Map Editor Suggestions
Welcome to the Map Editor's suggestion box!
This is the place to share your ideas for improving the Waze Map editor.
1128 results found
External providers: Sort suggested places by distance with closest first
WME uses Google Maps as the external provider in Israel and suggests places located in different towns, especially when the edited place belongs to a network. It would help to choose the right place if the suggested places are sorted by distance, with closest places first.
15 votes -
External providers: Don’t suggest extremely far places
WME uses Google Maps as the external provider in Israel and sometimes suggests places located in other countries, thousands km from the edited place. There should be some filtering to exclude very far places.
15 votes -
External providers: Also suggest places marked as permanently closed (with a proper mark)
WME uses Google Maps as the external provider in Israel and doesn't suggest places marked in Google as permanently closed. Meanwhile, showing that the place is marked as closed in Google would hint that the place needs additional checking and possibly should be removed from the Waze map.
9 votes -
Turning prohibitions in real time (like RTC)
Turning prohibitions are very common, especially in construction sites
10 votes -
Traffic data layers in WME for advanced editors
It would be useful for editors investigating routing issues and making mapping decisions to have a configurable traffic data layer in WME that could show a variety of information collected from drivers. This would include statistics such as the average number of Wazers driving on the segment per day, speed percentiles for drivers on the segment, the "freeflow" speed that Waze is using in routing, and the amount of times that the routing server has used the segment. It would also be useful for editors to be able to see locations where the app consistently has trouble snapping drivers to…
5 votes -
Display locations where drivers often deviate from Waze directions
Locations where drivers frequently deviate from Waze directions may indicate mapping errors such as missing or incorrect turn restrictions, confusing turn instructions that drivers misunderstand and take a wrong turn, or poor routing where drivers know a better route than the one provided by Waze. It would be helpful for editors to have this data as an additional tool to detect possible locations for improvements to be made to the map.
6 votes -
More informative options for the GPS layer colours (colour by speed or age)
Currently, the arrows on the GPS layer are coloured by direction. It would be useful for editors to be able to choose between that and at least two other options: colour by speed, to help editors understand historical traffic patterns and troubleshoot routing decisions; and colour by age, to help editors spot roads that may have been recently realigned or closed.
52 votesThanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
The type of way (preferred / unfavorable / neutral) now it does not appear anymore
The type of via appeared and now it does not appear anymore, even if the editor did not have access to edit this information it appeared on the screen, me and some friends here liked this information because it helped new users to better understand why they did not have access to edition. Because only levels 4 above appear. Could you go back?
11 votes -
1 vote
Save filters
The new issue tracker is great, but I think it could be even better if we had the ability to save our own filters, so that I could create and save filters like: "no description", "unreplied", "rerported by me", etc.
For example, currently, if I want to filter unreplied URs I have to set: status = "open", types = "all types", description = "both", comments = "no comments", and uncheck "has comments".
It's really hard to always set all these options, and if I could save the filters, I would only have to do it once. Next time I could…
7 votes -
En tant que propriétaire d’un établissement je devrais pouvoir prendre la main sur les indications pour y accéder. Une personne a signalé mon jardin comme un parking
1 vote -
solo dejar línea permanente ¨¿adonde vas ? y ocultar MI WAZE para tener mas campo visual del mapa
al girar el celular los cuadros de dialogo ¿adonde vas? y Mi Waza ocupan casi el 45% de la pantalla , debeiaria aparecer solo ¿adonde vas?
1 vote -
como nos pueden agrgar un boton de reductor de velocidad ya que nuestra ciudad hay muchos reductores o bordos para que los vehiuclos reducir
quisiera poder apoyar para agregar los reductores de velocidad o bordos ya que en nuestra ciudad hay muchos y se nos olvida y con el mapa de ustedes seria de mucha ayuda para la ciudania, yo soy fan de WAZE lo ustilizo del diario
4 votes -
Swap A-B ends of a segment
When I select a single segment it shows A at one end and B at the other. Editing the speeds for each direction on that one segment works correctly. Many roads have some segments facing the opposite direction, and when selecting multiple segments this causes a glitch in the speed limit editing - since it's only editing one direction at a time and the software isn't correctly handling the mismatch of directions. It takes a third selection and typing of the new speed to overcome this glitch, which then shows as 3 changes instead of 2.
The A-B direction is…
4 votes -
Coming up to your destination
The app no longer gives an indication that you are near your destination or whether your destination is on the left or right anymore. I am constantly driving past my destination before I notice it. The app doesn't even "redirect" as I drive past.
1 vote -
Issue tracker, disabling automatic refresh after closing for example UR
Issue Tracker is otherwise good but one part of it's behaviour is driving me nuts!
When you close for example an UR it refreshes the list automatically -> You lose track where you were on the list. So you end up clicking same reports over and over again every time you close something...
I liked the old UR list behaviour better when solved one's stayed on the list until you refreshed it, you never lost the track where you were on the list. And there is a refresh button on Issue Tracker so WHY does it also have to refresh…
51 votesGreat timing! We’re currently working on the option to disable automatic refresh. Keep an eye out for updates on the WME.
Stick to main roads - in UK
Alongside the ‘avoid single track’ vote I also suggest there is a ‘stick to main roads’ option. Waze seems very keen to send me down twisty side roads where it’s hard to pass as there are cars parked on both sides, it sends me down country lanes which are NOT faster and through little villages, which, although scenic, can be very tiring on a long journey. Also, the side streets and single track lanes often lead to a tricky right turn (UK) onto a fast road, even a tricky left turn. I like Waze for the notifications of speed limits,…
1 vote -
Display clogged and cluttered with senseless labels of streetnames
Quite often, in dense areas, the display of my cellphone is cluttered with adjacent streetnames shown as big labels. These labels/names hide the map details (i.e. approaching turns, exits etc.). So I am distracted by zooming in and out and panning the screen.
I would REALLY like the opportunity, to switch OFF the streetname label.3 votes -
Customize "Services" checkboxes by Category
Most Places have a set of checkboxes under Additional Information that are relevant for restaurants, but are just silly for almost any other Category. It should be possible to provide relevant services that are different based on the Category of the Place. This will enhance the information saved for most non-restaurant Places and make WME (and Waze) more relevant.
5 votes -
Make editor impact more obvious
Drivers get a regular report of their reporting impact, such as how many reports and how many people were impacted and helped. It would be nice if WME did something similar. Perhaps in the editing history show some statistics to allow editors to see their impact for edits.
Such as:
Segments: Give a rough estimate of how many drivers navigated to a destination on this segment or traversed the segment (such as navigated to a PP with a stop point or to a HN).
Places: How many users have searched for / navigated to this place.
Under each edit in…
3 votes
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