Waze Suggestion Box
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17365 results found
Allow to pin favorites
Allow to pin favorites to be shown always under home and work. I have two different work places and it is impossible to have both and my hom
8 votes -
Route option
Please add options for route base on road selection
I want to go from point a to point b
I want to drive on road selection that i want
And base not on the best route
I want to see all the options and select the best option based on my selection8 votes -
Fix your display font
Speed font is so blurry that you can not even make out what it says
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Time saved vs detour tolerance slider
The biggest complaint I hear from non waze users is that it routes you a zig zag through a neighborhood or takes you off/on the highway to save 20 seconds.. I use it everywhere I go myself, still worth it BUT I do get annoyed when a significant amount of twists and turns if they don't end up being necessary.
I suggest a slider in settings in which the user could say "keep me on the most direct route unless it saves me at least" 3 minutes.. 5 minutes.. 10 minutes etc.
In order words allow me to set my…
8 votes -
Mas opciones de vehículos
Sería bueno que la aplicación tuviera opción para vehículos de carga pesada como camiones y tractomulas soy conductor de carga pesada y a ratos la aplicación me por rutas en las cuales el vehículo tiene dificultad
8 votes -
Arthur Morgan
Arthur Morgan from Red Dead Redemption II
8 votes -
Android auto split screen
Android Auto now displays directions in split-screen, on google maps you can click the icon and shows in full screen, please implement this
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Return Route same as Initial Route
I had to drive to Greenville, NC from Morehead City. And the route was different than the return home. The return home was actually longer, and took me on a lot of smaller streets and small towns instead of the large streets that was the initial out. This should be critical
8 votes -
Unlimited number of places can be saved to favourites
It would be very important for many people to have an unlimited number of places that can be saved on the app.
8 votes -
‘Prefer fuel efficient routes’ feature on Waze
Like Google Maps has, please also bring the feature ‘Prefer fuel efficient routes’ into Waze
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Consecutive alerts within a short distance
At the moment, the Waze app provides alerts (such as hazard reports or speed/red light camera) approximately 400-500m away from the location. After driving past the report or camera, Waze doesn't check if there are any further alerts in the next 400-500m and as such, drivers miss out on this information.
An example is at the first traffic light, there is a red light camera, however after turning, the next traffic light (assuming it is relatively close/within 500m) also has a red light camera. Drivers currently only receive one alert for the first red light camera but not for the…
8 votes -
Change fuel preference type missing UK
Please add back the fuel preference for the UK this was really useful as the cost of Petrol and Diesel is very different across the UK
Thanks8 votes -
Desde ultima actualizacion los avisos de camaras/radares de trafico se quedan fijos en pantalla y no avisa del siguiente radar
Desde ultima actualizacion los avisos de camaras/radares de trafico se quedan fijos en pantalla y no avisa del siguiente radar a no ser que se reinicie la ruta. Sugiero dejar como en anterior version
8 votesThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Avoir la possibilité de créer plusieurs profiles véhicules et pouvoir les paramétrer avec par exemple les types de routes à eviter et à
Il serait intéressant de pouvoir avoir la possibilité de créer plusieurs profil de véhicules et de pouvoir les paramétrer chacun différemment (route à éviter et à ne pas emprunter).
Etant automobiliste et motard, je dois à chaque fois, suite au choix de mon véhicule paramétrer les types de routes à éviter et à ne pas prendre.Merci
8 votes -
Estaciones de servicio y tipo de combustible
Ya no aparece la opción de escoger la marca y el tipo de combustible preferido
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Include ‘Bristol Clean Air Zone in UK ’ in the Toll passes & Exemptions Options
With effect from 28 November, the new ‘Bristol Clean Air Zone’ will become effective in Bristol , UK. Please include this in the Toll passes & Exemptions Options in settings so that the route navigated can avoid this zone.
8 votes -
Add Fuel Capacity to plan a fuel stop on highway trip
Hi ! Is it possible to add a fuel capacity and average efficiency to the vehicule specifications part in order to « automatically » plan a stop on a highway tolled trip.
It’s maybe a french exception but we enter a tolled highway by a entry point and pay when we leave the highway ; so a fuel stop outside the highway is difficult.
Thanks in advance :-)8 votes -
8 votes
Por favor, volver a incluir la opcion de elegir el combustible del coche y ordenar las gasolineras por precio. Gracias
Por favor, volver a incluir la opcion de elegir el combustible del coche y ordenar las gasolineras por precio. Gracias
8 votes -
Speedometer speeding threshold alert below speed limit
I currently have a blackbox installed in my car for insurance purposes. I would like to be able to set my speedometer alert BELOW the speed limit so I know I am approaching it and DONT GO OVER the limit. The options now are all ABOVE the limit.
8 votes
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