Tracking stop signs and stop lights
In addition to "Difficult intersection" it would be very handy for two features:
1) Waze's map to record if there are stop signs (2, 4 way), and lights at an intersection. This would (hopefully) include separate turn signals; some intersections are VERY difficult to turn left at even with a light, for example.
2) A setting for navigation (in the app) for "Avoid unguarded turns/intersections". This would then allow a driver to NOT have to turn left across 6 lanes of traffic, for example, as the app would know there was no light at that crossing (or even going directly across).
3) In addition, a mode for "During rush hour" would be handy for both this and the 'avoid difficult intersections'. Such turns are fine at 1:00am, impossible at 5:00pm.
Now, this sounds like it may present a lot more options, thus confusing some drivers, but if you've ever had the joy of dozens of street turns during rush hour in LA or other severely congested area, you could see it would become life-preserving.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Shivaa Avula commented
This feature is available in Google Maps.
Rich commented
Show upcoming stoplights on route display. It helps to find a location and know when to turn in unfamiliar areas. I switch to Apple Maps often just for this feature.
Aven commented
Show traffic lights on the map along your route for easier navigation.
Ismael Leon commented
6 years later waze's team have not satisfied their users, with such an important function
Larryhayes7 commented
We get so many UR's from drivers reporting stop lights and signs this would reduce those types of UR's plus Google Maps has that feature. Why not import that information into Waze?
John Pavone commented
Traffic lights and Stop signs is a feature I like very much on Maps. I do like all the other Waze apps features better. Adding Traffic Lights and Stop Signs would be a game changer and there would be no reason to use any other app.
Shobha Chokshi commented
Traffic lights on waze!
James Barber commented
Traffic lights are on every other app, why not this one?
Sohrab commented
Please show traffic lights and stop signs on the map as it’s convenient to plan the turns ahead.
Eric Larson commented
A lot
Rom commented
This a great suggestion! I love Waze but on Maps (iOS), the traffic lights and stop sign are displayed on the map, it helps greatly the navigation process.
Aldo gutierrez commented
Just like Google maps, it'd be great if the traffic lights and stop signs are shown on Waze for Google Auto
Ayuri commented
Pls add traffic lights symbols on the map and include them for ETA calculation.
Cities in Japan have a lot of traffic lights that affect ETA. It would be very helpful if these features are added. -
Ben Zaja commented
This needs to be done! It busy cities without multiple turn offs, in streets or highways it helps to identify the intersection ect when you can see the traffic light on the map.
Berke commented
You should definitely add traffic lights and stop signs to the map. If possible, there should be radar and speed cameras on the streets. If you do these, your number of users will increase significantly.
nazir balkhi commented
Add please stop sign and traffic light
Michael J. Rodriguez (Mike) commented
For more information. They use mapbox
Michael J. Rodriguez (Mike) commented
I work with Amazon delivery. And their GPS are awesome. They have traffic light symbol, stop sign and locations number (house, office building number) that would help us when navigating and identified when to turn after traffic light or stop sign symbols. If they did it. You can do it too. That would help us alot for wazers!
Victor Smedley commented
Please add the stop sign and traffic lights options like in google maps or Apple Maps. Personally I don’t use Waze when I’m in cities because it makes difficult to understand roads you don’t know in cities without the traffic lights and stop signs on the map
Giuseppe commented
Insert traffic lights, stop signs and one-way icons on the roads of my route. Report in gray if the road sign is not on my route - report in color if the road sign is on my way