Add a 'record my route' button, you can then forward your ideal route to another wazer
We all have our preferred routes, (example) it is so nice to give away your country adventure route to a friend and share the best views, rides and sceneries to the perfect holiday location. Just press the 'record' button and afterwards 'save route' and 'share route'.

- commented
Be able to click start recording route, then whilst driving around it will record the route taken and then you click stop recording at the end. Then you can save this route and name it what you want. This is helpful for a driving instructor.
[Deleted User] commented
I am currently saving the actual routes I ride on my motorbike with my Garmin. It is great to check later where you have been and also to send routes or tracks to friends so they can also enjoy these routes. Not sure Waze has that option but I cannot find it. Looking at the comments below it does not seem to be on the agenda. Would be really great to have though. Also to track back to a certain point.
Dave Halstead commented
A great idea especially if you have a business with deliveries you can send someone who doesn't know the route out without them knowing it
Rober commented
Me gustaría poder grabar varias rutas para ir al mismo punto para mis desplazamientos habituales y que al realizar el desplazamiento Waze analizara cual es la mas optima en función de accidentes/congestión de trafico, es posible que aumente mas el km pero la otra vía es mas rápida/segura por lo que puede mejorar, os puedo enviar el detalle de mi desplazamiento habitual si lo creéis necesario, espero que sigáis mejorando, gracias.
Anonymous commented
8 years waiting for this feature
Anonymous commented
A much wanted feature.
Pim commented
4 years waiting...
Anonymous commented
A feature I’ve wanted for a while.
Clive commented
Are there any plans to develope this feature?
Ronn commented
I agree. This would also be very useful on a multi-car caravan where the group could end up getting split up due to stop lights, multiple short distance turns onto other roads, etc.
Anonymous commented
I take some backroads to work and want to share my directions with other users. It would be great to be able to record my directions and replay for other users so they can follow my route. Maybe. Record Route option if you will.
Gerhard Cilliers commented
I concur - at present my only option is to go buy a GARMIN to record a route travelled by bike, and then share the .KMZ file with EarthGoogle to show to other bikers where we travelled...
WazeWizards should be able to code this functionality in like an afternoon???
janet commented
hi, it would be nice if there was a possibility to record route to use it in the future or to send it to someone
Barend Stapelberg commented
I have absolutely no interest in a shortest or quickest route. Could you please give us the option of a REGULAR or RECORDED route?
I drive the same route every day, regardless of whether there are shorter or quicker routes. I'm just interested in the traffic and ETA of my regular route...
Anonymous commented
Unfortunately, Waze does not in fact learn your routes. It only learns your favorite destinations, but not your preferred travel route.
Annie commented
This is the exact thing I was going to suggest. Currently when navigating to my house it leads me to the correct address but I cannot park in front of my house on the road. I have to turn at a street before my house and go around the back to pull into my driveway. I am also frustrated that waze has yet to figure this out after months of using it. It also has not learned my preferred route to my home. It always tells me to go a way that I do not want to because of many turns. your supposed to have the option to minimize turns but the app clearly doesnt know how to do that. I wish this had way more votes.
kiwirob commented
Why can't I drive the different routes I wish to use for work, whilst recording the route with something similar to the pave roads option. i.e before I start driving turn "route recording mode" on. I drive so many times to my job but EVERY time it tells me to take a ever so slightly different route, that I know takes longer. I am being patient, i have been told it will learn my route eventually, but I can imagine that lots of people will get frustrated and leave Waze very quickly by this situation.
I'm sure that if more people with waze drove in my area, this would be quicker rectified, however as i say, NEW waze users are likely to get annoyed by this.
If you agree that this is a great idea WAZE and you use it in the future, can I please have a t-shirt and a sticker for my car??? Thank you ;)