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17398 results found


    Olá Galera do Waze

    Fica a Dica Por Gentileza

    Adicione a função de ajustar manualmente a Roteirização no Mapa (Waypoint), com Nova Função Segure e Arraste para Alterar o Trajeto Uma nova Rota Personalizada e Desejada Manualmente e

    Adicionar Alerta de Lombadas (Quebra Molas) e

    Adicionar o Modo Condução para Truck&Bus com todos os Alertas necessário para veículos comercial de grande porte,

    Ex:. Altura de Ponte,
    Restrição em geral para este tipo de veículos,
    Pedágio e Valor de Tarifas,
    Posto Obrigatório de Pesagem p/ Caminhão,
    Posto Fiscal,
    Velocidade Permitida nas Vias/Rodovias Veículos Pesados,
    Tenha Função de Roterizador com cálculo…

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  2. Android Auto interface, select destination on map

    When long-tapping the Waze for Android Auto map, a location marker appears and the road is highlighted and that's all.
    I would like a "navigate to point" popup to appear, similar to google maps. Without this, it is not possible to navigate to a point highlighted on the map.

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    Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2023 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
    Android Auto Proected is a major focus for us in this year, and we encourage you to read more about it in the Android Auto forum for updates and latest releases.

  3. Add "undo"

    Add "undo" - sometimes you don't see the reason for the report and you almost pass it, so you click the "not here anymore" and then you see it. If an "undo" remains as option for 5 sec, we may avoid this

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  4. Navigation start option

    I would like to see a feature added to only begin verbal navigation once you have driven a certain distance from your home or work - say 1 to 2 miles or at least the first few turns that get you out of your neighborhood or where you work.

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  5. Auto exit sleep mode when connected to CarPlay

    When I connect my iPhone to CarPlay, often Waze is unresponsive because it went into sleep mode automatically when I previously disconnected. I have to stop my car, pick-up my phone, launch Waze and disable sleep mode before it starts to work again through CarPlay.

    Please can you update Waze to automatically exit sleep mode as soon as the phone is connected to CarPlay?

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  6. Wider support for audiobooks

    Add a wider range of support for music players/audiobook players. Support for eg the following audiobook players: BookBeat, Storytel and Nextory.

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  7. Bicycle roof racks warning

    Add a warning when approaching places such as your home garage to avoid crashing bicycles on roof rack.
    The problem is when you are transporting your bikes on your roof rack you sometimes forget they are there.
    Maybe Waze users could add places where there is height limitations.

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  8. Line guidance / colour of the arrows


    Would it be possible to change the colors of the arrows? In red the routes that should not be taken, in green those that should be taken?

    On my phone, the lanes to take appear in dark white and those not to be taken in light gray.

    When you need this functionality, it's usually in an unfamiliar place and you have to concentrate more on the road.
    A quick glance cannot differentiate white from gray.

    Thank you

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  9. Waze Favorites

    Can you add a few categories like “people” and “places” under Favorites?

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  10. נא להגדיר שהאפליקציה תסמוך על תעודות האבטחה של המשתמש

    כרגע האפליקציה משתמשת במאגר תעודות אבטחה נפרד, ולא בתעודות המותקנות במכשיר.
    דבר שגורם שלא ניתן להשתמש באפליקציה כשמחוברים לרשת שדורשת תעודה משלה
    כפי שניתן לראות כאן:

    אפשר לפתור את זה אבל רק אם יש למכשיר גישת רוט.

    האם תוכלו להגדיר שהאפליקציה תסמוך עת תעודות המשתמש שמותקנות במכשיר כך שזה יאופשר לכלל המשתמשים?

    אני לא רואה סיבה שזה לא יאופשר.

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  11. 11 votes

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  12. Voice remote

    Hellou waze ,for safe driving its better voice remote .For example iPhone have Siri. for example you told only -Waze Waze -than the voice remote is activated and during the driving you can indicate all alerts. sorry for my writing

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  13. Separate toggles for Toll Bridges and Express Lanes

    Please add an option to avoid Express Lanes while still using Toll Bridges.
    The HOV lanes in my area are being converted to Express Lanes that charge excessive tolls (closing in on $10) to use them. I refuse to drive in them. However, it's necessary for me to cross toll bridges to get to work (avoiding them will add an hour to my commute). If I tell Waze to avoid tolls, I avoid the Express Lanes AND the Toll Bridges, which is terrible.
    Separating the 'Toll' toggle into 'Toll Bridges' and 'Express Lanes' would be very helpful.

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  14. Australian voice with street guidance

    English and US voices are fine, but I think having an Aussie telling me where to go (!) Would be great.

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  15. Known Speed Traps

    Would like that we have “known speed traps” integrated into the map section. For example if me and 100 other wazers pass a certain location everyday and we ping it as a speed trap the data should be collected until the app knows this is a speed trap and should become a known speed trap on the map. I think the same should be done with tag readers cops are known to read tags in certain areas by sitting in the median, ramps etc

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  16. Preimptive Traffic Notification - Please read it is not just what it seems by headline.

    Preemptive traffic notifications! Sounds Alarm, chirp, chime, text w.e. the user selects when normal route would be jammed BEFORE leaving their home/spot. You have the info and capability to recognize patterns in people’s lives. If they leave at 7:30 to get on a bus, subway, truckers cranking up, no matter who it is, Waze could see that their normal route is delayed 2 hours and let them know BEFORE they have left. Think of the possibilists. People with flexible schedules, Truckers, Subway goers… Repeating but flexible route drivers (delivery etc.)… lots of people benefit so much! Even me, because I…

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  17. Alerta de Velocidade do Radar

    Por que até hoje não há apresentação ou visualização da velocidade do radar ao alertar???

    Ao alertar por velocidade acima do radar, o alerta poderia cobrir a tela, ou metade dela, com a velocidade limite piscando em vermelho, e não discretamente no canto da tela...

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  18. Customizable share ETA messages

    I'd like the ability to create a custom message for the Share ETA feature

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  19. Show speed limit ahead (e.g. 300 meters ahead) for economic driving

    In order to allow economic driving one should be informed that a changing speed limit will come up long enough to be able to save fuel and save the environment. When there is a hint that you have to lower speed like 300 meters in advance you can just stop pushing gas, so car will just sail.

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  20. Instead of saying, "Watch out! Vehicle on side of road, etc", how about say, "Be advised" in a calm voice.

    Instead of saying, "Watch out! Vehicle on side of road, etc", how about say, "Be advised,....." in a calm voice. The "Watch out!" is too alarming.

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