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3956 results found

  1. Too many repetitive navigation alerts

    I will start off by praising Waze. It’s the only app that I use for navigation, and I use it multiple times a day. That being said, the number of repetitive navigation alerts is becoming extremely annoying. I don’t need to be remind 4+ times within 20 second time period to do the same thing. It might be just me, but it seems to have gotten much worse in the past month or two. Please add an option for minimal navigation alerts. It’s just too much!!!

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  2. Avoid roads during time of the day

    Some roads aren't allowed to use during the day.
    For example, no right turn between 3pm-7pm. Monday to Friday.
    How to mark and make note of those roads?

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  3. 2 offers: navigation and user play journey

    Hi, my name is Nirit and I have 2 suggestions for you:

    Offer 1# - a feature that allows a faster route to the destination
    I want to reach my destination, but it is not always important for me to reach exactly the specific number on the specific side of the street.

    That is, I don't mind walking a few meters and parking on the side opposite the destination, or near the destination further down the street - especially when the other side or a few meters nearby will save me time and allow me a faster route, for example…

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  4. Feature to calculate ETA depending on time of departure in the future

    Like estimated time of departute depending on time of arrival in the future, there could be a reverse feature, estimating time of arrival depending on time of departure in the future.

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  5. כאשר ווייז נותן מסלול מומלץ, ואז משנה אותו למסלול אחר בגלל תאונה למשל, שיגיד "ששינוי מסלול בגלל תאונה" י

    המסלול החלופי שמוצע פתאום עלות
    להיות ארוך עמוס ולא הגיוני. אבלל אם ההודעה תהיה "שינוי מסלול בגלל תאונה" אז זה יעזוק מאוד

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  6. 1 vote

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. Utilisation Waze pour les piétons en ville

    Je souhaiterai pouvoir utiliser Waze en tant que piéton

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  9. Es muy tardado empezar Navegar

    Hola les digo que se tarda mucho en empezar a navegar , no inicio l ruta en cuanto ya sabes a dónde ir , tienes que dar varios clicks para apresurarlo y no puedes distraerte más de 2 segundos

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  10. Cancel the name of the streets please !!!

    Cancel the name of the streets please !!!

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  11. Comunicazione Radio / centrali operative

    Mi propongo per testare la fattibilità di un progetto di integrazione con Zello per poter comunicare tra utenti e per eventualmente se nell’interesse creare dei nuclei regionali di supporto via radio. Per dare assistenza, comunicazioni ecc su un canale Zello dedicato. Se mi contatta uno degli amministratori possiamo approfondire l’idea, e svilupparla magari a campione in Veneto - Italia

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  12. Nome da rua sem rota programada

    Gostaria de sugerir que aparecesse o nome da rua mesmo quando não tem uma rota programada.
    Como aparece no Maps. Obrigado!

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  13. Done button! More icons, less searching!

    Where's the **** I'm done with directions button?! Big icons on the screen for navigation (you can't read when you're driving)!

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  14. A86 Duplex et véhicule GPL

    Pour un véhicule GPL, Waze fait prendre le duplex A86 hors ce n'est pas possible.

    Serait il possibilité de rendre cette section impossible pour les véhicules GPL?

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  15. Rafael Nadal

    Rafael Nadal para voz en español

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  16. Cores indicariva da situação de tráfego na linha de trajeto e não apenas nas bordas.

    Gostaria que quando o trânsito estiver intenso/parado, a linha trajeto fique inteiramente vermelho neste local e não apenas vermelho nas bordas da linha azul (fique a exemplo do GMaps). Ficaria bem melhor para identificação, às vezes olho a linha está azul e penso que o trânsito está livre.

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  17. Tolls with registered passes

    Even with the tolls turned off on navigation, suggestions should be made for the tools with which there are registered passes

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  18. Peage electronique portugal

    Les autoroute à péages électroniques dites scut sont des vrais pièges pour le touriste au portugal, source de tracas, de temps perdu voire d'amendes importantes. Il serait bon de pouvoir les eviter afin de privilegier les autoroutes pourvues de peages traditionnels.

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  19. REPORTING A PROBLEM - Waze freezes up on android auto when used in wireless mode. started a couple of updates ago this year in March-April

    Waze freezes up on android auto when used in wireless mode. started a couple of updates ago this year in March-April

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  20. I need new option

    I need new option for deselect the speedway in italy (named superstrada in italy(example SS16)).

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