Waze Suggestion Box
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17364 results found
Idea that improves exponentially your application
I am a user of the application and I use this app almost daily.
Recently it got an idea that improves exponentially your application and will increase very much user interaction with the application and will further increase the safety of drivers who use the application while driving .
My idea will improve :
- The accuracy of reports ( police , hazards, traffic congestion , accidents ) . My idea will enable users to accurately indicate the location (accident, crowded room , threatening) -will greatly increase the number who will report traffic jams , police, accidents, danger ( all products).…
1 vote -
Why don't you join with Nirsham - http://www.geektime.co.il/nirsham-driving-app/, or https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.brai
why dont you join with Nirsham - an app to report road nuisances.
(i use chrome/goggle translate to read in English)
its a great addition to your already awesome app1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
מיקום אירוע
השבוע חגגנו חגיגה.
אנחנו נמצאים במקום לא מרכזי ולכן כל אורח היה צריך להתקשר כדי להיות בטוח שהוא מגיע למקום הנכון.
לכן, חשבתי שהיה יכול להיות נחמד אם הייתה אפשרות לפתוח אירוע בוויז (דומה לפתיחת אירוע בפייסבוק) עם ציון המיקום המדויק של האירוע.
בצורה זו יהיה קל לכל האורחים להגיע בדיוק לנקודה המתאימה, בין אם האירוע גדול, קטן, מתקיים במקום סגור כמו אולם או אפילו בחיק הטבע ונדרשת הליכה קצרה.
תודה על התייחסותכם :)7 votes -
Make voice commands work all the time, on every platform.
voice commands don't work most of the time on some platforms.
This has been the case for years. Fix it3 votes -
reposition notification in landscape mode
when my waze updated. on landscape mode. when there's a notification. the road can no longer be viewed.
please position notification else where in landscape mode (side, bubble etc)
12 votes -
דרך ליעול התחב"צ ע"י התוכנה
אפשרות הזנה של חברת אוטובוס ומס הקו וכך התאפשר לי לראות את התחנות תוך כדי המיקום שלי כך אנשים יציקו פחות לנהגי האוטובוס וכך אוכל לדעת איזו תחנה הכי קרובה לי ליעד לדוגמה אם אני רוצה להגיע לים ולא משנה לי איזה חוף אני אוכל לדעת על ידי הוויז מה המסלול של האוטובוס עליו אני נמצא איזו תחנה תהיה לי הכי קרובה וכמה זמן יקח לי בערך להגיע
2 votes -
problems with WAZE
today i was going to my work using WAZE in Geneva / Switzerland, when the app sent me to a street that i was not allowed to be during school period so the police stopped me and gave me a fine of CHF 100. I would like to hear back from WAZE, i can certainly give more details abt the location, details of the fine, etc etc...
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
My idea is give me my points back. I was about to get my crown, since the update I lost all points. Had to start at baby again, sucks!!!
Give ptpilot1 back his points. Had to start again as ptpilot2. How do I get my points back???
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
I am unable to reset my P/W with email and my mobile tele reset is not working my user name is stingray460 I may have an old not used email associated with this please help
9175533446 tel #
sent contact here because their was not other contact point
thank you
Paul Murtha1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
save our lives
i want to share an idea with waze which it works to save the drivers lives.
i suggest to the waze owners to develop the waze app and to make it warn the drivers when they are about to be in a car accident .1 vote -
Show real time ghost car for simulated alternative routes
Show a ghost car on Waze map which is following the alternative route with it's progress based on real time data. Delta ETA with your car is shown.
7 votes -
Favoris / liste d'adresse
le point est.. les favoris !!
Je souhaite vraiment attirer votre attention sur cela... utilisant intensivement Waze tout les jours, je voudrais me permettre de vous faire la suggestion suivante..
la liste des favoris reste une liste de favoris.. mais pas une liste d'adresse usuelle.... ce qui à pour consequence qu'on y rajoute rapidement les/des adresses fréquemment utilisées ou un peu moins mais que l'on souhaite garder en mémoire, sans pour autant pouvoir mettre en évidence les adresses vraiment favorite, celle qu'on utilise très souvent...
d'où ma suggestion de laisser une liste d'adresse avec une partie vraiment favoris, en évidence,…
7 votes -
make wake comparable with all app radio versions please
make wake comparable with all app radio versions please
2 votes -
Afrikaanse voice guide
Afrikaanse stem begeleiding
2 votes -
Return button after trip
When you reach your destination have a little subtle button coming up that will re route to where you left from.
9 votes -
I have had no contact and my Waze has been blank for over a month. Sad that you care so little about your "Wazers". Don't waste your time
I have had no contact and my Waze has been blank for over a month. Sad that you care so little about your "Wazers". Don't waste your time - I'll just uninstall Waze and move on. Plenty of other nav apps out there. Thanks for nothing.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Eli Hakim
Hello to you
Driver uses a lot of application, lodged in a situation that I sometimes there is no satellite reception, but I'm not aware of that, because there is no audible alarm that.
A situation that I was going in accordance with the voice guidance of the app, as long as no other guidance I go straight ... but what happens to that directive because there is no satellite reception, and I do not know about it and go straight and wrong way ?? If I was told that nobody had a voice warning satellite reception, I2 votesThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Hello, I just went on a very long road trip. Your app is awesome! You do know it's going to die in one to two years righy? ereqis@gmail.com
You are a dying app. I know several ways to get you're upgraded and sell this app before it becomes a thing of the past you really have to sell this in a year or two because car manufactured are already integrating you app as standard. I know several things
They have not come up with. I'll tell you for a small intellectual free, but you do not have long to sell this app.
Arboroneinc@icloud.com1 vote -
Nome da via pela qual transita
Seria muito útil se o nome da via pela qual estamos transitando, quando não há uma rota definida, aparecesse de forma clara.
É uma função útil para entregadores, taxistas, policiais e bombeiros.2 votes -
En Montevideo me manda a girar hacia calles flechadas, no toma en cuenta los semáforos, no entiendo cómo en el resto del mundo funciona bien
En Montevideo me manda a girar hacia calles flechadas, no toma en cuenta los semáforos, no entiendo cómo en el resto del mundo funciona bien. Además está todo el tiempo tapando la pantalla con publicidad, justo cuando uno va manejando y no tiene tiempo de ponerse a despejarla. POR AHORA ME PARECE UNA PORQUERÍA, PERO EN MI TRABAJO TENGO QUE USARLO IGUAL. DEBERÍA DARLES VERGÜENZA. Las personas pueden accidentarse, en fin, si tuviese frente a mí al desarrollador, le diría muchas más cosas a la cara.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
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