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17364 results found

  1. Cypriot Navigation Sound

    Include a Cypriot dialect with Cypriot navigation instructions (this is a bit different to Greek). You would need to find a Greek Cypriot for this purpose to record the navigation instructions.

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  2. Alyssa Edwards

    Alyssa Edwards' (Drag Queen) iconic voice as a navigator on Waze would be Top Tier!

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  3. Camera Notice

    Two cameras in DC.
    1. 600 blk southern Ave SE (NE/bound)
    2. 3700 blk Alabama Ave SE (SW/bound)

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  4. I need a couple of questions answered and can't get to a support person.

    I'm having a couple of issues:
    - sometimes I get no voice directions in the car, other times it works fine.
    - I'm seeing a box in the map screen that shows 'Using offline maps". What's this mean and how can I erase it?

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  5. Delete and/or change location for work/house

    Delete and/or change location for work/house

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  6. route options

    I would love an option to save a route or favorite it, not just a destination. Once I was rerouted through a backroad due to bad traffic, and really loved the drive. It was pretty with a very similar ETA. I later wanted to go that route again, and wanted to check and compare the ETA of that vs another route, but the route was not listed later on. I would love to be able to favorite that route and be able to compare it against the other route suggestions.

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  7. re-routing

    I want to have better re-routing options available. If I miss a turn, I would like the option to switch my route if it has a similar ETA instead of having it try to re-route me back to my original route and adding up to 5 minutes to my ETA.

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  8. Falta colocar tocador de música o player que ter instalado no celular

    Na navegação em br não tem internet, então o player local do celular ou player do carro deve ser ativado em conjunto tocando música local do celular junto com navegação

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    0 comments  ·  Car Play  ·  Admin →
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  9. 1 vote

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  10. Végső cél

    Amikor valaki kijelöl egy második címet, jó lenne, ha nem csak két opció lehetne ("Új útvonal" vagy "Köztes cél"), hanem egy végcél, ami az elsőhöz van hozzáfűzve. Ha marad a maximum két állomás megadása, ez akkor nagyon jól tud jönni, ha eléri valaki az első célt és a második után így meg tudna adni egy harmadikat. Nem kellene akkor kiválasztani a harmadik állomást, majd Köztes célnak a másodikat. (Általam már régen használt IGO ezt a lehetőséget megadta.) Köszi előre is a fejlesztést.

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  11. Auto timeout on suggestions and recentre

    So 2 issues found this week when using Waze on a motorbike
    1. I got a route change suggestion 10 minutes into my journey, which needed a yes or no button pressing to action. This is really difficult on a bike as you often have a weather cover on the phone so to action I'd have to stop, remove gloves and phone, press it and then carry on. Why doesn't this have a timeout or a tick box in setting to automatically accept route updates?
    2. The map was inadvertantly moved when I put the phone in its case and…

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  12. Overview Improvement

    When you selected route overview it shows, delays, police, hazards and collisions in four different bubbles at the top of the screen (blue-police, red-delays for example). It would be great if you select each of those bubbles individually and it shows in the according color and selected interested bubble such as incidents on the overview map and where they are located, also the ability to select one or whichever you want to see. Also once you see them you can select one and it zoomed into the location.

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  13. Travel Portal Development Company | Travel Portal Development in UK

    TravelpdAPI, a premier Travel Portal Development Company in the UK, specializes in creating advanced travel solutions. Our comprehensive portals offer seamless booking experiences, integrating flights, hotels, car rentals, and more. Trust TravelpdAPI to elevate your travel business with innovative technology and exceptional service.

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  14. Neural voices

    I would suggest to implement Neural2 and/or Polyglot type voices that are available in Google Cloud TTS in the Waze app, keeping the current ones for when - for instance - you don't have internet connection.

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  15. download YouTube videos

    Who knows how to download YouTube videos to a flash drive?

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  16. MLM software development company in Michigan | MLM Software

    MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) software development companies in Michigan specialize in creating tools that support network marketing businesses. These solutions help manage sales, commissions, and downline tracking, facilitating seamless operations and growth for MLM enterprises.

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  17. MLM software development company in Michigan | MLM Software

    MLM (Multi-Level Marketing) software development companies in Michigan specialize in creating tools that support network marketing businesses. These solutions help manage sales, commissions, and downline tracking, facilitating seamless operations and growth for MLM enterprises.

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  18. Avoir le choix de refuser une proposition d’itinéraire

    Lorsque l’on choisit un itinéraire différent du plus rapide (et coûteux) pour avoir le meilleur compromis waze modifie sans cesse l’itinéraire pour revenir à celui le plus rapide (et coûteux)
    Il serait bien que le bouton avec juste OK affiche un choix refuser pour garder l’itinéraire choisi.
    Ou bien créer un choix d’itinéraire meilleur compromis délai coût avec % d’écart acceptable

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  19. When using Waze on an Ipad Air 4th gen in splitscreen with another app like Spotify the map doesn’t center itself with the new screen size

    When using Waze on an Ipad Air 4th gen (or other devices) in splitscreen with another app like Spotify the map doesn’t center itself with the new screen size. It stays oriented to the right and you can barely see the car, would be great if it could adapt to the new screen size while multitasking!

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  20. List with all

    A list (overview) of current/mobile speed cameras throughout the country

    Een lijst met de actuele/mobiele flitsers in heel Nederland

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