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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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1216 results found

  1. Change the road type to "Under Construction"

    Enter the road type "Under Construction" instead of using other road types to consider segments under construction.

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  2. Place allowed for pets

    For families who take their pets to other places, it is interesting to know whether or not the place accepts pets.

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  3. Seaarching on crossings

    By long streets, it is easier to place two street names in the searching box so you can find direct the correct crossing, like it is possible in Google Maps

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  4. Push questions to communicate with drivers

    A suggestion to enable Push questions (PQ’s) to communicate with drivers in order to solve map problems
    I thought it would be really great if Area managers would be able to send PQ’s to drivers in order to get their help in resolving map problems.
    For example:
    • If I get a UR (in an area with low traffic) suggesting that a right turn isn’t enabled anymore and I want to verify this I might need to wait a long time until someone else will send an additional UR.
    • Or if a road is suspected to be closed and…

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  5. Add a "Map problems in my areas" list in the editor

    It's time wasting to look for map problems in my areas. It would be easier if they could be found in a list, so I could use more time to correct the map, and less looking for problems

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  6. Metric system on new connections

    Can you add that the metric system is automatically set up according to the country to which we are connected?
    Because there are a lot of L1 in France who change the speed limits of entire districts / cities and put 50 mph ... instead of 50 km/h ... (a difference of 30 km/h ...)

    Take care and thanks for all :)

    By: InstantT
    Link to original suggestion:

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  7. Auto set checkboxes "No street" and "No city"

    Remove the "No street" and "No city" boxes by automatically setting the segments with the flag active if the name and/or city is not entered and vice versa.

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  8. Re-enable addition of red light cameras

    The county I live in has installed new red light cameras on one of the parkways that runs through it. This parkway has a number of at-grade crossings, thus the installation of the red light cameras. I would have outlined/identified these cameras if I were able to, so as to warn others of their existence. Unfortunately, it seems that this option has been removed. Please bring it back so I may warn others of these cameras. Thank you.

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  9. Retorno do recurso Reportar radar

    Solicito o retorno do recurso “Reportar radar” todo dia as autoridades instalam novos radares no Brasil todo e nos usuários somos surpreendidos com a multa em casa. Não acho justo uma ferramenta tão rica ser desprezada pelos seus editores.
    A todo momento um susto!!!!

    Sugiro a volta do recurso imediatamente.

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  10. Earlier warning

    Speed cameras are now rear facing. So could you please increase your warning time for speed cameras and Police, broken down cars....

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  11. Editing rank on a per-server or per-polygon basis

    Waze is a worldwide service with global user permissions, but often travelling editors will do work in another area, or editors will take on area management roles in multiple countries. This can lead to disagreement about an editor's capabilities between different management groups in self-managed countries which can hamper a user's ability to get promoted. I would like to propose that it be possible to grant a user enhanced rank in certain areas only instead of globally. This could be tied to the server (environment), or better to a polygon much like we define Area Management areas today.

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  12. Add permanent user based Hazard markers to the map (to assist when local authorities don't flag))

    I came up with this idea after getting incredibly tired of flagging a long term roadworks hazard that's turned a two-way piece of road into to automated stop light controlled one-way travel. That fact that none of the road authorities here in NSW, Australia, who can tag such things (such as the NSW TMC) still have not after some 6 months (as compared to recently flagging another identical set of long term roadworks in another area I travel through). This has prompted me (thanks to another member's suggestion) to post the idea of the idea of allowing users (maybe more…

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  13. Improve ability to add pictures to places

    Currently when you're in the app you please "places" and the first thing you must do is take a picture of the new place you wish to add. One feature i'd love is if you had the option to add pictures from your camera roll instead cos sometimes its rather difficult in the moment to add all these things.

    Another thing is (maybe I should make a separate post about it) but right now there is no way to add photos through WME on desktop.. It would be really good if we could change that. If you're worried about spam…

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  14. Distance to overtaking section (Dual lane) on "A" Roads

    Marked on Maps and audio description saying Distance to Overtaking Zone. This would avoid numerous accidents knowing that if you wait a short period of time you can overtake safely rather than risking overtaking in the face of oncoming traffic.

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  15. Avoid specific tollway

    Identify specific tollway stretch. Avoid specifc tollways.

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  16. Inbox indicator should show in the feed, not hide behind the little bell

    Inbox indicator should show in the feed, not hide behind the little bell.

    When sending a forum message to new users they will often not replay because they just DO NOT SEE the notification. The notification was moved from the feed to hide in the menu bar behind a little counter besides a bell icon. It is just not clear enough.

    Please make it so that one cannot mis any inbox messages in WME.

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  17. minimize the URs window

    in the URs window we have "x" button but we dont have minimize button "-", Some times it block viewing the Waze provided route & User drive (GPS trace) to study it. So if we have the minimize button who need to minimize it he can.

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  18. Flag UR reports

    I would like the feature to be able to flag a UR report. This way, volunteers can reply to a UR normally. If the UR is about something that the volunteer cannot fix, allow them to have an option to flag the report with a "level needed" option, so the volunteer can put in which level volunteer is needed to fix the UR.

    (I am aware that we have the unlock requests forums, but possibly add the flagged reports to the level that the volunteer requested's feed.

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  19. level

    There are some roads/ buildings that are not recorded on the map, but all the edits are limited by level, I feel hard to start being a new volunteer, and I feel disappointed the notice shows me I do not meet the required level after much editing.

    Waze is killing my efforts and not welcoming any new volunteers, I decide not to give my hand to this map anymore.

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  20. Add new layers for deleted Places and Segments

    Currently it's impossible to restore (or even review) the Places and Segments, which were deleted. There are simply no traces left and objects are lost for good. (with their history and complexity)

    I suggest to add the new WME layers with deleted Segments and Places.
    That would allow the review of what, when (and by whom) were they deleted with a possibility to recover/undelete those objects. (again, incl. all attributes and history).

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