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17365 results found

  1. Bring back other calendars than google calendars (ex. outlook calendar) to synchronize with in "planned routes"

    "Planned routes" is a great feature to plan my routes, but lately it is only possible to synchronize with google calendars. Please bring back the feature to synchronize with other calendars, like outlook calendar, as well, so I do not have to manually import my meetings in Waze.

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  2. Waze to confirm when it has read UserVoice ideas

    I have an issue with Waze - a bug in my opinion - and found it has been reported and voted on here but over 6 years ago! There is zero indication that Waze is actively reading this forum nor that it is planning to introduce any of the ideas suggested here.

    a) For Waze to either use a builtin facility of UserVoice, if it exists, or, otherwise, use a comment, to indicate when it has read a suggestion

    b) For Waze to either use a builtin facility of UserVoice, if it exists, or, otherwise, use a comment, to indicate…

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  3. WAZE as a tool for the destination

    You indicate a destination on the WAZE, and this leads you, with pertinent updates. The destination might know that when you are arriving, for example a restaurant, if you encourage customers to access the WAZE to go there, the restaurant could have a scoreboard with the arrival information and could program. Open your minds for use in hospitals, airports, cargo transportation, ...

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  4. Improve route guidance

    Please take your time to analize these factors;
    Waze, everytime you release a new update, it doesn’t alway fix or updates one of the most important thing, which is the routing itself, another word;
    Waze does not always end the route where it needs to be (it ends somewhere close),
    When it comes to apartments complexes, it takes you most of the time through the exit gate instead of the main gain (just because it seeing the final address as closer to the exit, I get it but it it’s not correct),
    The “fastest route” it’s not alway the safer…

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  5. Can we have WAZE active in Malawi please

    Malawi is open to business now and geo-location is a dependency for most businesses to thrive. It would be a great addition to have WAZE active in Malawi, atleast most major cities

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  6. Stop navigating to where you suggested instead of the address I'm explicitly choosing

    This drives me crazy: That little countdown timer around the suggested destination keeps counting down even as I go and search or choose a favorite or planned drive or whatever. Often, even after I make my choice, the timer finishes and supersedes my choice. Sometimes it takes a while for me to notice that Waze is sending me to the wrong place!

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  7. 1 vote

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  8. when wazers are regularly exceeding the speed limit on non-highways, waze should stop sending people on that route.

    If Wazers are exceeding residential speed limits, it creates a hazard for everyone in that area. Waze should collect data about the amount of drivers who are exceeding speed limits and then restrict usage of those roads because it is a public safety issue.

    Drivers may be going through areas where there are children, joggers, bicyclists, and others who are now at risk because people are exceeding the speed limit while looking down at their phones to get the next GPS instruction.

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  9. התראה על תמרור עצור לפניך

    לפעמים קורה שנהג לא מבחין בתמרור עצור התוצאה יכולה להיות הרת אסון

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  10. I need human help. I have trouble connecting to google pay.

    There is no way to get human help. Please contact me.

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  11. La voz de bad bunny

    La voz del cantante bad bunny

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  12. Please fix the CarPlay issues,

    Please fix the CarPlay issues. Directional information covers the speed limit, move the speed limit to the top left? Speed camera notifications cover too much screen, make these transparent? Show the average speed camera distance like on the mobile version of the app. After turning a corner the map takes too long to realise you’ve turned meaning you scan easily miss your next turn if it’s close after.

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  13. Any company can improve by using a certified E-Steward for destruction of tech gear and data. Visit

    Liquid Technology Inc. is E-Steward certified for the destruction of data and older tech assets. We exceed all global recycling standards including zero export and the ban on prison labor. Can your current ITAD source say that?

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  14. Go back to the directional method prior to this last upgrade. It takes more concentration to consider which way is right or left .

    I don't like the new directional arrow. I now have to concentrate on which way is right or left while I'm driving. Im somewhat direction challenged as it is. If your in heavy traffic, its one more thing to worry about.

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  15. Arrow that shows direction phone is pointed for first few seconds of navigation.

    I often don’t know which way to turn when I put in an adress. Before putting in an address the arrow points whatever way your phone is, which is helpful. Once starting navigation, the arrow changes to a random direction. I wish there was a way to keep the “live” arrow on based on my the direction my phone is pointed for the first few seconds

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  16. Regular commute notification

    Like most of people, I have a regular work schedule, my commute to work is always the same time and route. I do not have to check my navigation app every morning, but when something unusual happens on my route, I think I should be notified.

    Most of us are using navigation apps when traveling, or going somewhere for the first time. But most of our driving time is commuting to work. We should be able to program our commuting times and routes in these apps for whatever schedule we have. If we are driving fide days a week from…

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  17. Live scroll on map in when using Apple CarPlay

    Instead of having to select the arrow navigation element and then scroll by selecting arrow keys, allow for live scrolling of the map when displayed on ICE system using Apple CarPlay

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Flash screen or show some form of Visual alert (Maybe flash the screen white and black 3 times?), when you have audio alerts muted

    Flash screen or show some form of Visual alert (Maybe flash the screen white and black 3 times?) that would catch the drivers eye, when you have audio alerts muted? I mute mine as it causes my music to go quiet when an alert happens. (Apple CarePlay). A distinctive total screen flash might catch my peripheral vision, "Police ahead".

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  20. Report « ride against traffic » on highway // signalement dédié "contre-sens" sur autoroutes

    A report “ride against traffic” would be:
    - More easily and faster to report, despite stress.
    - The other wazers know immediately what kind of danger is reporting.
    - Set off the report 1.5 km / 1 mi before the action take place.

    -- français --

    Pour avoir vécu récemment un contre-sens, c'est frustrant de ne pas pouvoir signaler aux autres wazers un danger de ce type, assez fréquent malgré ce qu'on peut croire (1 contre-sens / semaine en France sur autoroutes, sans compter ceux qui ne sont pas détectés).
    Un wazer avait indiqué un "danger sur la route" avec…

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