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17364 results found

  1. Report when you stopped driving

    It is difficult to report while driving because the menu is complex. So I wanna report afterwards when I stopped driving: tap on the map and report what was going on there

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  2. Please create a persistent mode for speed limit warning

    Firstly, I have to say that I am not prepared to use another navigation app other than Waze, you guys rock!

    I often drive in areas where I do not know the speed limit. I use the "Alert when speeding" option all the time and rely on it heavily to stay within the required limit. The current functionality gives me an audible alert when I exceed the limit but it is just one sound. Speeding is not just when you drive too fast but also often happens when you enter an area where the limit is suddenly reduced from e.g.…

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  3. turn not allowed for next turn on carplay

    When the turn I need to make is not available, I should be able to say "turn not available" in the edits while using carplay.
    There isn't a need to be able to edit multiple streets, just the turn Waze is asking for because I need to be able to be re-directed in a foreign area.

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  4. Exit numbers to roundabouts & slip-roads

    Add exit numbers for roundabouts and sliproads on moterways & A Roads

    Ie: O 2nd Exit - roundabout
    Exit: 3a - moterways

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  5. Rendre disponible la voix Fifa 23 (Omar Da Fonseca et Benjamin Da Silva) en Belgique et pourquoi pas les pays francophones !

    Nous sommes nombreux, comme en atteste les divers commentaires sur les réseaux sociaux, à vouloir profiter des instructions vocales données par Omar Da Fonseca et Benjamin da Silva en dehors des frontières de la France métropolitaine. Serait-il possible de rendre cette voix disponible en Belgique ?

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  6. Plan trip

    plan trips, inserting stops (places, cities, roads, intersections), waypoints, points on the map, points from coordinates, etc.

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  7. Let’s get apple podcasts on Waze for long trips

    Just have apple podcasts work like audible audio books on Waze display.

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    0 comments  ·  Map display  ·  Admin →
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  8. symbol roundabout

    Hi developers,

    I'm a passionate Waze user and love it very much. I got a new car now where I can mirror my handy on the car monitor/entertainment system. On the head up display the symbol for a roundabout is always the same, a circle with the arrow around and the exit number in it. For me, wearing glasses, this is very hard to read while the number is so small. Even on the entertainment monitor, the symbol (a circle with the entry number in it) is sometimes hard to read when the sun is shining on the monitor.

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  9. black car icon

    I have a black chrysler 300 and would love just any black car icon but there isn't one. There is a car in all colors except black.

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  10. Please, Please Stop The Waze Carpool Popup! It’s so dangerous! The Carpool Popups has almost gotten me into several accidents.

    Please, before someone gets killed! Please put the Waze Carpool popup in settings for people that are not going to Carpool. Your Stupid Carpool popup has popped up right when a turn is coming up or a route change. The Waze Carpool popup comes up, COVERING MUCH NEEDED INFORMATION JUST BEFORE A TURN! I have to quickly react and swipe the IOS phone to quickly Get Rid Of The Carpool popup so I know which way to turn. While I’m doing that, MY EYES AREN’T ON THE ROAD. Seriously, I’ve almost had two accidents because of Your Stupid Waze Carpool…

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  11. Indications too big

    Indications are too big in Apple Car Play. Add font/zoom setup on options.

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  12. Distinguer routes de terre et routes goudronnées

    Il serait bon de distinguer les chemins de terre et les routes goudronnées ou de rajouter comme type de véhicule 4x4, tracteur, camionnette ou camping-car; car Waze calcule parfois des itinéraires plus rapides en nous faisant passer par des chemins accessible seulement en 4x4 ou en tracteur. C'est dangereux et souvent on ne peut plus faire demi-tour. En plus parfois on ne gagne même pas de temps à avoir pris ce raccourci du coup! Il faudrait pouvoir faire un signalement "cette route n'est accessible que pour: et lister les types de véhicules différents"

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  13. Radares

    Inclusão de radares moveis, polícia ou blitz.

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  14. Please Add the Macedonian Language ASAP

    Please add the Macedonian language to waze. Waze seems to have a dozen obscure languages available, but not Macedonian that is widely used in Europe Turkey Canada America and especially Australia.

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  15. Notifier sens inverse

    Il serait super intéressant de pouvoir notifier un accident ou un embouteillage ou encore d’autre chose au sens inverse de notre trajet. Cela pourrait aider car nous pouvons voir des choses en premier et avertir des personnes d’un accident ou un grand bouchon etc..

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  16. Ajude os carreteiros brasileiros criem rotas para carretas e permita baixar o mapa offline deixo aqui minha idéia esperando que vejam .

    Crie rotas para carretas e permita baixar o mapa para que ele funcione offline já que no Brasil muitos lugares não há sinal espero que levem a sério minha idéia e agradeço desde já.

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  17. Vocal command for the Current Speed Limit

    You should be able to vocally ask Waze "What's the speed limit" and have Waze both audibly tell you the current speed limit as well as show it full screen for a few seconds, before returning to the previous mode.

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  18. South African English voices

    Please add South African English to the voices. I prefer to hear the terms robot instead of traffic lights and traffic circle instead of round about because it is just lekker.

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  19. j'aimerai bien que l'on agrandisse le cercle avec la vitesse réelle çà serait mieux pour la sécurité

    j'aimerai que l'on agrandisse le cercle avec la vitesse réelle au moin2x plus grand car c'est beaucoup trop petit URGENT svp

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  20. Estacionamento por Voz

    Quando estivermos chegando ao destino, o Waze poderia perguntar por áudio "Deseja encontrar o estacionamento mais próximo?" E o motorista responder "SIM" por voz para não precisar tirar as mãos do volante.

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