Please, give us an option for caravan, camping-car and big véhicule, to have large and cool road !!!!
I have a big old caravan, ad sometimes, road are not ridding easy with it.
It's possible to have an option like motorway or not, for ridding cool and secure with big and large truck, caravan or camping-car?
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
ajay sidhu commented
Hi from Canada ,I think Waze should update its service by creating a navigation routes for trucks. Every driver is willing to pay for subscription also . I think it will be great ! Right .
Helios Murialdo commented
Trucks get stuck and block the route. I live there and I get trapped.
Helios Murialdo commented
La ruta G-54, en la RM, cruza la cordillera de la costa con una sola pista. Está prohibido, mediante una resolución del Ministerio de Transporte, el uso por camiones. Una vez que el camión empieza a subir no puede regresar y se queda bloqueando el camino. Solo lo puede sacar maquinaria pesada. Saquen esta ruta de sus mapas, por favor.
Rafa El commented
Special fór big dimension vehicle
Daniel Gonzalez Alonso commented
Additionally to this: if this "custom vehicle" could allow to prioritize certain road types (like highways over regular roads), that would really be awesome... Thanks!!!!!
Daniel Gonzalez Alonso commented
For those of us that tow a caravan (or maybe drive a slower vehicle at times, like an RV... or even a bicycle!) it would be great if we could create a new custom vehicle type where we could set the max speed in highways, regular roads or city.
While this is not a proper "caravan mode" (since that would require to take into consideration max weights and road width) it would at least have two benefits: not impact the ETA calculation in our regular "Private Vehicle" mode (we could switch between the two depending on what the situation is), and make a more accurate calculation when planning routes if towing/riding.
I hope you can please consider this idea for your future roadmap... Thanks!!!!
Adamah Meir commented
Please add directions for commercial trucks. There are a number of roads, especially in New York City, that are closed to commercial trucks (e.g., U-Haul moving trucks), and having this information in Waze would be invaluable.
שחר סניור commented
NITSANA street in TEL AVIV between Poria and Eilat streets is a windy narrow street with delivery trucks and parked cars blocking it all day. Wazes guides drivers to traverse from Salame Street to Eilat Street through Nitsana St causing immense traffic jams, noise and delays for everybody in this tiny neighborhood. Traffic should be guided via Elifelet street, which is a major thoroughfare.
Laura Murray commented
As I’m driving a moving truck 1/2 way across the US, would be nice for an option to factor that in. Using Waze had us taking roads/turns that would be easy in a car, but were much harder in a big vehicle that we’re less familiar with.
Janis Priddy commented
We need excellent RV SAFE directions for us RVers!!!!!
The RV safe app we use is extremely difficult to use AND it still takes us through kiss your butt lanes changes in busy cities. Certainly WAZE can create a better product than RV Life!
Let me hear a big yes we will !! -
Tanel Vainumäe commented
Then is so, that GOODBYE Waze. Sad! I loved that App and used many Years. But now I need something, ehat will not send me under heigh limitations Bridges or Tunnels, with 1,5m long and 3,6 m high Bus.
I will buy then a professional navigator and then - for sure, I will use that.
Im agreed to pay You, for these features but if answer is NO, then it is NO. -
Bill C commented
I don't drive a semi but I do drive a tall van. If we could identify our vehicle height so you could direct us off roads where we don't fit... awesome
Nuno Sousa commented
Waze for truck, please
Enrique commented
Possibility introduce the length, weight, height, size for a motorhome.
Could be an payable option -
Hil commented
Agreed. I am not going to want to pull my 30' camper via the suggested route when it is snaking through tight neighborhoods to save me 2 minutes, vs. going down the main road and having to sit at a stop light for 3 minutes and turning left to follow the next main road.
Jean Pierre Bohler commented
Bonjour, y a-t-il un moyen pour changer les dimensions de ma voiture reprises dans WAZE? J'utilise Waze en campingcar et la hauteur me cause parfois des soucis!
Merci et salutations de Jean Bohler -
Jean-Pierre Lacrouts commented
bonjour j'utilise régulièrement Waze en mode voiture dans des trajets réguliers entre la région parisienne et la Bretagne et j'apprécie beaucoup le partage d'information et la simplicité d'utilisation de cette parfaite application j'ai en outre la chance de posséder un camping car et aimerais bien pouvoir utiliser Waze pour ce type de véhicule en lui incluant le gabarit de ce dernier et par conséquent éviter les franchissements problématiques qui par expérience compliques le voyage
merci beaucoup pour remonter l'information
Jean Pierre -
Daniel Belk commented
Adding truck routes to Waze would be amazing. It would make it one of the best nav apps.
Fred commented
Merci de mettre les poids lourds dans la liste de véhicules...
Thomas commented
Determine size of vehicle/truck to watch for