Waze Suggestion Box
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789 results found
App display blocked by alerts
Railroad track alerts and red light camera alerts are blocking the ETA and routing info in the app. Force closing is only way to resolve which is not safe while driving
1 vote -
Please explain how the app works in an easily accessible way, It is so unclear why there are all these different emojis floating around
Please just add a brief -how this app works- page to the web site.
Its infuriatingly unclear as to why there are all these random emojis floating around the screen, it makes little to no sense what they represent and there is 0 information as to what they are supposed to be, I had to go to an external site to find out and it still bearly makes any sense.
When you zoom in and out of the map they randomly appear and disspear with no cohnerent or meaningful pattern so it just adds to the confusion
It appears to…
1 vote -
Traditional characters in Taiwan
Strange that while Taiwan uses traditional Chinese characters, Waze displays simplified Chinese characters. Seems geographic insensitive. Should only display traditional characters.
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how about not blocking the car image under the black box on the upper left.
The black box blocks the image of the car and makes the app useless.
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2024 chevy trax should be added as a new vehicle
This vehicle has come out recently and I've purchased it. Its a nice looking car, not best in the world. Ive been a member over 5 years and if you all could possibly add this vehicle as it is a suv, it will make everyone’s experience using Waze better and could possibly open up the opportunity for future vehicles!
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Ne jamais cacher la vitesse à respecter
Bonjour, depuis peu, les messages d'alerte de la présence de la police cachent ma vitesse actuelle et la limitation à respecter : dommage !
1 vote -
Informações e alertas muito pequenas em multimidia de grande definição
Tenho um auto rádio multimídia de 9" com ecrã 1024x600, todas as informações e alertas aparecem muito pequenos sem possibilidade de zoom, é quase necessário parar para ler e a localização do veículo fica muito deslocada para o lado direito sem possibilidade de centrar o mapa.
Nomes de ruas em caixas tapam muita informação no mapa1 vote -
events notification on map
rather than displaying the number of Wazers having reported an event, it would be better to put the number of minutes since the last validation of the event by other Wazers
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Update regarding Route options distraction
The update changed the route option icon to the bottom right corner instead of the top left. It is not user-friendly in the bottom right when you’re driving and there’s other icons around and you’re trying to click on it and not be distracted. PLEASE change back to top left the icons there aren’t important enough
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New Update Moves Search to the Right and Arrow to the Left and not in the Center as Before
New update is annoying. Everything used to make sense on a tablet but now the travel arrow is on the right and search on the left.
Please fix as the previous make more sense than having a small search bar staying on all the time on the LEFT of the NAV, blocking information. The previous the search was across the bottom/center and then not in use, would down so who move NAV information. Now there are two setting options on the NAV, one at the top and the other beside the Search Bar on the Left.
Please fix this as…
1 vote -
Permanent Rainbow icon
The world is in need of a permanent rainbow icon. Rainbows are magical joyspreaders, therefore everyone should have a rainbow on their sides, also if you only go to work. Rainbows for everyone!!!
1 vote -
States for Moods
I suggest adding States in the Moods. I would like to represent my state while driving plus see where all the other Wazers are from!
1 vote -
Waze Tourist Map
With Castles, Museums, etc.
You will press a button and all touristic objectives will be visible ! This is something google does not have!1 vote -
Auto hide the my waze and where to in landscape mode
Surely there should be a way to auto hide the my Waze and where to bar in landscape mode like it does in portrait mode. It's such a shame it takes up so much room. Sometimes you don't want to type a destination in where your going and just want to have the updates.
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Railroad crossing detours
The map should at LEAST show whether the road passes under the train or not. If Waze has a problem navigating around the tracks, “Wazers” can look at the map. This will allow us to figure out a detour for ourselves.
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I suggest that you delete suggested drives
Get rid of the useless suggested drives that you have to X out every time Waze starts.
1 vote -
different color & voice on map to indicate the route is a overhead bridge
sometimes there are overhead bridges that have the similar route as the road on ground. It is very confusing to look at the map. When we made a mistake and accidentally drive into the wrong lane (overhead-bridge/under the bridge) waze is still directing us to go further but the route is becoming more and more confusing because we are on the overhead/bottom, and GPS is showing only either one of it. GPS doesn't tell us we are on top of the bridge. so since we cannot change what the satellite see from the top. is it possible to color the…
1 vote -
Clearly, Waze has prioritized ad money over driver safety by frequently posting ads obscuring part of the screen. I tried to turn them off, but was only given the option of choosing certain types — with the express direction that these would not permit me to turn them off.
My lack of trust in your product has resulted in my refusal to use it further until this unsafe practice is discontinued.
1 vote -
Size of clock
Is it possible to increase the size of the current time clock? Very hard to see on a quick glance across especially in a right hand drive car.
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Waze generally only shows traffic & issues on 't route selected for me. It would be useful to see traffic etc, on surrounding roads too.
Waze generally only shows traffic & issues on 't route selected for me. It would be useful to see traffic etc, on surrounding roads too.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?