Option to have the "menu" and "report" buttons to be invisible so as not to have a burn in ghost image of the buttons on screen.
The screen is usually ON through out the duration of driving. The MENU and REPORT buttons have a high likelihood to be "burned in" screen, creating a "permanent" ghost image.
Having the option to replace it with invisible hotspots (frequent users will know where to touch anyway) will minimize this because of moving images.
AMOLED screens are fairly prone to "burn in"

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Nadav Har'El commented
The Waze answer here is completely off the mark. The report button has to be seen, yes indeed, but it doesn't need to be very bright, and doesn't need to be in exactly the same pixel spot all the time! Making it dim orange instead of light orange, and moving it around the display a bit (only a bit) will not make it any less usable when you need it - but will avoid the burnin.
The advice to use "battery saver mode" might have been useful if there was a way to turn it by default instead of just "for this ride", which, let's face it, nobody will remember to do.
Lucian Constantinescu commented
As many other users suggested, a screen burning protection will be great for someone like me who uses Waze 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.
What I suggest is any of this:
- randomly floating by 1 or 2 pixels for fixed elements
- randomly color change from warm colors to cold colors or to choose from 2 or more different themes in a specified time interval for fixed elementsWe all know about Amoled Screen issues, but it can be prevented if we will have these options. Not to be implemented by default, but to be optional in the settings options for who wants to activate them. So everyone will have a choice to leave the app interface as it is or to use those features to prevent screen burning.
Roman Krafft commented
I drive 30-40k Kilometers per year and now I have the Top Direction Box and Red Button burned into my Phone.
Please Implement a Burn-In Protection, a lot of high end Phones use Organic Displays theses days.
I Do not really want to use Waze with my new Pixel until fixed! -
אור יצחקי commented
ממליץ לשנות את הצבע של לחצן הדיווח המהיר הנמצא על מסך הניווט, מכיוון שהצבע הבהיר של הלחצן יוצר עם הזמן צריבה על המסכים אשר לא ניתנת להסרה.
זאת משום שאצל חלק מן האנשים האפליקציה פתוחה רוב שעות היום -
Junin Bahia commented
Botão de alerta manchou a tela do meu celular Aquele botão laranja no canto inferior direto que fica o tempo todo parado na tela causou um efeito "burn-in" na tela do meu cel. Minha sugestão é que coloquem o botão translúcido ou função de desativar pra evitar danos no celulares de quem usa o app:
Alex commented
The bright orange report button has caused burn in on my OLED iPhone X on two displays, could the option to select a darker colour be possible?
Anonymous commented
After few months my iphone x got the report button burned into a screen - it is not reversable so i have to get a new phone or display. Please solve this eg. by allowing the option to make the button transparent, change to less aggresive color or find another way hiw to prevent broking down our phones. Thanks!
Phommaxay commented
Hi Waze,
I use a lot of Waze on my Galaxy S9.
I have a problem, Waze burns my screen ...
The orange notification button (bottom right), the white inner and outer border of this button burns my screen (persistent pixels) ...Can you consider changing the color of these 2 borders Please? In black for example? Or gray?
Waze is a very good product.
Thank you in advance.
Ed Ellks (EdFromOhio) commented
There are several good methods of preventing image burn-in that Waze should investigate like pixel shifting or moving icons a bit each time. I have 2 Premium (expensive) phones with the report icon burned in and just got another $1k phone.
Anonymous commented
Waze apps has a yellow round button on the right bottom right which cause a burn-in
on mobile screen. Hope Waze can do something about the yellow icon running on the bottom right, so it does not burn in display screen when it runs for a long time eg I hr. -
Sylvain commented
... to change position of the "report" button or to hide all static display on screen after few seconds. One tap on screen to show them again.
Christian Genicq commented
The orange Waze button on the lower right of the screen caused a faint orange circle within a circle only seen on white screens.
Anonymous commented
Or, change brightness.
Anonymous commented
Or, control brightness.
Anonymous commented
Screen burn
André commented
Please add a option to change the position of the "report" button. I use waze everyday and my phone screen is having a little bit of burn-in effect on the exact position of the orange circle!
http://imgur.com/a/KaN5V -
Stéphane Leroy commented
Il faudrait changer les couleurs du bouton de signalisation, ainsi que la barre d'informations du bas.
En effet, l'écran de mon Samsung S7 est marqué (brulé) par une "Résilience" de ces marquages lorsque Waze est éteint. -
Anonymous commented
The orange circle to report information as seen to burn an image into my screen is there a way to change it to a different color that doesn't destroy my screen.
Anonymous commented
אני משתמשת הרבה בתוכנה,
נחרט לי הסמל של העגול הכתום מימין למטה בשני מכשירים...מכיוון שבניגוד למפה שזזה העיגול תקוע באותה נקודה כל זמן הנסיעה וכך מי שמשתמש בתוכנה הרבה כמוני פוגע בפלאפון שלו.
נקודה למחשבה...
Péter Csató commented
I'm using Waze a lot and I recently realized that the stationary items of the UI, especially the two buttons below are burnt in in my LCD screen. It would be nice to either hide them during navigation i.e. they would only appear after a tap or add the ability to move them to another part of the screen.