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Map Editor Suggestions

Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!

This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.

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90 results found

  1. Filter GPS tracks by date

    Filter GPS tracks by date

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  2. Add oblique imagery (birds eye view) from GMaps to WME

    To allow editors a more comprehensive view of an area and to provide an additional data layer of imagery, use the already-available oblique imagery from GMaps in WME.

    Oblique imagery allows for a 360° view of a location so we would need a new icon to allow for cycling around the 4 'quadrants' of the imagery.

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  3. Polygons in WME should just be a thick border instead of a full fill

    To allow for easier interaction with polygons and segments & places inside polygons, change the polygons to be a thick border instead of it being a filled polygon.

    With the expansion of features that include many polygons beyond just places (JBs, Permanent Hazards, Natural features, etc), it would make it much easier to work with these shapes.

    OpenStreetMap does this very well.

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  4. Allow for issue tracker to show results in descending order

    Currently the default view of issue tracker results is ascending (newest to oldest.) It would be nice to allow the results to show in reverse (oldest to newest.) Sometimes I want to address the oldest issues first so that there are not so many backlogged.

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  5. Narrow Road Permanent Hazard

    This permanent hazard would warn users of an upcoming section of narrower road width that has traffic and/or safety considerations. Potential applications include:

    These are strictly permanent hazard warnings…

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  6. Roads with permits for residents only

    Very often there are streets that can only be used by residents.
    It would be useful to be able to set the segments on the WME "residents only".
    This way only those who add their home address on those streets in to the app will be able to use them.
    It is different from editing a road as private, because it would only allow access to residents, whereas now if you search for a destination on a private road everyone can access it.

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  7. Flagging matches with permanently closed venues

    With the "Enhanced Matching" between Waze and Google venues going live, some Waze venues are matched with 'Permanently closed' place from Google Maps.

    While these are accurate matches, we won't know these places are permanently closed until an editor interacts with the place or a user reports it to us.

    My suggestion is to flag such matches to be reviewed by editors. A PUR or something like that.

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  8. Add general destination information to URs

    URs have been improved by adding more information in WME 2.206, and it would be nice to continue to add information that doesn't jeopardize the privacy of the reporter.

    My idea would be to add information on how the stop point of a user's route was obtained - whether it be a house number, house number interpolation, RPP, Google address, Waze place, Google place, etc. Specifics on the geographic location wouldn't be needed, it would just be very beneficial to know how the stop point was chosen. We get a lot of URs complaining about navigation ending at the wrong…

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  9. Parking lot type (motorcycles-only, cars-only, both)

    It's very common, at least in Colombia, parking lots only for motorcycles and it's really dissapointing to arrive at a parking lot suggested by Waze, and realize that it's a motorcycle-only parking lot and you're driving a car.
    Please add a new property in WME to choose the type of parking lot: motorcycles-only, cars-only, or both, and add a new feature in app to filter by parking lot type.

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  10. Recategorizing UR's when solving

    Add a feature to WME to recategorize the Solved UR's when closing those. This would give Waze a true insight of what reports are really needed and vice versa, what are rare and could actually just be within General Error category etc. Based on my research of all Solved UR's in Finland for last 3 months only about 50% were in right category.

    In my opinion this would help to reduce and refocus UR categories to better match with reality which in turn helps users when they are reporting meaning less UR's with wrong category -> Better data and better…

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  11. Improve/change the error message

    Improve/change the error message when low level editors tries to delete the house number on streets with higher locks. Now we got "Error saving, try later" message. It gives, to editor, no idea of what the problem is, and the user may thinks that's a WME bug. By changing this message, it will give to editor and mentor/higher levels editor's more information to understand where the problem lies.

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  12. Event edit mode in WME

    During Event Mode you only can select segments and you will not be able to edit them. Only RTCs are possible.
    You also can select one previous entered event (MTE) --> this MTE will be preselected for RTCs during event mode. Also the name of the RTC will be the same the whole time.
    Benefits: You only have to selects the segments, enter date & time and therefore save a lot of time. You also won't be able accidentally to move segments, nodes or POIs.
    Also GPS, my area, POI, issue ans script layer will be deselected automatically (as an…

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  13. Junction box, add ability to demand a pass or mark as private for specific route

    Junction box is still evolving so it would be good to add one more feature to it. We have situations where driving through a longer section of road is only permitted with certain conditions but driving to an address in between or to drive across the affected street from different direction is always allowed.

    Thinking about a possibility that those conditions could be set as a pass and then apply it only to specific route in junction box. This could probably also be used in a way that you could set a specific route to be private road in routing,…

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  14. More informative options for the GPS layer colours (colour by speed or age)

    Currently, the arrows on the GPS layer are coloured by direction. It would be useful for editors to be able to choose between that and at least two other options: colour by speed, to help editors understand historical traffic patterns and troubleshoot routing decisions; and colour by age, to help editors spot roads that may have been recently realigned or closed.

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  15. Show stop points in the House Numbers layer

    The House Numbers layer currently displays only the location of the HN, but not the stop point on the related segment. In HN editing mode, when you select the HN, the stop point also becomes visible, with a dotted line from the HN to the stop point. Suggestion is to display the stop point and the dotted line as part of the House Numbers layer, even when not in HN editing mode. (This might either be visible only at a high-enough zoom level, such as 18, or be an option that the user could enable from the layers menu.)

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  16. "All Issues" should have an editable area & level restricted (permissional area) filter.

    I'm liking the new "All Issues" section but it needs another filter where I can filter out all the stuff I can't edit due to permissions such as areas outside my editable areas and level restricted edits.

    I'm currently a L1 and want to move up higher but not having the ability to only see what I can edit, it's time consuming going through them all.

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  17. Change Forum Sharing Options object types posted in forum

    Currently when an editor uses the Forum Sharing Option to request an unlock, the request ALWAYS says "I would like to be able to edit the following segment(s)." no matter what type of object is selected.

    The request should be automatically based on type of object selected

    If segment(s) selected, no change
    If venue(s) selected, the request should say "I would like to be able to edit the following venue(s)."
    If they have any other type of object selected, the request should say "I would like to be able to edit the following [selected object type]."

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  18. Change Forum Sharing Option autofill

    When an editor uses the forum sharing options, new editors are consistently adding the wrong lock level to their request.

    For example, the current Unlock Request automatically fills in the following information:
    Hi Editors,

    I would like to be able to edit the following segment(s).
    Your help would be greatly appreciated.

    Unlock to level:

    Thank you in advance,
    The "reason" and "unlock to level" kind of blend in.

    My suggestions would be to automatically fill in the current lock level of the selected objects and the rank of the editor making the request for the "unlock to…

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  19. Segment restriction type that prompts user to confirm access (gates)

    Currently we create gates using PR segments. However, this rarely has the intended effect. Those with access (say a gated community) don't get a route through a gate this is most convenient or worse, if all entrances are gated, then restriction is meaningless other than to ensure it's not a through-way.

    I'm suggesting a segment restriction type that would generate a pop-up at start-state of a route asking if the user has access to a segment (gate) if that's the shortest route. Ideally, Waze would remember that for that user in the future. This could potentially be used for restricted…

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  20. Use RTC history to create new RTC on the same segments

    It would be very convenient to be able to re-create a RTC based on the RTC history for one or more segments. This would also require being able to choose to select all segments that were included in the original RTC, as well as optionally proposing start / end times.

    Two use case examples:

    1) Recurring RTCs where the schedule is not known far in advance

    For example, there is nightly road construction on a given highway, but this may not repeat every night for various reasons. The actual closure is only published a few hours before, and so requires…

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