My feedback
16 results found
638 votesHD supported this idea ·
402 votesHD supported this idea ·
77 votesHD supported this idea ·
53 votes
Thanks for the suggestion!
As we are currently moving forward with adding this for natural features, we'd like to implement that first, and then check back to see if this is still relevant after that feature is live.
HD supported this idea · -
9 votesHD supported this idea ·
53 votesHD supported this idea ·
15 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment HD supported this idea · -
53 votes
Hey !
Can you please share some more details and examples for this issue which you would like to address in this suggestion?
This will help us to better understand what will be the best solution.Thank you
An error occurred while saving the comment HD commentedHere are some real-world examples.
Example 1:
- Preferred route (using road): https://waze.com/editor?env=usa&lat=33.92573&lon=-84.33952&zoom=7&segments=513842615,513842616,513842618,513842623,513842624,513842628,513842629,507788537
- Non-preferred route (using aisle): https://waze.com/editor?env=usa&lat=33.92573&lon=-84.33952&zoom=7&segments=507788537,513842613,513842612,513842615Example 2:
- Preferred route (using road): https://waze.com/editor?env=usa&lat=33.92559&lon=-84.33890&zoom=7&segments=513842623,513842618,78153223,513842640,513842645,513842646,513842625,513842633
- Non-preferred route (using aisle): https://waze.com/editor?env=usa&lat=33.92559&lon=-84.33890&zoom=7&segments=513842623,513842617,513842625,513842633The problem with aisles is that each parking slot is like a small intersection where cars can come out, while "roads" move faster and are less risky to take (even if it sometimes looks like there are more intersections - with aisles - on those roads).
A solution could be a new road type, but that may be confusing for novice editors, or allowing Routing preference (Unfavored/Neutral/Preferred) on PLRs. This routing preference would carry a different default speed (i.e. 10/20/30 km/h), vs. the one default speed of 20km/h.
HD supported this idea · -
34 votes
Thank you for this suggestion.Currently we won’t move forward with this suggestions as road-shields are assigned to streets and not to segments, which has higher benefit in the mapping process.
If a user have editing rights to one of the segments on a street he/ she will be able to assign the road shield .
HeziHD supported this idea · -
66 votesHD supported this idea ·
3 votesHD shared this idea ·
36 votes
Thank you for the suggestion.
In order to check this suggestion, we would like you to share some more examples with us.
We aim to get the understanding of how often this is an issue.Best,
Hezi.HD supported this idea · -
45 votes
Thank you very much for this great suggestion.
It was added to our backlog to try and see the possibility to implement it.Please note there is no ETA for it yet.
HeziHD supported this idea · -
62 votes
Thank you for this suggestion.
We have added it to our back log. It will take some time. But it will be be solved as part of JB revamp.Thanks
HD supported this idea · -
240 votes
Since bilingual support is a bigger issue affecting not just the WME, this is a company-wide decision that we will bring to the relevant teams.
HD supported this idea · -
295 votesHD supported this idea ·
The issue with Kosovo using Serbia as "Country" is that it has a different currency, language, signage, road shields, gas stations, gas brands, etc. The drivers there are unable to see gas prices and toll prices in the local currency in the Waze app. There are also border crossings between Serbia and Kosovo that are not shown in navigation, which is confusing for the drivers. Basically, the map does not reflect what the drivers can observe driving through Kosovo.
Not getting into the political argument, this is simply against Waze mapping rules where the map is supposed to reflect what the drivers see on the roads.