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17364 results found

  1. New ideal for waze

    Hi Waze , good day ,
    I I have been using Waze for many year , I hope Waze can be a super apps to integrate all the famous retail chain in world , example now I want to go to the supermarket, but on the way to the supermarket I would like to order a McDonald through Waze app when I reach McDonald I just grab and go , second I can grab another coffee at Starbucks on the way to the supermarket , if if able to succeed, we just need one Waze app to collect all the…

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  2. Brighter speed camera icon

    Since the update the icon for a speed camera is difficult to see at a quick glance, can the icon not be a bright colour so it is more visible while driving?

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  3. Avisar de Lomas y Cuestas - Quito

    En este caso me refería a Quito en especifico pero si implementan esto seguro ayudaras en muchos otros lugares...
    Como sabrán en Quito existen muchas lomas y algunos usuarios tenemos motos eléctricas y dando un ejemplo por carcelen bajo hay una loma alta alado del parque ecológico...
    Entonces me gustaría saber si podrían poner para que la gente que sepa más rutas avise...
    Esta calle tiene una cuesta... una ruta alterna mejor y menos empinada seria por acá... y asi para en el caso de las motos electricas se daña la batería por mucha fuerza y me gustaría tener otra…

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  4. 1 vote

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  5. UNUSUAL Hazard Category Badly Needed

    Wrong Way Driver use extreme caution warning" was reported on 295 N in FL by a digital State sign. This is a major beltway around Jacksonville, FL.

    ALSO- interstate signs were knocked down by Helene (and laid in grass by state officials and workers)making difficult to know where to go. This caused brake slamming, near wrecks, sudden lane switching etc., as people tried to navigate splits and exits for 95 and 295, and not go miles and miles the wrong way. Again, only a comment.

    In Waze, I could only report a generic hazard with a comment only for 2…

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  6. Add 5 second automatic "Go now" and "Resume" for Motorcycle Vehicle Type


    I ride a motorcycle and the last thing I want to be doing is messing with my phone on it. There is a feature for a normal private vehicle that "resumes" or clicks certain buttons after about 5 seconds without the user doing anything. This feature does not appear to be available for the motorcycle vehicle type.

    Please please please add this as it would make using Waze on a motorcycle much more safe.

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  7. A feature to enter a 'draw path mode' where the user can draw along the map to set a specific/general route to allow for route flexibility.

    A feature to enter a 'draw path mode' where the user can draw along the map to set a specific/general route to allow for route flexibility.
    This will allow drivers to set routes quickly to avoid roads that are unwanted.

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  8. There is a problem with the application on the Android system for car screens

    The problem is that the search option covers part of the display and the area containing the map is unacceptable, so that the left half is useless while the right half only contains the car and navigation. The search should be minimized and the driving should be placed in the middle and not only in half of the screen

    The second problem is that the zoom system is not practical. When I accelerate to a speed of 80 km or more, the automatic zoom is very, very far away, so that you can discover the whole city, but you will…

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  9. Interesting idea about the intelligentization of speed limiter registration

    good time
    For the speed limiter, I suggested that it be registered as artificial intelligence

    The idea is that you can in any country between 3 and 4 in the morning

    There is no more traffic during quiet hours

    So stopping drivers is definitely a speed bump

    So it can be the average

    Choose from the number of stops made by average drivers to record the speed limiter

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  10. Deberían de preguntarle a los choferes si estan manejando vehículos pesados y de ser así, darles rutas correctas.

    Deberían de preguntarle a los choferes si estan manejando vehículos pesados y de ser así, darles rutas correctas. Porque se meten por zonas donde no deberían. Ya van dos veces que vehículos pesados se impactan contra coches de mis vecinos o contra mi domicilio porque el wase les dice que es la ruta rápida, sin embargo es una zona residencial dónde no deberían transitar.

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  11. Stop Waze from opening in CarPlay. I don't want to disable CarPlay or Waze because I use both. I just don't want Waze to automatically open.

    Stop Waze from opening automatically in Car Play. I don't want to turn off CarPlay or disable Waze. I just don't want Waze draining my battery when I don't need it.

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  12. Can you add "Avoid Camera" in the route section

    Can you add "Avoid Camera" in the route section

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  13. Audio bug


    For several weeks and despite successive android auto / waze updates, the audio messages of the alerts are truncated.
    The last words are no longer pronounced completely.
    Example (in French): "vous arrivez dans une zone de contrôle" is pronounced "vous arrivez dans une zone de contr."
    The end of the word "contrôle" is missing.


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  14. Differentiate between fixed radars and human police officers

    Would it be possible to differentiate radars from police officers?
    When I look at the map, fixed radars are indicated by a police officer icon (character).
    It would be nice to be able to identify fixed radars and differentiate them from a human.

    Thank you :)

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  16. Warning of approaching speed limit sign

    We need to have a warning about approaching a speed limit change sign 550m ahead. Like the traffic camera warning ahead. This is very necessary so that drivers can proactively reduce speed from a distance. And the speed limit symbol can be optionally larger in size.

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  17. Fix Fundamental Flaws Please

    It seems as though WAZE has a 3 fundamental flaws:

    1) Sometimes, I open it simply to see if there is traffic congestion but don’t need directions. Even so, the lovely, very helpful lady doesn’t seem top realize I don’t want direction and speaks to me.

    2) Even when I press the red ‘stop’ button the lady continues to talk to me. (Both of these situations are extremely frustrating, can be dangerous if I want to stop her talking while I’m driving!)

    3) Please, pretty-pretty please, display a large STOP icon at all times so it’s easier to shut the…

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  18. More than one work

    Need the ability to add more than 1 work location

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  19. Art Bell voice for navigation

    Art Bell voice for navigation

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  20. Make the navigation time accurate

    When using Waze, the initial projected arrival time is almost always incorrrect. As I drive, it continues to add time to my drive even though there is no traffic and I am going over the posted speed limit. The navigation calculation should be based on the posted speed limit and if traffic is bad, it should be accounted for. The way the app currently works, the calculated time is impossible even if you are speeding, which causes unnecessary stress and causes people to be late unnecessarily.

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