Allow declaring Toll Roads and the option to not navigate through them
Waze wants to route me through a toll road every day and can't seem to find an alternate route until I actually drive it. I want to be able to avoid Toll roads, which means tolls roads need to be able to be declared in the editor.

Great thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!
Pedro commented
Ditto, I also live close to NYC and the first time I used Waze to come back into the city I ended up going through 4 tolls! – around 25$. I was very very frustrated. I can't use Waze anytime travel in or out of Manhattan which is every weekend because currently Waze is a toll magnet. Please fix.
chrissyseebs commented
Please! Waze is basically unusable in NYC without being able to avoid tolls. I'm being told to drive a route home that would cost $20. No thanks.
Robert commented
I don't use toll roads at all! So please add this feature!
firehands13 commented
This option and the ability to avoid parts of routes is the only reason I keep my tomtom around. Make it happen Waze!
Joe commented
Please Please do this! My route is always using the toll highway when I just want the regular one
Anonymous commented
Please if at all possible at a choice to avoid toll roads in the Route finding - Thank you
Pavel Hardak commented
The ideal case would be like this:
1. Given the choice between the toll road and free road, give me the recommendation based on formula (time saved) / (money spent). User can set the "price" he is ready to pay or Waze can set some reasonable default per country.
2. In Israel, the cost of travelling toll road is simple to calculate (Carmel tunnels is two segments with equal constant payment, Road 6 is a bit more complicated, but also not that difficult, with user-selectable option to select discount level - מנוי פס קל). -
Kilgaard commented
I have about a 75 minute commute. There is a toll road that might save me (according to Waze) about 2 minutes at the cost of about 10km extra distance (and a couple of dollars). Waze is supposed to "learn your preferred routes" but still insists on trying to direct me to the toll road every day.
kwbutz commented
I agree! We should have a separate choice for avoiding toll roads without having to avoid all highways.
rvleij commented
It should be possible to put a "weight" on toll maybe. Here in Stockholm there's two options: queue on the highway for free, or queue through the city for toll. Only when it's MUCH faster through the city it should be OK. So some kind of weighting or preference should be possible here.
sekle commented
complication is not an argument. Indeed waze deals with a lot of complicated things with simplified solutions, and it works. So why not with toll roads ???
Richard commented
Jostein Leira commented
This can be complicated. Some are time dependant (rush hour payment), some you pay for by distance of road you are driving, dependant on your direction of travel. But is a nice feature if we could make it work.
IgalSc commented
I'm with @mecu
Very needed feature