Commute Mode
I would love to be able to set up a commute with stops. Maybe ask a few questions like:
How many stops do you have on your commute (kid drop off, passenger pick up for carpooling, coffee)?
Does your destination ever change? Be able to have different commute profiles.
Then ask how long you are at each stop normally.
If it is the normal route, then it will only warn you of traffic slows or hazards.
Bonus- If I am running late, set up someone to notify, husband or daycare provider ect.

Great thinking! We’ll share with the team; they’re always interested in new feature ideas.
Yuval commented
An option to add several stops on the way (and not only one).
Rodney Yates commented
Please do not vote for this instead vote for the multistop feature. -
Rodney Yates commented
Please do not vote for this instead vote for the multistop feature. -
Alex Chaves commented
Possibilidade de adição de dois ou mais pontos de paradas em uma rota.
Tonya commented
It would be helpful to have the option to choose "along" route, as well as "near you" in the add a stop menu item. Right now it only shows "around" you and that can be confusing when traveling and not knowing the area. Along route would help people not to have to back track to a needed stop. Thanks
Anonymous commented
Add more than one stop, I have multiple addresses to go to and being able to input all of them and get an overall view of the route would be hugely effective and efficient.
Alvar Põldeots commented
Suggest work/home trip WITH a stop between. (school/kindergarten)
Every morning waze guesses that i'm going to work. Indeed. But every morning i must click "add stop" and pick nursery/kindergarten.
And every evening the process is the same. Going home? Yes. And then "add stop".
Juvescent Joys commented
unmentioned by Andrea is a two fold itenerary plan pairing this routing idea with the waypoints idea cited within for a better user directed experience WITH crowd benefits
veriloquous seems to think like an engineer: compartmentalization
Andrea Roher commented
There are several similar ideas... I like all of them, but separately, they will not likely get enough votes to succeed.
Bollo commented
Should be allowed to add a stop (for now you can only final destination) by selecting directly on the map .. would be very handy to have this opportunity if for example I want him to make a path that passes through a certain area.
Then what in my opinion wrong from the beginning and useful imposed a route then selecting Add a stop should have the option to select it on the map or otherwise, in any other way, once you load the route if I select a point on the map with the drop would be better if one of the "More" and select "stop" chooses that point as the stop and not as the end point and then add a new stop.
Instead I can only enter an exact address as an option and is often reductive -
sdcacar commented
While in Navigation mode when you have two destinations using the Add a Stop feature - when Waze determines that you have arrived at your destination, the app displays a bubble dialog basically with the [b]next[/b] destination address and I believe the countdown timer. Please have it display the address that you just arrived at, with a button that says Next Stop or similar and no countdown timer.
This is because for example you arrive at a condo or townhouse complex, or an office-style strip mall where each business entrance is not well marked with big signs like a retail strip mall usually has, and Waze determines that you have arrived at your destination and displays the final destination address in the dialog box, and after the countdown timer, just begins providing directions to the next address.
The problem is the user may still need to drive around a bit to truly arrive at the destination, and need to glance at the screen and see the address the user 'just arrived at' but is still searching for, and the user doesn't need to see the final destination address displayed yet, much less have the directions start announcing how to get to the final destination. Very irritating! :lol:
It would be a huge improvement to display the current address arrived at with a 'Next Stop' button and [b]with-out[/b] countdown timer so that the user determines when Waze continues directions to the final destination. With the 'Next Stop' button feature, when the user presses it, Waze could go into the familiar Dialog box with the next address or business name displayed with the ETA and Miles and buttons for Cancel / Routes / Go count down timer.
Currently using Waze on iPhone 5 with iOS 6.0
Jakes_RSA commented
When entering a destination, I would like to add a via point (second destination) on route to the final destination, or even multiple destinations. When traveling to my holiday destination, I like visiting interesting places on route, but I don't always know in which order to visit them, or which will be the best routes to take.
bz2012 commented
This probably should be posted in
rather than here. -
Renán Díaz commented
I love the feature of adding stops in the way, I was looking forward this feature, try with other apps but none of them had this. Now that Waze has finally got this feature I guess is easier for you to add multistop instead of only one, and of course it would be nice if waze gets on "pause" while in a stop
robertv36 commented
Waypoints would be quite helpful, especially since I have to drop off my kids in the morning at two different locations while driving to work, then do the reverse when I'm picking up and heading home.
EcoBooster commented
Great idea. Could help the program to "learn" more quickly my preferred routes.
som1else commented
Yes, Waze should have the ability to set at least one waypoint, but would love to have more.
James_Patageul commented
it would be great if you could setup a destination then add one or more "go through" waypoint.