Waze Suggestion Box
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17365 results found
The new “road shield” symbol reduces text legibility
New “road shield” symbol means the font size is reduced making it harder to read whilst driving. I’m a UK user. The road number is now shown in a box with a smaller font than it was previously. Please revert back to the previous, larger font size
52 votes -
Inidate actual time & distance
Please indicate actual time & distances after arrival at the destination
52 votesWe plan to work on Trip Statistics in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.
Hauteur véhicule
Il faudrait pouvoir indiquer son type de véhicule par rapport a la hauteur. Exemple j'ai un Peugeot boxer de hauteur de 2,5m et on me propose en itinéraire l'A86 duplex limité a 2m
52 votesThanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
לתת עדיפות לתוצאות של בתי חולים או סימון מיוחד
לאחר מספר מקרים בהם חברים ניסו להגיע לביתח חולים אך הכתובת הראשונה היתה לפי קירבה (למשל רחוב בלינסון בכפר סבא במקום בית חולים בלינסון בפתח תקווה) ובגלל החשיבות הגדוחה בעניי כאשר אדם מנסה להגיע לבית חולים אני מצעיה שבחיפוש שמות של בתי חוליפ הם יוםיעו ראשונים (ולא בהכרח התוצאה הקרובה) או לחילופין שלבתי חולים יוסיפו סימן אשר ייחד אותם מכתובות אחרות ם
52 votes -
Invite Bang Chan from Straykids to record pleaseeee❤️❤️❤️❤️
Invite Bang Chan from Straykids
51 votes -
Have an OPTION for arriving on the same-side of the street as the destination.
This would apply mostly to cities but it could also apply in other congested areas. Arriving on the wrong side of the street in a city situation can be as bad as arriving several blocks away since in order to turn into the parking for the building you cannot crossover the heavy traffic or possibly a median. Instead you have to come up with your own way of circling around (and there may be many 1-way streets to thwart you) to get your vehicle on the same side of the street as the destination so you can park/drop off or…
51 votes -
Reveal the limit on the maximum number of favorites
Apparently there is a limit of 99 favorites that will be displayed, however, it doesn't say anywhere that there is a limit. When you reach the limit, it just stops saving new favorites, without letting you know that they have NOT been saved. It should tell you that you can't save any more until you delete some.
51 votes -
Vin Scully
LA loves Vin Scully now imagine the Hall of Fame announcer giving you turn by turn instructions with a great Vin Story along the way. Driving in traffic would become an enjoyable experience
51 votes -
Business Mileage
Send text or post to calendar trip miles for business or personal use. Maybe prompt for business or personal when creating trip. Or maybe maintain log to email for reporting. Regular favourite trips have a check box to indicated "personal" or "business" would be a plus. This would be a huge enhancement!
51 votes -
Next celebrity voice: Taylor Swift
Title says it all, please let us get guided by Taylor :)
51 votes -
Implement a setting for winter tires with studs and help driver to avoid forbidden streets
Implement a setting for winter tires with studs and help the driver to avoid forbidden streets. In urban areas in the Nordic countries it is becoming more common that local politicians forbid driving cars with winter tires with studs on some streets with high pollution. When creating a route to a destination, Waze do not take into account that some of the streets may be restricted due to this. This is becoming a problem since the driver need to be a local to know where not to drive. Signs showing the restriction are always present but will be noticed too…
51 votes -
Prevent police from removing a report.
Police have caught on to Waze. They always click "not there" when someone reports them in Waze. An easy way to keep that from happening is to only allow the "not there" response from a moving vehicle. That way the stationary cop can't delete the report.
51 votes -
add slow moving vehicle category
add a category whichwould allow users to identify if there are slow moving vehicles such as semi trucks Amish buggies or farm vehicles on route
this could also assist truck drivers51 votes -
Local temperature w/ link to weather app?
Would be nice if there was a temp readout with link to weather.
51 votes -
construction zones - Ability to mark both the start and end of the zone.
Construction Zones - Ability to mark both the start and end of the zone. This would give everyone an idea on how long to expect any change to the traffic pattern.
51 votesWe plan to work on the ability to mark both the start and end of the construction zone in the near future. In the meantime, make sure you’ve got the latest version of Waze for all the latest features.
TTS: Regional or state-level pronunciation
TTS pronunciation of cities and roads needs to have more granular control as words may be pronounced differently in various regions of a country.
50 votes -
Combination Red Light & Speed Camera
In my area there are now red light cameras that are also speed cameras. Why is this relevant? Because if the light is STALE (green for a long period and may be turning yellow/red soon at some point) I and other drivers who are aware that the light may be turning red may speed up to avoid the possibility of a receiving a red light ticket. (Because you can’t just stop for a stale green light) If you are aware the redlight camera also tickets for speed it would be a helpful reminder to keep your speed in check while…
50 votes -
Fuel Types: Mild Hybrid, HEV, PHEV, EV
Fuel Types: Mild Hybrid, HEV , PHEV, EV
50 votes -
Move vehicle back to the bottom center of the screen in landscape mode
I use an iPad mini in the dash of my car and the arrow representing the car and the highlighted route is on right 1/3 of the screen which cuts off the right side of the map. I like to see the streets to see if there is a better route in certain situations.
Having an option to have the arrow on the bottom center or bottom right/left would be a good compromise.
50 votes -
Add an option for humans on side of road
I have had humans walking on the side of the road probably 10 times. I end up calling them "animals on the side of the road."
50 votes
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