Add friends without facebook
Why am I forced to use facebook in order to add friends to Waze?? I don't use facebook, 75% of the world's population does not use facebook at all (and more with every day). Is keeping fb afloat Waze's most important purpose?
Anyway, I don't want facebook friends on Waze, I want Waze friends on Waze and facebook friends on facebook, don't try to mix a driving app with a social network.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
I see this question has been asked for 3 years is some listening? I am would like to add friends that are not in Facebook.
Jennifer N Bunk Landon commented
Husband and I share a Facebook account we however do use waze when we do activities apart from each other
more allayed commented
XMPP allows for short audio blurbs
XMPP TEXTING is the only intelligent choice on a smart phone. Unless you like to burn money do let old timey sms texting die already
more allayed commented
I should be able to use my XMPP roster.
XMPP: $0 texting
Jayde commented
You should be able to add friends from your contacts not just Facebook. I don't have Facebook and therefore can not add any of my friends
Louis commented
I totally agree
Crazyrider commented
Hello, Its a good Idea because I can't add my coworkers to facebook, but I want them to share info with me when going to work.
That will made Waze better user friendly. Facebook is not compulsory.
Thanks to hear about that complain.
Anonymous commented
Cant add friend whom helped us.and my fb friend not appear on the list even connected. Only once in the blue moon that it shown my friend list. Else it appear nothing on my friend list
JimB commented
There is a similar request with many votes. This is a link to the request. -
Pieter Janssens commented
Also consider following request to add Linked-In integration besides Facebook: -
Tee commented
Waze should allow users to add friends through their emails or phone number as oppose to just Facebook. I've a lot of friends who have Waze but not Facebook and we can't add each other which is a shame.
Frenchy2 commented
Excellent idea. Especially when trying to share locations or directions with someone who doesn't have a social media account (and it's their right to not have one)
Brian Murphy commented
i have 3 friends i cant add because they dont use FB - waze should be stand alone
Alex Meatman commented
at least it shuld be available to login with google account. why the heck facebook?! i mean i know its VERY popular. but still it should not be limited with facebook only.
Rachel commented
Please give us the ability to add friends from our phone's contact list that don't have Facebook... this would be a terrific feature!
Juan Alvarez commented
Give us a WAZE-ONLY-NO-FACEBOOK friend list.
I don't want all my eggs in the same basket
Joshua commented
Planning on deleting my FB account soon and have been avoiding Google+. I support the xmpp idea below.
Isaías Campbell commented
Please! I HATE Facebook and related pages!
Rongrach Somburanasin commented
Agree - I also think about proposing to use Waze for school bus so that all the parents/students know whether the bus will delay or not. With this they have no need to stand in the snow/rain waiting for the bus for too long. The ability to add member/group w/o FB will help support this usage.
Anonymous commented
Being able to find friends besides having a Facebook account. I am an adult I don't need one of those.