Be able to "drop a pin" at current location and add to favorites
It'd be good to be able to drop a pin at current location and give it a name and add it to favorites. The current method of having to do addresses or POI searches is not always workable--especially on small form-factor devices.

Great thinking! We’ll share with the team; they’re always interested in new feature ideas.
Bozhidar Iliev commented
Since this feature is already available, I'm not certain if this is the right place for my recommendation, but I'm going to give it a try:
Currently to drop a pin and save it in favorites I needed to:
1 - google search HOW to do it, because I was unable to find an intuitive way to, but I was still certain a 2023 app couldn't possibly lack such a basic feature.
2 - drop the pin at desired location
3 - press the ... (three dots) at upper right corner of pop-up modal
4 - press "Preview location" from the menu that shows up (with only 2 opts...)
5 - press the very small font "Save place" inscription with a small star on the left, located in the upper left corner of the next menu.Now, at this point, as a person looking for a solution for his problem I was simply happy to have found it and be able to share it with the person actually using Waze.
But after that I got to thinking - why the **** is this not just:
1 - drop pin
2 - Save location/placeThere are plenty of ways to redo the first modal, that could make the next 2 menus totally unnecessary and from a UX perspective, putting features so commonly used 3-4 levels deep is just bad form.
Rick Fessler commented
Too bad waze has not done anything about this or with this question. That's what I was googling to see if we could do this just to find out that it was a question, but nothing was been done.
David commented
Absolutely. Pin drop is very important these days
Daniel Venturin commented
Recentemente fui viajar para o interior onde nas ruas não tinham placas de identificação, então eu não tinha como informar o nome da rua ou número. Era uma cabana então não tinha número também. Eu iria sair e retornar somente a noite, então para não errar o caminho da volta, no escuro, pensei em salvar a localização no waze, mas não consegui pelo motivo supracitado. Seria uma baita melhoria se pudéssemos salvar um local utilizando a localização do dispositivo. Abraços
Lucas Eduardo commented
Boa noite,
Gostaria que incluíssem novamente o procedimento de adicionar novos favoritos somente pelo alfinete de navegação, após tocar em um determinado local do mapa por alguns segundos, clicar na estrela, etc. Vocês removeram isso e está me fazendo muita falta, não consigo adicionar novos favoritos com precisão na minha cidade devido a extensão de algumas ruas.
Também gostaria de reportar que o aplicativo as vezes dar rotas muito longas e desnecessárias comparadas ao Google maps, mesmo de madrugada quando não tem nenhum trânsito a diferença pode chegar a 4 km num trajeto de 15 km que costumo fazer aqui em Goiânia, Brasil. Fora que o tempo também é maior no waze. Estamos sofrendo muito com a alta dos combustíveis e o quanto o app puder ajudar na economia de rota é de bom grado.
J224Go commented
This is a great suggestion but contrained by the limit on number of favorites. There are votes spread out across hundreds of separate requests to remove the 99 limit on the number of favorites. Everyone: Please also vote to remove the 99 Fav limit here:
Anonymous commented
I would like to save my current position as a favorite with a touch on the map.
Anonymous commented
Add a Favorite, just by clicking Current Location - Add to Favorites
MaBoZzz commented
I want to be able to drop a pin to locate a restaurant or Point of Interest that I may want to come back to, if I’m near it again on another trip. Just ate at a wonderful restaurant, and I’d like to mark it.
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to also add a folder and name it whatever you want instead of putting everything in the favorites folder
Anonymous commented
I frequently drive to trail head or follow another driver the first time I drive to a destination. I sure would like an easy way to mark my current location as a future destination.
Mario commented
I already put it in the idea column it’s pretty self-explanatory but if I did it wrong I’ll repeat it. A great update would be, so when you tap on a part of the map you can make it a favorite. Currently you need the whole address.
Howie Pentony commented
It's silly you cannot do this now. All otherGps do.
John Correa commented
Be able to drop a pin to save your location so that you can add to favorites.
Rick commented
Waze only allows you to set your home address by inputting the known street address. I live in a gated community with many unnamed streets once I enter the primary address. I cannot precisely annotate the address to my house within the gated community by the house number. Users need a pin drop feature to allow the precise location of their home independent of the physical address, due to the fact they may live in a townhome or house within the gated community. My only option is to have an unknown location for my residence at this time as the home marker. Drop pin or touch screen select on the map of the physical house location would be beneficial in sharing the exact location of your house or unit within a gated community.
Dana L Iezzatti commented
I wish there was a feature that i could mark on the map as i am driving by places id like to circle back to. I was a passenger today and passed a park that id like to check out on another day. It would be so cool to tap on the map and have an option to save that place to a favorite list.
Anonymous commented
You can't save your current location to use it in a new favorite.
Mike commented
Amen Brother. Sadly lacking in an otherwise good app that could be great.
Waze needs a simple on click way to mark you current location and save it, then name it such that it will be easy to navigate back to it.
Anonymous commented
Marquer et envoyer un évènement waze d'un lieu a côté de notre position présente est-ce possible?
Anonymous commented