Waze Suggestion Box
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17364 results found
Missing all the zodiac signs
Where is Gemini?
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in landscape mode, a lot of text obscures the display
the bottom bar is too thick
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Having issues with latest update
Having an issue with the latest update:
1. When playing music and getting directions at the same time, when the song changes the song change notification covers the directions (things like the next turn and how much further) used to be below the directions. Not cool
2. Waze refuses to recognize that I'm on the HOV when starting a new destination. Consequently, all future directions are invalid due to an incorrect starting point. And it never updates or recognizes that I'm on the HOV.
3. Refuses to navigate via certain roads, even if I've avoided all other paths given. When…1 vote -
Add option to download Google Maps since you trashed Waze.
Just put a link on the map to download Google Maps, unless you are planning to fix Waze.
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Flechas Indicadoras de Carril en reporte de accidentes o Vehiculos Detenidos
Deberia incorporarse únicamente en los reportes de eventos como accidentes y vehiculos detenidos la opción de 3 flechas para indicar el carril en el cual se presenta el accidente, es decir, al momento de seleccionar la opción de accidente mostrar 3 opciones igual que lo hace la de trafico, y en ellas mostrar el icono de accidente junto con una flecha izquierda ⬅️ otra con flecha central ⬆️ y otra con flecha derecha➡️ asi podremos indicar con una sola opción en que carril esta el accidente, esto es de gran ayuda ya que ayuda a evitar el carril obstruido con…
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voltar com a opção de combustivel, modo offline para quando a gente quiser sinalizar trajeto ruim e depois publicar online
App muito bom Porém da erro quando a gente quer viajar pra outro país da América do Sul, poderia voltar com a opção do combustivel. E um modo offline para salvar quando a gente precisa alertar de travego ruim e da erro por causa de rede.
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Request to update the Eliška voice
It would be great if the synthesized voice could be updated, so that it sounds less robotic.
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Colaboration with local Road operator DARS in Slovenija. In order to get informations about road work in advance.
If you need contact person from Slovenia to conect with you and give you informations, what is planed, please contact me.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Navigatiescherm behouden bij inkomend telefoongesprek
Beste, Bij inkomend telefoonoproepen, verdwijnt het navigatiescherm. Hoe kan dat voorkomen worden? Mvg marc
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מספרי בניינים ברחוב הרב טולידנו בירושלים אינם נכונים
מספרי בניינים ברחוב הרב טולידנו בירושלים אינם נכונים
נא לעדכן המספרים של הבניינים, כי ווייז לוקח אנשים לבנין הלא נכון1 voteAdminElla (Waze Team) (Admin, Waze) responded
What's in my city?
Having an option on app called what's in my city? Will benefit local people as well as for traveller to know about public events(culture, workshop, events, )Will be a great for anyone to increase their social network.
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Please make a TANK for car icon to memorial 4/6/1989 Tin On Mum issues in China.
Please make a TANK for car icon to memorial 4/6/1989 Tin On Mum issues in China.
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Es wäre schön wenn man nach der Adresse auch das routenprofil ändern könnte… also z.B. Autobahn vermeiden an oder aus stellen
Es wäre schön wenn man nach der Adresse auch das routenprofil ändern könnte… also z.B. Autobahn vermeiden an oder aus stellen
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Improve the UI
- Speed Camera/Hazard/Red Light Cam pop up is too big & obscures lane navigation. Make it smaller! This is particularly detrimental when lane change is close to the speed cam and driver can't see the lane guidance
- After passing speed/red light camera, why the 10sec delay showing the warning? Not useful at all. Just a small icon will do, why take up precious screen space
- Can't close the speed cam/hazard pop up as the cursor keeps defaulting back to Search icon (I use a navigation dial on my Audi, which does not have touch screen interface). As it keeps blocking the…
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Removing a road from the route
When you put in a destination, Waze only shows three options. Pick one and then you can see the details on the navigation list. There are times that you simply don’t want to get on a specific road for whatever reason, so it would be great to be able to swipe and delete a particular road in the list, and have Waze redirect accordingly. Another app I use has this feature and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve used it. Would be nice to have Waze do the same.
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Toggle current road to current town
There are many times as I drive through different states, that I want to know what town I’m currently in. Copilot, another GPS program, allows you to tap on the arrow (your location) and the display would toggle between current road and current town. This is especially useful when notifying a friend your location, or looking for a hotel/food.
Thanks!1 vote -
Voz femenina en idioma catalan.
Sugiero poder disponer de una voz femenina en idioma catalan
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Federer en español
La voz de Federer en español
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apple carplay
Waze does not display routes when connected to Apple Carplay so I wrote them and asked for assistance and they said nothing to fix the problem. Here is my response.
Thanks for the email but this is exactly why Google is so frustrating sometimes. You write back this is the way Waze is intended to work. How could that be? Waze allows you to choose alternative routes and then the app doesn't display the 3 choices on the phone or the Apple Carplay screen? or is this how Waze gets out of it because the phone is connected to apple…
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Jó lenne, ha lennének elmenthető járműprofilok
A nap folyamán többféle járműtípust vezetek és jó lenne, ha az útdíj jogosultságokat el lehetne hozzájuk menteni. Például országos matricája van a cégautónak, a saját autómnak megyei matricája, a motort máshogy optimaliza a Waze, amihez megint másik matrica tartozik.
1 vote
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