Waze Suggestion Box
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17365 results found
Could you add the HFP feature to connect with bluetooth with the audio system of the car.
18 votes -
Add upcoming planned drives to iPhone widget
It would be really awesome to have the next 1-2 planned drive destinations show up next to "Home" and "Work" in the iOS widget! Thanks!
18 votes -
Aviso de aprobación de FOTO, LUGAR, ETC, al usuario waze que la reporto.
Sería muy bueno, que los usuarios que reportan FOTOS, LUGARES, ETC y que no lo pueden aprobar por tener un Nivel Bajo, reciban un mensaje automático cuando un usuario superior (Ej. L4, L5, etc) les apruebe dicho reporte. Creo que de esta manera, el usuario estaría viendo que su esfuerzo fue valorado y lo incentivaría a nuevos reportes. Gracias.
18 votesAdminElla (Waze Team) (Admin, Waze) responded
update alerts for other side of road
I would like to be able to update alerts on either side of the road as no longer there, not just the side of the road I'm traveling on. Just like how Waze currently asks if a hazard is still there if it's in my traveling direction, it'd be nice to be able to click on a hazard or alert on the opposite side of the road and delete it if it's no longer there or relevant.
Also, what happened to reporting hazards/traffic on the opposite side of the road after this newest android update? It's awful! It needs to…18 votesThanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Improve ability to report closures on forks and ramps
When reporting road closures in the Waze client, for each road possible to report as closed, you get an X with an arrow pointed down the path to be closed. The problem is if the arrows overlap, you can only press the top most one. This makes reporting ramp closures or closures at a narrow fork impossible. It would be better if when arrows are overlapping, each press cycled between them.
18 votes -
O Waze poderia ter uma opção de evitar locais ou vias perigosas, que são conhecidos por todos ou que a própria comunidade indica.
O Waze poderia ter uma opção de evitar locais ou vias perigosas, que são conhecidos por todos ou que a própria comunidade indica, como, por exemplo, a Avenida Almirante Delamare em São Paulo, onde os carros são abordados ainda em movimento, tanto de dia como de noite. É melhor percorrer um caminho maior do que ser morto!
18 votes -
moving waze folder inside Android/data
Can you move the waze folder from memory's root to a folder like Android/data/com.waze)
The reason is to keep clean the memory's root to makes easier for user to find important folders like DCIM, Downloads, Music and such on a glimpse. Also, folders in this form are deleted automatically upon app uninstallation, making it cleaner and may make it compatible with app2sd.
18 votes -
Photo adjustment
To have to possibility to make small adjustments to photos that were uploaded in the app. Like; rotate image, crop, auto adjust brightness.
18 votesAdminElla (Waze Team) (Admin, Waze) responded
Incorporate dogecoin into the app as a way of tipping other users for map notifications.
Incorporate dogecoin crypto currency into the app as a way of tipping other users for map notifications.
18 votes -
Show Road events information in Map view - Plan Route
In the earlier version of Waze this feature was available. With the new update the feature disappeared:
When choosing the best route out of 3 options Waze shows the list of route and the map. In the Map View not it is missing the traffic information!!!!To be able to choose the best route it is totally necessary to see WHERE exactly along the route you should expect traffic.
The list view shows this info somehow, but it is difficult to guess where exactly the road events are just on a simple line. In the Map View, you can easily…18 votes -
Roadkill icon replacement
Please replace the roadkill icon with something else. It looks like a poor little hedgehog and it makes me sad. :(
18 votes -
perte de compte
Je trouve grotesque que l'on perde son compte lorsque l'on change de téléphone. Le message reçu de Waze lorsque j'ai voulu retrouver mon compte est hallucinant de désinvolture, c'est à peu près ceci : "Oups, ils semble que votre compte se soit perdu dans le labyrinthe".
Comment imaginer que des mois et années de fidélité se perdent pour un changement de téléphone !!!18 votesThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
dangerous places
You should create a database with dangerous places, risk locations, and places near this places. When the user sets his destination, the app would ask him if the adress is correct, and tells him that the place he is trying to go is considered to be on a risk location or near it, and if there are streets with the same name on the city, ask him if he perhaps selected the wrong address.
18 votes -
add option of celebrity voices to waze !!
What would be fun and great i think is celebrity voices instead of normal phone or ipad voice or text to speech etc
18 votes -
Add divided street option
Waze doesn't differentiate when a street has a median that blocks the ability to get to a destination. Add another option similar to elevation or direction but that requires Waze to navigate to the other driving direction for the street. This would allow editors to update Waze streets without having to split them for the same functionality.
18 votesAdminElla (Waze Team) (Admin, Waze) responded
Weather problem- sunglare
Weather- sunglare
18 votes -
why is there no ambulance car option? and option to show hospitals on map? I am an EMT who uses Waze at work all the time!
Add ambulance icon to car options, and an option to show hospitals, maybe even the closest ER facility to current location! I use Waze all the time at work as an EMT, and while the first suggestion would just be a treat for those, like me, in the EMS field, the second option would have the ability to assuage new EMTs fears of not knowing the closest hospital facility (we cover ALL of Colorado, though mainly Denver metro area, but still a huge area to learn when you're new).
18 votesThanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
police notification 1 mile ahead rather then 0.5 miles
It would be nice to have a little further warning that a police car is ahead in some instances a half a mile they can clock your speed.
18 votes -
Cancel last report
Need option to cancel last report if I see in the rear mirror that things have changed or I find I made a mistake.
18 votes -
Stop auto refreshing and zooming back in when I am trying to zoom out and see all of the possible routes to my destination...
Stop auto refreshing and zooming back in when I am trying to zoom out and see all of the possible routes to my destination... Going from city to city there are different routes. I must zoom out to look at the path they take. ...but this app zooms back to my car location as soon as I zoom out. It makes picking the best route a blind guess instead of something better.
18 votes
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