Follow friend.
Sometimes share one trip more cars (users). For example Business trip or holiday etc. it means two or more cars with the same destination. One of them knows WHERE to go (where is destination) and the others follow him. One car is the leader. In this case could be very useful to add feature called "Follow friend". In MENU where are Friends, add this feature (click on name of leading user and choose "Follow friend") and when the leading user accepts the request, he becomes as a "Moving destination" for user (users) who asked him. The other use of this feature is "Follow ME" when leading user invites friend (friends) to follow him. When friend(s) accept it, they can follow him.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2023 and this idea won't be implemented this year. We hope to have it included in our plans for later years and will keep you posted.
Marton Kodok commented
We travel a lot in group to the mountains and we'd love to see each other, and actually to "Follow" each other, so it should be great to combined with the "Follow me" function.
Dave Froh commented
We've all been asked to follow someone before. Suddenly, the trailing car gets stuck at a red light. Now you are panicking to find your friend.
Waze should introduce a Follow Me SMS request feature. Lead car will send the follow-me request via Waze App. This will increase the Waze adoption and social media connections.
Marciel Oliveira commented
Here in Brazil is very common the families and friends travelling together (convoy) in long travels. The drivers travelling the same path (from source to destination) at the same time.
Idea: Add into Waze one functionality that allow to register one cars group that travel in convoy.
The aim: help drivers to find easily the friends or families position that joined at the same group during the travel.
Ramon Raibert commented
Opção de encontrar amigo.
Quando alguém está convidando outro para o local onde está ( casa, praia, fazenda), ter uma opção onde envia um código ao amigo e no waze dele já entra automático a localização.
Isso pouparia tempo e para algumas pessoas que não sabem como usar o aplicativo direito, seria um jeito mais fácil.
Se forem usar a ideia, não me esqueçam. -
M.M. commented
M.M. commented
אופציית מעקב אחרי נסיעה של חבר, בניית מסלול נסיעה לפי נהג מוביל. כמובן שהמעקב באישור הנהג המוביל
Anonymous commented
When having family traveling great distances, it would be nice to be able to view their progress on my desktop vs my phone.
Also, after an ETA is sent and accepted to view, it would be nice to be able to go back in the app and see the entire route vs just the destination -- since most of the time my location is the destination.
Anonymous commented
I was going to add this as an idea. I think it would be really good for those in convoy. You could add a set of messages you could send to those in convoy such as 'stop at next gas', 'i have broken down'.....
Danny Boy commented
In an older version of waze when sending ETA that person got a link with an interactive map that continuously updated your location. It was awesome! Now you must be a logged in it only updates your location every min or so. So you jump on the map and it's not fun to watch your person arrive anymore. Please bring it back, at least as an option in settings. With a warning about batter life. I loved it. It's sad that you got rid of it. Please bring it back.
LAFAURIE commented
I organise motorcycles trip and i'd like to register the road they have to follow and share it to participants. Waze could be a road book combinated to a "talk walkie" to help people to not loose their way and the group.
thank you for your help ;-) -
Anonymous commented
Gostaria de poder seguir um amigo (com aprovação dele, claro!) Isto seria interessante para pessoas que viajem em mais de um carro e somente um sabe os melhores caminhos.
Muitos vão dizer que basta colocar o mesmo destino mas já passei por situações onde uma pessoa que está acostumada a dirigir em um local conhece mais que o Waze e por muitas vezes acabamos por não conseguir avistar mais seu guia e não saber para onde virou. Se o Waze tivesse uma maneira de mostrar o caminho desta pessoa pra mim eu não precisaria ficar "colado" na traseira dele e me preocupando em não perde-lo de vista. Quem passa por isso sabe o que estou dizendo! -
anat commented
Ween you drive in a group you need one car to declare "follow me" and the others can be invited by the driver to follow him and see his location on the map to follow him, and also the route he took to get there. If they want to use the same route.
James commented
Is there a way to be able to make a route (on my computer) then post or list it to other people I am in a Car Club with (Porsche Club of America) so that we can all see and follow the same route in real time.
PS love Waze -
Nir Hanan commented
הרבה פעמים, כאשר קובעים להיפגש עם חברים, מכרים וכו' במקום מסויים, תמיד יהיו כאלה שיקדימו וכאלה ש... מה לעשות? יאחרו! אלה שמקדימים נוטים להציק לאלה שמאחרים בהודעות טקסט ושיחות טלפון בהם נשאל האדם המאחר: איפה אתה? מתי אתה מגיע? באיזה רחוב אתה נמצא? באיזו שעה תגיע? ע"מ למנוע את כל השאלות הללו, אני מציע פתרון פשוט:
שיתוף מסך הניווט של האדם ה"מאחר". איך לעשות את זה טכנית? זאת אשאיר לכם. אבל בגדול:בגוגל דוקס קיימת אפשרות לשתף אדם ספציפי בעריכת הקובץ ע"י מתן הרשאה. זה ממש פשוט, ובעיקר: יעיל!!!!אשמח לפידבקים :-)
ניר חנן.
Guy commented
a. Display the cars in different colors, so they can track each other while driving to the destination.
b. If one car gets lost or pulls over the other car/s are alerted.
d. The passenger (not driver) will be able to text through Waze to the other car/s to communicate instead of using walkie talkies.
d. Waze can offer, during the trip, gas stations, road side attractions, and restaurants via icons on the road map. -
Mike Castronovo commented
Allow me to track family and friends (who share permission and/or Waze ID) so I can see how they are doing, especially on long journeys.
pilot wife commented
Solve this with
Xmpp MUC
Samsung TTS FTW commented
No thanks, not if google continues to demand a phone number "for verification" *cough* bs *cough*
Glympse is perfectly suited without harvesting my information
I don't share my mobile number easily. Google can promise whatever. The fruits of their philosophy renders claims comical at best.
My friends DON'T NEED ME TO VERIFY with google. They receive ZERO BENEFIT.
xmpp texting PubSub location commented
Glympse already does this well
Share position socially via Open Standards $0:
Xmpp Texting
SIP Texting
Anonymous commented
Multi car drive sharing. While on trips with family in multiple cars, I would like to be able to track if one car gets stuck in traffic or lost.