Please, give us an option for caravan, camping-car and big véhicule, to have large and cool road !!!!
I have a big old caravan, ad sometimes, road are not ridding easy with it.
It's possible to have an option like motorway or not, for ridding cool and secure with big and large truck, caravan or camping-car?

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Lindsay commented
Add an option to add a trailer or camper to your drive. This way if there are certain roads you can’t go down it won’t give you that road as an option. Ex: a traffic jam happens and you go an alternate route. Sometimes it gives you roads only accessible by a car. This needs to change.
Charles Thompson commented
AND SPORTS CAR! The best sports car routes are twisty and off the beaten track.
Oliver J. Wilcockson commented
Please be the ***first*** to correctly calculate the arrival time, based on the max possible speed of the vehicle in the user defined profile!!! Please...!!!
Suzette Schonfeldt commented
Can you add type of vehicle is use for the route. Trucks is using routes that is dangerous. Especially when the hill is to steep to go up. This will cause the truck to be unable it go up and will cause a accident by jack knicing.
Lupo volante commented
Strange that it is not the most voted request! especially from the thousands of truck drivers.
that they use another navigator for their vehicles? -
Ricardo Garcia Caravaca commented
I love the idea, and I need it! Please work on it!! We need to use our favourite GPS with our caravan!
Michael Dance commented
Be nice for delivery van drivers like myself
Benjamin Wilson commented
I drive into london for work and very often Waze tells me to go through the Rotherhithe tunnel and sometimes other routes but my van is above the 2 Ton limit. I would like Waze to have an option so it knows my van is 3.5 Tons and it won't take me on routes which I shouldn't be on.
OLIVER commented
Je souhaite gérer le gabarit de mon véhicule, et éviter de le scalper sous des ponts et tunnels.
Merci. -
Jerry commented
Please add option for buses and kartę vehicles, transport cara, lorries and option to write custom parameters od vehicles. IT shoild be available even as paid sunscripton
Rob Ferguson commented
A lot of us in the ambulance service use Waze to help us through busy traffic in London and other cities... but as the app is generally car-specific, it often routes via low bridges, width restrictions, Rotherhithe Tunnel, and will guide you through housing estates, minor lanes, etc., to save a few minutes of traffic. For this reason, I tend to use Sygic Truck in preference to Waze, especially for blue light runs... You're missing out on a lot of users, both service and commercial, because we can't have vehicle-specific routes in Waze
Tammy Perkins commented
I would really like to see Waze offer a vehicle option for a truck towing a trailer (i.e. horse trailer). That makes a big difference when traveling and what routes to take. I unfortunately have had Waze lead me astray when pulling the trailer and ended up downtown in a city with the trailer! Ugh - not good!
umopapisdn commented
i've always thought this would fit well with the new Permanent Hazard framework that's being rolled out. I understand how Waze does not want the liability associated with support for commercial vehicles, but my implementation would simply be for advance notification, not for full route planning.
ageoio commented
I agree with adding large vehicles, but I think it is a matter of cost and time. If large vehicles are willing to pay the fee, Waze might consider it. The current easy way to do this is to have Waze add a passport in the passport that allows or does not allow depending on height!
Pietro Ugazio commented
Sarebbe davvero magnifico se si potesse selezionare le dimensioni del veicolo es. Camper o auto etc. In modo da evitare ponti bassi o strade troppo strette.
Niels Sorensen commented
I wouldn’t mind paying for an opinion like “camper” or “truck” where height limits may be added. Only real alternative to Waze is Sygic and as I have no other alternative, I’m stuck with that piece of **** software. Please, please consider adding height. You cannot imagine how many low bridges there are in Europe.
Piotr commented
Please don't make camper users go to other apps.
WAZE can be an nav for bigger cars - maybe not for biggest trucks but vans like Sprinter, Ducato - well...At the moment when Im driving my Sprinter I have to switch to OSMAnd (it works but it's not WAZE).
Andy Green commented
Love Waze but would love option to put size of vehicle so it can plan your trip taking into account your vehicle size and weight have a motor home then your app would be the go to app for all come on Waze
Jason Parker commented
Considering other sat navigation and apps are offering height width and length calculations in their apps, I fill you guys should be up to speed. Looking into other apps. When happy I will leave waze. Not by choice but by function.
Bernardo commented
We should have the option to choose wich kind of vehicle we drive. Car, bus, trucks...
There are routes that bigger vehicles don't pass.