Waze Suggestion Box
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17364 results found
Current street at top of map
The map is great, especially after improvements with Android Auto. I only wish the current street you are traveling was on the top of the map. It would be of great assistance
1 vote -
"Not there" option for all incidents on route clickable, not just on alerts
When on route, when there are multiple reports and alerts for police or cars on a side of road it only alerts you of only one, there others sometimes are just missed to click the "not there" option and the alert stays there for others. You should be able to click the report and show the "not there" option all times, not just the like button.
1 vote -
Speed bump notification not working well
I am using Waze for navigation and speed bumbs notifications not appeard on my screen while navigating while it is working well with other users using the same route and at the same time, I suggest to solve this issue if other users face the same issue, and I suggest to make the speed bumbs notifications works even if I use the same way multiple times in the day.
1 vote -
Wybór kilku marek stacji paliw
Chciałbym zasugerować wprowadzenie drobnej aktualizacji w Państwa aplikacji, która byłaby bardzo pomocna dla użytkowników. Mianowicie ułatwieniem w korzystaniu z funkcji nawigacji aplikacji Waze byłoby wprowadzenie możliwości wyboru w ustawieniach aplikacji kilku marek stacji paliw, a nie jak jest to obecnie tylko jednej lub wszystkich. Z góry dziękuję za uwzględnienie sugestii.
1 vote -
Hello Wave, is it possible to switch scibd to Everand, since the audio books don't play on scribd
1 vote -
No entiendo un navegador gps en el que la información te impide navegar. Los nombres de las calles me impiden ver la ruta a seguir.
No alcanzo a comprender quien puede diseñar un navegador gps en el que la información te impide navegar.
Los nombres de las calles no son tan importantes a la hora de conducir.
Los avisos de nombres de calle impiden ver la ruta a seguir en la ciudad.
Podrían dar la opción de desactivarlos al menos.1 vote -
Speedometer Calibration
I’ve noticed a consistent discrepancy between the speed shown in your app and the actual speed displayed on my car’s speedometer. For instance, when I’m driving at 120 km/h, the app shows 115 km/h. I’ve tested this across multiple vehicles, and the gap of about 5 km/h seems consistent.
Could you please consider adding an option in the app to adjust or calibrate the speedometer reading? This would help users ensure more accurate speed tracking while driving.1 vote -
Drop my own Pins while driving - Much like reporting a hazard - So I can look them up later
When I'm driving I often see houses for sale or other interesting things I wish i could look up when I got home. Or maybe I am a business owner who roofs homes, and i see a bad roof, i want to reach out to the owner later.. An easy way for me to save a location to my account for later review would be awesome. It would have to be easy and quick like reporting a road hazard or police. Just saves to my Waze account.
1 vote -
Tenir compte de la hauteur d'un VL ( hauteur pouvant aller jusqu'à 2,50 m) mais certaines autoroute maximum 2 m
Avoir la possibilité de régler la hauteur de son véhicule pour permettre de mieux choisir un itinéraire.
2 votes -
Leave early for calendar event
Calendar integration for planned drives is cool and I use it a lot — it would be even better if I could specify that I want to aim to arrive to an event X minutes early without having to set up a separate planned drive.
1 vote -
Routine route driving
As a route driver, i would like to see routes for routine purposes and be able to add multiple locations to a single drive into waze. This would show best routes to go to a routine drive.
2 votes -
Exit Waze when disconnecting from Apple CarPlay
I love Waze for longer journeys, using it with Apple CarPlay. But I don't need it for popping to the shops - i.e. most daily journeys.
However the App starts up on my phone every time I get in the car regardless, and then continues running even after I get out. It really drains my phone battery. I have to remember to close it manually. I can't find a way to stop this behaviour - it is a real pain.
I'm sure it wasn't always like this, but this means I have had to disable Waze on my CarPlay setup.
4 votes -
Distance between two places
Please add an option to view distance between two places like in google maps. Idk why this feature isn't there till now.
1 vote -
I want to stop having flags with street names on the map. I have the name of the next street at the top of the page.
I want to stop having flags with street names on the map. I have the name of the next street at the top of the page.
2 votes -
Show route turns on landscape and portrait mode
The upcoming turn-by-turn directions would populate in landscape mode not too long ago. Now, it only shows a zoomed out version of the map. Why would anyone not want directions like they do in portrait mode? This was an awful update which caused me to nearly have three accidents in my vehicle without CarPlay. I have had to resort to Apple Maps and google maps because Waze appears to care more about voices and cool features instead of functionality!
1 vote -
Less restrictions for map editors
It is absolutely insane that map editors still have to ask the reporter for the exact street and cross street to complete edit requests and map updates! I have been a member since 2009 and I still can not ever remember specifics because I have a life outside of making Waze reports and notations. Also, the “navigation history” which map editors refer you to, does not have every turn. Please fix this so that users will want to report more instead of just getting frustrated.
2 votes -
Zou het mogelijk zijn om een bus/truck toe te voegen als vervoersmodi. Dit uiteraard met de mogelijkheid om gelimiteerde wegen te vermijden. Uiteraard dient men de afmetingen van hun eigen voertuig in te geven.
2 votes -
Shortcut to switch car types in iOS
It would ve nice to have an shortcut on apple to change car type quickly. As someone who drives a taxi and private cars and switch a lot. Maybe integrate it to apple shortcuts app or make it bluetooth connection dependable so it switches automatically when connected to a designated bluetooth source
1 vote -
Show the type of place category on the place information screen
Currently Wae does not show the name/type of category a place belongs to when viewing the information screen. This should be included e.g Movie theater, Restaurant etc
10 votes -
Traduzir esta página de Ajuda e comentários
A página inicial de Ajuda e comentário não está totalmente em português, isso dificulta muito o uso do usuário da página
1 vote
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