More English Voice Options with Street names...
We need more options for voices!

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
C commented
Waze, do better so that the narrator/voice actually gives you the street name or area the driver is turning onto so that the driver doesn't have to stare at the map to know what the actual street name is. It's DANGEROUS and unhelpful for it to say, "exit right." Right, where?! If there are options, knowing the street name is how the driver figures it out. Not just saying turn turn turn. That's like having a real life navigator telling you to turn when it's too late. DO BETTER. it's dangerous and sucks. Take notes from Google or Apple Maps.
מנחם מאיר וייס commented
שיהיה בניווט הקולי עוד קול של גבר נורמלי רגיל חוץ מהמפקד, כמו שהיה פעם
Jack Marshall commented
use Sir Sean Connery's voice Scots or Gaelic. Just do it...please
RIMBERT commented
Avoir une option de voie ou il y aurait un mixte en Ka voie française homme et femme. Par exemple, la voie (femme) indique la route et la voie (homme) indique les dangers
JR commented
Why did Waze quit announcing an exit number and/or along with the street name/number?
dgsOnTour commented
In Germany we have 4-5 different names for streets depending on how big they are
=> means Autobahn down to streets between villages
- thats nice but nobody knows street number for L- or K-streets
- please add an option to enable / disable the announcement of L- or K-streets
- instead of this it would be more helpful if the voice information tells something like this:
=> please take next exit in direction to Frankfurt
(means take direction to that town or village which is also visible on the street sign, too)
- that would be the optimized navigation experience to connect the live information during driving coming from the existing street signs and your great navigation app ! -
bazgrant commented
The 2x UK voices that include spoken street names are so boring and robotic, it really lets the app down. The Siri voice is a really decent synthesised voice, can we please have something like that?
jen commented
I wish that Waze would gracefully stop telling me how to get home when I know where I am.
I pull like to be able to set a Home Familiarity setting - where I can indicate that if I am anywhere on I95N and set home as my trip, it knows that I know where I am if I’m anywhere on that route. I still want reports, I just don’t need the bag anymore.
Alternately, a quick way to say “I know where I am” that I can deselect (meaning, crap I thought I knew where I was but I changed my mind) would also be helpful. However, I do like that the first option can be automatic so I don’t have to mess with my phone.
I think it would be great to have Australian English voice options. And yes, that was plural. What I mean is this. You could have a more standard, mainstream Australian English voice guidance option for Waze (With Street Names), and a more Larrikin, Aussie Slang Australian English (With Street Names).
I'm sure I'm not the only one that laughs when the US English and UK English tries to pronounce names like Kookaburra, or Hawkesbury, and thinks "An Aussie wouldn't have made that mistake", so it would be nice to have Australian English options, one with, and one without Australian slang mixed in to give it more personality.
Waze have been in Australia for a while now, so I think an Australian English option with street names is WELL overdue.
Hoping Waze Developers see this.
Oh, and in line with that, how many women and men would love having our boy Hugh Jackman as the Australian Male voice option for free? And Nicole Kidnam as the Australian Female voice.
Anonymous commented
I would like to suggest some options in Waze Voice that will cater to the 600,000
Users in Australia.My suggestion is:
Australian male and female (with street names) Waze Voices
Anonymous commented
It would be helpful to say the names of the streets so we don’t have to look at the map it’s very distracting.
Deren Leeson commented
Fun voices need more/different phrases for alerts. They are great but when you hear the same fun phrase for every hazard or police alert, it gets monotonous. Thank you!!
Myob commented
add scottish female/male voices with street names. i.e cerprocs heather is a softer voice for navigation. the current UK voice sounds too harsh. like a snobby school teacher.
Nathan Ward commented
Waze should incorporate the USPS abbreviations for roads into all of its TTS voices. E.g. using "HL" instead of "Hill," "RDG" instead of "Ridge," etc.
Jillian Peracciny commented
I would love there to be more of a variety of voice options, with different accents both men and women voices! Australian, Italian, English and French accents, the list goes on!
Randy commented
Often there are multiple streets at an intersection and announcing the streets would clarify directions and keep eyes on the road!!!!
Anonymous commented
I totally agree. Why can't gay men hear another man's voice, including street names? This makes me sad.
Anonymous commented
When it says turn in X miles, say what the street name is. Now one has to look at the device and take your eyes off the road. SAFETY first.
Anonymous commented
Waze says in one mile turn right— say the street name also
Anonymous commented
This is the main reason I don't use Waze as my primary navigation. I will only use it if when I'm driving somewhere for an event and I know roads around the event will be closed.
Add this feature... I will never use another GPS app again.