Follow friend.
Sometimes share one trip more cars (users). For example Business trip or holiday etc. it means two or more cars with the same destination. One of them knows WHERE to go (where is destination) and the others follow him. One car is the leader. In this case could be very useful to add feature called "Follow friend". In MENU where are Friends, add this feature (click on name of leading user and choose "Follow friend") and when the leading user accepts the request, he becomes as a "Moving destination" for user (users) who asked him. The other use of this feature is "Follow ME" when leading user invites friend (friends) to follow him. When friend(s) accept it, they can follow him.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2023 and this idea won't be implemented this year. We hope to have it included in our plans for later years and will keep you posted.
tad commented
Is this still being panned?
Dave Wedd commented
When I'm leading someone it would be very useful to see whether they are three cars behind me or have taken a wrong turning.
Sheryl Meireis commented
Track a Friend
Add a fearure that allows a friend to send a destination and I can follow them to ensure theur safety. The only way I have fogured out how to see a friend who is traveling out of state, to me, is to follow the drive. I would like to just pull up the map and see my friend, what trafgic looks like, etc.
Thanks for your consideration.
Andrew Rupprecht commented
This is the third time I have tried this now. I get an alert of progress to me from her and I keeps showing my house. Sometimes I get a map showung her location and the purple remaining line of her trip. Then when I go back to check, I can't find it again. The best I could do was get a progress bar on the side with her pic on it. Seems like there is two competing formats for tracking someones trip?
Anonymous commented
I want to share my route, but not sending ETA to the one i want to share. I know my way home, and its boring hear the voice day after day driving you home, or work, or in a long trip. Just, send to one or multiple friends your position, and they follow the trip in Waze or Maps app, or in a web browser.
Adam Non commented
This is a good idea ... planned in 2012?
I don't want any app to have unconstrained access to the contacts in my phone.
I'd be okay with adding a handful of "buddies" for driving purposes (people I meet at events or when I am picking up someone, to let them know my ETA without Waze having full access to all contacts and then indiscriminately deciding who I know or who might know me, etc. ... nope nope nope.) -
Tony V commented
Allow Wazers to Track each other on the map realtime with traffic. Then if you are dispatching several drivers you can tell them to alter routes. Or see if someone is off track.
Eric F commented
If I have friends in Waze I would like to click on them and see exactly where they are. This should be optional and friends need to approve each other and it should only be used when both have their app on.
Function to turn it off for a period of time should be a good idea maybe.
Today AFAIK I can only see that they are driving unless they share their route with me. -
Marlon Tumushi commented
Hello ... My idea is: to show the distance between two people. In Kilometres and meters. It would be very useful between loving couples, parents and children, Waze users in general, etc. This idea I want to patent. It can be useful in smart phones, or any electronic device. If you use Waze, remember that this is my idea. I want my rights Royalties: D
Hugo commented
Gostaria de Poder Seguir um amigo (com aprovação DELE, claro!) Isto É seria interessante Pará PESSOAS Que viajem em Mais de um carro e SOMENTE UM SABE Os Melhores Caminhos.
MUITOS VAO Dizer Que basta Colocar oMESMO destino mas Já passei POR Situações Onde Uma pessoa acost Que ESTÁUmada uma Dirigir em hum Conhece Mais locais Que o Waze e POR MUITAS vezes acabamos POR NÃO conSeguirAvistar Mais o Seu Guia e NÃO sabre Pará Onde Virou. Se o Waze tivesseUmaManeira de Mostrar o Caminho Desta pessoa pra mim Eu Não precisaria Ficar "colado" na Traseira DELE e me preocupando em NÃO Perde-lo de vista. Quem passa POR ISSO SABE O Que Estou dizendo! -
Chris Compo commented
would like to see an option when you share your ETA with anyone Wazer or not, so they can see the info they get now and or an option to see you moving in real time on a map. could send to G+ locations option too!
Chris Compo commented
would be nice to see each others markers on a map (real time) travelling around too. Also would like to see an option when you share your ETA with anyone Wazer or not, so they can see the info they get now and or an option to see you moving in real time on a map. could send to G+ locations option too!
Jeffrey McGaffey commented
it would be nice to be able to see your companion on the blue map navigation line instead of just on the side bar. It would be helpful if one driver gets lost or falls behind, the shared drivers could find each other easier. And it would help if one driver pulled off the road for an emergency or pit stop(gas, snacks, etc)
noraa nottap commented
a family tracker feature to keep track of where the family members are. to know if the they made it work, when they're coming or going from the house etc. with a notification indicating such. (for both android and ios)
google doesn't care commented
This need be made available WITHOUT needlessly costly sms texting -- that I will not use on my PHONE
Anonymous commented
A sugestão seria o usuário cria um destino de viagem, e enviar convites para seus amigos realizarem a viajem em grupo, podendo sair do mesmo ponto ou de pontos diferentes.
O criador do da viajem coloca o horário previsto de chegada em no destino, e o Waze planeja a rota, com sugestões de Pontos de Encontro, e horário de saída baseado na localizam de cada um dos convidados.
Seria interessante também ser possível visualizar o tempo estimada de chegada de cada um do grupo, seu a localização e o status atual (Em movimento ou parado), com a possibilidade de enviar alertas e mensagens caso ocorra algum imprevisto. -
Lubomír Čáslava commented
And the second option "Follow friend" .. In this case user(s) ask a friend to follow him
Anonymous commented
Follow me button for a friend who doesn't know the way. You have to activate it and friend has to push 'OK'
Chris Compo commented
As well as the current sending a route plan with eta. It would be nice for some people who would want to check the drive, by literally following your chosen marker up the map.
Also the option to request to see someone moving on the map as well would be good.
Lastly I do think we need groups to be added so we can group share drives and destinations. Obviously we may not be going back the same way after. But groups would be great for work trips/office trips -
Yandhinur Dwi Mauliadi commented
I was also going to add this as an idea, after having a road trip with my friends. suggest to also add a push-to-talk button in exchange to typing messages and emergency button in case of car broken down, flat tire, etc