
Now to close the app, it is a huge burden vs beforehand, please add a new, easy / efficient / instantaneous method to do so.
6 votes -
Variable Speed Limit Camera Audio Cues
Hi, based in the UK here.
When a user drives in a variable speed limit zone on a motorway in the UK, Waze thinks the speed limit is 70 mph all the time when in fact the speed limits can be changed from anywhere between 20 mph and 70 mph.
These variable speed limit zones have several speed cameras that can detect speeding for a variety of speed limits.
When navigating on Waze, when approaching a speed camera the audio cue for alerting to speed cameras does not play when driving within the speed limit shown in Waze, only when…
6 votes -
Polestar 2 steering wheel screen integration
The navigation map should show up on the screen behind the steering wheel of the Polestar 2, like it does on Google Maps.
6 votes -
5-digit Gas Prices
Colombian gas prices are 5 digits long. Waze only allows to enter 4 digits. Please fix that functionality
6 votes -
Outside temperature on screen through the vehicle systems rather than the gathered external weather data.
Vehicles gather outside temperatures as part of the computer systems and display it on on the infotainment screens. I would like this temperature displayed rather than that gathered from the weather data. It would be more accurate and use less data.
6 votes -
More organization by grouping locations together
My waze is sprawling with locations that I find it hard to find things fast.
We need a way to organize the locations.
Like the existing Home. Home has its own clear folder and not jumbled up among all sorts of locations.I would like to suggest other folders like "City" or "Beaches" or "Cinemas". I can place all my shops and locations that I frequent to inside it.
At the moment I have to look through a whole list to find it. Horrible!
6 votes -
Inclusao de pasta ou Grupos para organizar a funcão de " Meus Locais Favoritos"
seria interessante permitir criar Categorias, coleçao ou pasta em locais salvos para otimizar a procura dos Favoritos. Sinto falta dessa opçao que os rivais Maps e Here ja tem a muito tempo.
Não e interessante para quem tem muitos locais salvos uma lista única grande pois perde-se muito tempo pra se localizar o local salvo desejado ainda mais se estiver dirigindo podendo desviar um bom tempo da atenção no transito.6 votes -
In app widget
A great feature would be an in app widget for reports. Let the users choose a report shortcut to be added on the map. Just push one button of choice to send a report. It would be much better for safety.
My reports consists mostly of car on shoulder, I’d love to add a shortcut for that on my map.6 votes -
Search bar for Tolls and HOV passes
In the Tolls and HOV passes menu, there are a lot of passes for a while (in the past there were only passes for my country), and I have to scroll through them to find the pass I'm looking for. It is really a lot, I guess for the whole of Europe. It would be beneficial to have a search bar for this menu to be able to filter/search passes.
6 votes -
Increase font in navigation screens
Small fonts on Android. It was better few version back. Increase font in Android doesn't help. Ask your devs to respect accessibility for major actions like voice alerts, Home/work recommendations , recent drives, etc.
5 votes -
Six essential functions when using apps on mobile phones
Recommendations for the Waze app:
1. Add setting item: Speed adjustment is a slider from 0 to 15km/h to compensate for slower speed compared to reality due to gps latency
2. Change the current speeding warning threshold setting menu to a slider with values from -20km/h to 20km/h so that users can choose the appropriate warning threshold for each need.
3. Add voice speed warning sound option
4. Add option to Repeat overspeed warning: (Off, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 30 seconds, 60 seconds…)
5. Increase the size of the speed indicator and speed limit to match mobifone navigation…5 votes
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